Based on actual events, Voiceless tells the story of Salma and Goni; one was captured and forced to work for the insurgents as a skilled mechanic, the other was kidnapped along with other girls from her school to serve and drive home the agenda of their abductors.
For decades, in a remote community in southwestern Nigeria, pregnant women go missing every 10 years. They disappear never to be seen again; a mystery that has never been understood.
Pregnant Ebere is transferred to the village as a doctor and soon gets enmeshed in the mystery and secrets that threaten to destroy her world.
In the midst of the betrayals and suspicions that make up the abductors camp, they find love, strength, and the will to survive and escape back to the life they were taken away from.
Back in the real world, they face another battle which is the acceptance of their love and marriage by Salma’s parents who have rejected the condition in which she returns back home. In the end, their love will pay the ultimate sacrifice for survival.
- Keywords
- Release DateNovember 6, 2020
- Languages
- Countries