E-Condolence Register
Born on the 15th of May 1974 in Ajegunle, a suburb in Lagos Nigeria, Ada Grace Ameh had the will to defy the odds of her humble beginnings and make a successful life and career out of her situation. Though early childbirth slowed down the process and in many ways shaped her outlook in life, she was determined not to let it slow her down.
In the year 1996, Nigeria and Africa was introduced to the vivacious character Anita in the award winning Nollywood flick Glamour girls and since then, this legendary screen diva never looked back.
With a repertoire of Nollywood movies spanning two decades, Ada cemented her status as a screen icon when she clinched the role of the doting and out spoken Emuakpor Johnson on the multi award winning Africa Magic commissioned family sitcom The Johnsons, a role she has reprised for 11 seasons, putting smiles on the faces and in the homes of her teeming fans as Emuakpor Johnson, by being a source of laughter, entertainment and joy to millions of people.
On the 17th of July 2022, the Idoma Benue State native took a final curtain call and exited the stage that is life. She will be fondly remembered for her immense contributions to the film industry in particular and the Nigerian entertainment industry in general.
Nmoo Gb’ochi Ada, your race is done.
1,925 Tributes
We miss you so much emuakpor hope you’re as happy as you made us watching the Johnson with you in in and I hope you’re dancing with your daughter and being happy
Miss you forever ma
Tears dropped from my eyes, when I heard of your demise. Whenever, I see your picture I still cry. You were such an amazing woman who always make me to watch The Johnson series, because it makes me happy whenever I watch that program . You were an amazing actress notwithstanding not been able to meet with you. May your good and gentle soul rest in peace. Aunty Ada. Amen
I have watched you on TV while growing up till date…. You were everything and More… Continue to rest in the bossom of the Lord ma’am… May God give your family and friends the strength to bear this GREAT Loss💔💔
It is impossible to forget you Madam Ada, you selflessly made us smile despite everything going on in your life. I guess you had to go because you are an Angel, you don’t belong to this world. Rest easy Mama. It still feels unreal but we will get used to it and make do with the memories. Goodnight Angel.
May the good Lord who knows best accept your soul. We will miss you, Ada.
💔💔💔our emu😭 we’ll miss you
You kept putting smiles on our faces despite the challenges you were going through. May the Lord accept your soul and grant you eternity. My family and i miss you so much. The Johnsons is our everyday family program.
You will forever live in our hearts ♥️
Emuuuu as my mom would fondly call you, tbh I haven’t felt any celebritie’s death the way I felt yours. Watching the Johnsons show is almost difficult knowing you’re no more. But I trust God you’re in a better place, everyone had a good thing to say about you which makes you a wonderful woman. May you RIP, you’re in a more better place with no pains and worries 🕊 ❤️
Aunty Ada, you were a good woman, I loved your movie 30 days in Atlanta you made me smile so much 😊, I pray Your soul rest with the lord🙏 Rest well Aunt!!!
I don’t even know what to say. But like St. Paul, you have fought the food fight, now you have to rest. May God bring you to peace. Sleep well Legend.
Madam Ada, May God grant you eternal rest. You brought joy and laughter to all through the Johnsons programmed and I will personal miss the funny acts and your shouts of akpo… God bless you till forever
May the almighty father grant her soul enteral rest🙏🏾
Emoakpor, obviously words fail me. Just the way you fill the atmosphere with laughter and every fun. May joy fill your soul in heaven. I know God loves you more. Say hello to JESUS, it’s well with you. No more pain.
I don’t know how I’m just finding out about this, your death dear Ada has broken me, every time I come across anything that concerns you I’m moved to tears, you reminded me of my late mom in so many ways so your death struck something again in me. Rest In Peace dear Ada I wish I could do something to bring you back……
You have fought a good fight of faith😭
Rest on Rest on
Your legacies lives on😭
Rest on
Rest well Madam Ada Ameh
Continue to sleep in the bosom of the Lord Ada. You brought light, joy and laughter to many. You will forever be missed.
God bless your sweet soul. Amen 🙏❤️
I didn’t get to spend enough time with you but your death broke my heart💔 Rest in paradise❤️
May the angels of Heaven welcome u home smoothly. I miss u u already Aunty Ada the whole world 🌎 miss u already our darling Aunty. Rest in perfect peace me mama.
Death inevitable and no one knows when it will come knocking…..
But it isn’t the end but the beginning of another life….
Is really hard to say goodbye to u….u constantly put smile on our faces via entertainment especially @ Johnsons series ….
I will miss ur face dearly
Farewell anty ada may God grant you enternal rest…. till we meet to part no more ❤️❤️
God bless and rest your soul ma. You are love and I celebrate your impact and moments blessing us with quality entertainment. I will miss you! Rest on ma❤️
Sleep well icon. May the good lord grant you enternal rest. Thanks for put smiles on our faces even when you hard no joy. Rest in power.
You will sorely be missed Emuakpor Johnson. God rest your soul. Ur demise really got to me. May God grant is all the fortitude to bear your loss. Rest In Peace ma
Thank you for making me laugh, rest in peace aunty Ada
I will really miss ur acting ma I always enjoy ur program d Johnson’s anytime I didn’t see u in any episode I don’t like to watch that movie d day u died I shad tears because u are d same age with my mum at that point I know how important a mother is ever since then I never joke with my mum I prayed she will live long for me cos I can’t bear d pain of losing her we will miss u ma I will tears can bring u back u would have been back long time ago God knows best ur friend empress ejema will miss u dearly she is a very nice person rip to u ma
Rest on mama!
Your movies healed my winds in adulthood and childhood alike will miss you aunty . I love you
Rest easy Aunty Ada. Thank you for putting smiles on our faces.
We love you but God loves you most.
It is my prayer that God accepts your soul in his bosom and grant you eternal rest.
Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord! And let your perpetual light shine upon her.
Till we meet at Jesus’feet🕊️🕊️
We lost her, she played Emu naturally.
Condolences to everyone.
Oh Enenu😭😭😭this one really hurts differently but what can we possibly do? We give thanks to Almighty God for the life you lived and the lives you touched positively . You will remain forever in our hearts. May God grant your soul eternal rest❤️.
Thank you for your role in Nollywood
Not everyone can accept what life might engage you unexpectedly, she was that rare woman who impacted so many lives irrespective of the ugly situation surrounding her , i love you ada ameh, the only emu emu in the Johnson family forever, you would forever be remembered I
Ada I can only glorify God for you, the short life you lived made so much impact on on people especially your “Johnson’s” family . You stood for truth to the end. Eternal rest grant to her o Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace.
Rest In Peace of the Lord Jesus. Amen.
Ada!!!! You were the WOMAAAN!!! You were strong and you tried to live your best.
The two times we spoke were just awesome.
Rest in peace my dear, rest in peace. It is well with the family you left behind.
The Real old soldiers of the Johnson Family. I can’t stop loving her part and the way shw use to make me smile. May her gentle soul continue to rest in perfect peace . Rest Well Ada Amen 💔💔💔💔
So so sad you gave joy and laughter to the world but not sure you received same in return.. May be we would have still had you here with us… Wonder what Johnson family will be without Emuakpor… Continue to rest in perfect peace Ada…. It’s a shock to hard to bear
I love you Aunty Ada even though i didn’t get to meet you all through your Days on Earth .
Rest in peace ma
I’m sure you’re in a better place , a place far from pain, tears and agony
I love you Aunty Ada ❤️❤️❤️
Oh aunty Ada,,I will forever miss u in my screen. The laughter u bring to my face anytime I watch u on the johnsons is really amazing. Continue to rest with the Lord ma,u are forever in our hearts.Emu Johnson. I love you😍
I first saw her in the movie Aki and paw paw and fell in love with her character, then came Emuakpor !!! Making people smile despite the pain you were low key going through is a lesson for us all that no matter what you are going through, show a little kindness.
Ada, you came you saw and you conquered. May the Almighty grant you eternal rest
I’ve never met you but you blessed my screen with your presence and vibe. Your legacy wouldn’t be forgotten. I love you❤️
Am short of words Ada Ameh for the few times I have watch that u appears u so amazing 😍, I wish u live more longer than this.. I love u and I really miss you 😘😭😍😭😭
Rest On iconic Ade Ameh
Aunty Ada oh Emu how were you distant yet so close to heart ah I never felt such pain. You could have stayed a little longer at least to bless us more with those beautiful smiles. How could someone who felt so much pain put smiles on the faces of others. Your legacy will live on and you will forever be in my heart. We will miss you
Rest in Power Emu till Jesus comes.. Adieu!!!
Hey ma’am…I miss you from here
Thanks for all the memories you left for me…hope to meet you one day 📿🦋
Eternal Rest 💎
Still crying😭. Continue to rest in the Lord’s bossom…
We will miss you greatly. May the soul of Ada Ameh and the souls of all the faithful departed through tthe mercy of God rest in peace. Amen
Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her.
Aunty Ada! God bless your soul for putting a smile on the faces of all Nigerians. You’ll be greatly miss!
Rest in Paradise Ma’am. 🕊
Even though Our dear Ada Ameh was going through alot she tried in her own way to keep putting a smile on our face. She is a true hero and a model to my lovely niece. May her soul rest in peace
I have been a fan watching your movies from glamour girls,Aki and Paw and johnsons And followed you on IG. You have been such an inspiration and a joy to watch. Thank you for from laughter to the movie industry. No more suffering rest in peace aunty Ameh.
Ada Ameh may your soul rest in peace i don’t know you on person but i really loved you so much I loved your movie especially the Johnson’s i love you everything about you I’ll miss you greatly i feel so sad like i have lost one important member of my family when I’m yet to meet you in person you have a great impact this world you will be greatly missed I’ll love and remember you all your funny jokes and everything I have a strong pain in my heart right now rest on legend I’ll always love you
Aunty Adah! I didn’t know you on a personal level but your absence is definitely felt. I keep on crying like I lost a family member🥺 You were definitely a Mother to all and a fighter! At least the whole word can justify that for sure you’ll be in heaven making all Angels smile😩 I cry no more cause I know that ‘Truly Legends never die’ therefore I pray for your family and loved ones to take heart! It is well!😭🤧
Till we meet again Emu!🕊
Love you mama❤️
Rest in power Ada Ameh
We miss you 😢
May your soul continue to rest in perfect peace ma.
Ma, I have been a fan of the Johnson’s for a while now. How can I process the fact that there would be no more episodes with you in it. It’s so painful. I haven’t met you before but your death hit so hard. You will be greatly missed. Your legacy and impacts are still here. May God bless your soul and grant you peace. Rest easy ma. I love you.
If tears can bring you back I know by now you will be with us saying “how do I looku” 😃. I miss you. Rest in peace momma.
My childhood was fun watching you from our little screen back then..My siblings and I always tease our mom that she talks just like you and shouts just like you..Your death is a great loss to us and a gain in heaven..Rest on soldier 💪
Death came real too early mama but in all it’s well. Your death hurt differently mama 💔.I’ll miss u too much on my screen. Continue to rest in perfect peace till we meet to part no more.
Death came too early, but who are we to question God.. I will miss you my screen diva , the only person that makes me enjoy the famous tv program. Rest well Aunty Ada till the role is call up yonder 😢
Life is eternal and love is immortal,and death is only a horizon.
And a horizon is nothing save the limits of our sights. The life of one we love is never lost. Its influence goes on through all the lives it ever touched. For everything there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under Heaven. May the roads rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back, may the sunshine warm your face,
And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand. You’ll forever be remembered… Rest in perfect peace… Amen. 🙏
Rest in power Emuakpor Johnson. Thank you for the laughters and joy you brought to us. You will forever remain in our heart ♥️
Mama ,you are a great woman and a beautiful one at that ,I have always wish to see you in person if not to act with you but to take a picture instead because You are one of my best, eweleke😢my heart is full of tears ,you are the reason why I always leave my channel to 154 everyday by 8:30 ,a lucky lolo 😢😢😢😢😢my your lovely soul rest in perfect peace,amen
From your biggest silent fans clara
You’re truly a legend.. and Will continue to be remembered by us.. may your soul rest in the lord’s bissom.. see u on that day Legend🖤
May God grant your soul eternal rest🙏 I will miss seeing you on the screens but I’ll hold to the beautiful memories I have of you. Sleep well Mama 😭😭😭
You were an amazing woman, you graced our screens for years. I looked forward to watching The Johnsons every time cause of you.
Heaven has been blessed with another Angel.
Rest on Mama, you’ll never be forgotten.
May your soul continue to rest ma,you’re deeply miss
Rest In Peace
May her gentle soul rest in peace❤️
Emuakpor I really miss you ma may God rest your soul…….couldn’t hold back my tears when I heard of your demise,oo I wept so badly but who am I to question God.sun ree oo
We miss u so much mama 🥺rest in the hands of the lord 🕊💔 I love u mama emuakpor
LongLive ma,am God bless you 🙏
How I wish the news of your passing to glory was fake news. Rest in the blossom of the Lord.
The pain is too much. But, to me you still lives. I will always bask with the memories you left behind. Sleep well ma, till the resurrection morning.
Emuapor I and my family will miss you so much. Rest on in God’s bosom. Amen😭😭😭😭
Your legacy will still live madam Ada Ameh. The Johnsons will never be the same 😭. Rest in peace madam. You ran your race. Go well 😭😭😭😭
Your legacy will still live madam Ada Ameh. The Johnsons will never be the same 😭
Rest in peace to this wonderful being, tho I never got a chance to meet her one on one or even get to know her on a personal level.. But she is a good woman, mother, and sister.. It’s very rare to bear all the pain she had to go through and still smile through it all and not just that–she made Nigeria 🇳🇬 and the world smile.. That’s rare!!! Rest on!!!
Keep resting beautiful woman .
You made my childhood wonderful
It all feels surreal… I still check your Instagram page to ascertain your demise, hoping it’s all a dream. Keep resting mama. You’re so much loved😭😭
May her gentle soul Rest In Peace amen🙏🏾
Aunty Ada, watching the Johnsons every other night and hearing about your death made me realize once again that we’re all on a journey called life. I never met you personally but you brought smiles to my face. Watching your movies like Corner stone and my village people made me laugh hard. Thank you for always making us laugh and although you’re gone, you’re not forgotten.
The Johnsons will never be the same again. Rest on LEGEND!
That woman was everything on the Johnsons…I never met her but I wish I did..may her soul rest in perfect peace
Farewell ma you will be missed ❤️🙏
You have no replacement. your demise is very painful
You have no replacement and I am sure God knows this buthe has a better place for you. From the good old Nollywood films where you were mother to the iconic Aki and Paw Paw, to the contemporary series of the Johnson’s, you have ashown to be a great and indispensable talent. But we can’t question God cos He knows the best for us all. One thing is certain and I know it; you must be making angels laugh over there,.
I pray u rest in peace. Rest well Emuakpor Johnson
I’m short of words , but I know you’ll rest well in the blossom of our lord and Abraham. It’s still a shocking news , watching the tribute video of the Johnson family to Ada Amen , it was so touching , Rest In Peace Ada Ameh.
May you rest in the bosom of the lord God loves you and your family loves you we all do farewell and may you journey to a land without pain suffering and depression
Gone too soon 😢😢😢
I never knew you in person, but your death hurt me so badly as though we were really close.
You were so full of life and you put smiles on too many faces in this country and beyond.
I’m so sorry to hear about the kind of pain you had to go through during your lifetime. The pains are over right now and I really pray that God grants you eternal rest in his bosom.
Love you so much ma… But God loves you most.
Rest in perfect peace Ada Ameh a.k.a Emuakpor Johnson…
Farewell beautiful soul ❤️
God bless your soul ❤️ forever ❤️
She was one of the best,you and other members of Johnson family made my day every day
We will forever miss you
Sleep well anty
Mummy Emu🧡 Even though I never got to meet you in person, I experienced you in another dimension. When the news of your death came, some of my friends said I was the first person to come to mind. That’s how much I loved you🤍 I am comforted that you’re in a better place where you don’t need to worry or be in pains anymore. ILOVEYOU🥰💔👼 REST WELL MOMMY TO MANY CHILDREN🤍🙏
Dearest Ada, watching you this evening, I am reminded the vanity of life. Even in death,you still brought smile to my face. Go well Ada, you lived a good life. Rest in perfect peace.
I really wish they can say this is just a movie but unfortunately it real.
Thank you Aunty Ada for giving us wonderful content during your stay in this world, you touched so many lives by putting smiles on our faces ( on screen), everyone in my house knows Emu and re always using your lines Apor….
Journey well ma’am and may God grant your soul eternal rest.
Thanks for all the funny memories you gave us and all smile you put on our faces. You’re in a better place now. Rest in peace
Sense mama…keep resting till we meet to part no more
….we go try to dey do things correct as you always wanted …I love you Emuapkor
May your soul keep resting in peace
Aunty Ada….. thanks for keeping us glued to your tv show with laughter.
We miss you already but we know you are in a better place.
Continue to sleep with the Angels.
Love you.
Auntie Ada, you’ve been a source of happiness to millions of people all across the world. You transitioned into a legend along the years. You will definitely be missed and no one can replace you.
I pray you find eternal peace Auntie Ada.
RIP. Much love from Ghana.
May her soul fine solace in the lord’s bossom. The entertainment world missed u mama. My heartfelt sincere condolences to your bereaved family. A dieu 🙏🙏😭😭
Miss you madam ameh may God accept you in heaven
May her gentle soul rest in perfect peace
We have lost a great lady my condolences to the entire family and the Nollywood community
Emu, I’m sooo sorry I didn’t care as much as I should when you said you were depressed. I’m soo sorry I didn’t look or care when you lost your daughter. I honestly feel bad as a fan. I love you soo much Emu, haven’t seen you but these stories I’m hearing about your depression was really an eye opener. I hope you’re resting well. Watching the Johnsons would be very difficult but we move. I hope we meet in heaven. Rest In Peace Emu.
I am here again because I am not sure I can get used to this (your absence)… I still remember te first opportunity I had to see you, snap with you and converse with you in 2018 and the last where I did background player with you on set for days in 2021, ah! Mama, you were a total vibe, an absolute angel, even though something dey quick trigger you na so e dey quick pass…. e pain me sha, I am not sure I can watch the Johnson’s yet or even when I will be able to watch it knowing you will never show on there again…
God! You allowed it so all I can say is let your light guide her path. Rest well mama, we go see for front.
Akpor Nana!!!
I have nothing to say from the shock 🤦♂️
Hmmmm… May heaven accept your soul. Rest well ma.
It took me a very long time to write or say something since your death. I was a great fan tho a secret one but I love everything about you. Knowing that you’re from Benue (Idoma) was a plus….. May God grant you eternal rest in heaven. Amen! RIP Oyine kum
I call you big mummy because i love all your movie it really hurts me when i had that you’re no more i will always miss you no matter what big mummy Ada may your soul rest in peace I will always love you big mummy 😢😢😢😢😢
Dear Ada, you were a blessing to the whole world, you brought smiles on our faces, you made me laugh so hard, I love your drive, energy, how real you are. I pray God will bless you and your soul will rest in peace. I pray you are in a better place. I love you. Adieu🕊️🕊️
May God have mercy on you and grant you eternal rest madam.
I will miss seeing you on screen. God bless your soul. Rest In Peace.
Who are we to question God. Your death came as a big shock not only to Nigerians, but to the whole world. It’s really painful and hard to say Good bye. But God knows best. Rest on Great QUEEN.
I truly have no words
After the death of Kobe and Gigi Bryant, no other celebrity’s death has touched me like Ada Ameh’s.
Growing up, I wanted to act with you.
I would always shout “Akpor” with you during the show.
I loved you even more when you spoke about sylvester Oromoni.
After your death I am still in shock!
I worry about your best friend Empress and I adored you.
You fought ! I would know about your bravery because I have experienced first hand depression.
I wish you stayed longer.
Ada, every one misses you.
Truly, heaven robbed us of an angel.
Rest easy the ever smiling Ada Ameh.
I love you mama
Da alu
I’m just speechless,typing this tribute with tears in my eyes,I can watch Johnson’s over and over again just because of you,I don’t know how I will continue to watch it without you.God knows the the reason why he took you, on behalf of me and my family,we say continue to rest in the bossom of the Lord.
Adah, words can not equate the agony in my heart, everyday, I keep saying “it’s a lie, she’s sleeping.” But alas, it’s true that you have left this wicked world. You have printed your name on golden plague and nothing will erase it. You came, you saw, you conquered amidst all odds.
RIP my heroin.
RIP my dear sister!!
It is very difficult to say this but I’ll have to say Rest In Peace Ada.
You brought so much joy and laughter to our homes, you were an excellent character but you left quite too early. Go well
She was a mother to all…I remember one of her Instagram video she made during lockdown,it was addressed to the president. she was in tears,calling on the government to at least give us light as there was little or no source of entertainment.
She was a concerned mother…even though I never met her ,her love for humanity was felt. I love you ma,I know you are in a good place now happy and flexing heaven. Sleep on mama.
Ada ameh, it’s really painful how death took you away just like that.. I have always prayed to meet you someday, but your death has deprived me that opportunity.. I will really miss you ma..
you’re a rare gem and irreplaceable
I love you so much even without meeting you.
I pray your soul find rest in Jesus name Amen
Adah Amen my family and I can not express our sincere love for you.yoi brought laughter and Joy to my lovely kids while watching you on the Johnson show.. My boys called you AKPORRR… HOOO DEATH WHY??? may your soul continue to rest in peace… Amen… Still tears all over my eyes.
It’s really painful but we cannot question God.
He gives and he takes back.
May he receive ur humble soul mama.
Rest well.
May your soul rest in the blossom of the lord,Adieu
It’s really painful, it was so sad to hear this because I watched her right from when I was little and all the laughter, a very funny woman with lot of slangs. I was always happy to see her on episodes of the series every weekdays, she was so jovial and all. With tears rolling from my eyes, it’s really so painful 😢🥺.
I pray she rest in perfect peace and the Good lord accept her to his humble blossoms 🕊🌹
If there was one show that was conflicting with premier league, it would be the Johnsons. I even had to always record it so I could go back to watch each missed episodes. You were really the life of the show. Your life was also inspiring. Rest in Peace Ada ‘Emu Johnson’ Ameh.
I have Seen some of her movies and by the look of her pretty face u can tell what kind of a person she was. We will all miss her, miss her joy, happiness and more of that.
Thus woman deserves a queen place in heaven and I know that God will accept her.
The Angels will sing with joy .
We will never forget you Ada .
I love you so much. And your fans love you too and they will all miss you and your movies.💕❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
May her soul Rest In Peace
I don’t know what to say.
You broke my heart, my sisters and others. We will miss you in person. You will forever remain in our heart,mind and future. You live on.
Rest in power Mama efe
Oh Emuakpor Johnson! You were such a blessing on our screen, making my kids and I laugh all the time with your character.
Aunty Ada Ameh, your death hit me so much because it felt like I knew you personally! I believe you’re resting now and have finally found peace.
Rest in perfect peace Ada, Emuakpor!
You gave us a beautiful time to glue on out tv mama we all miss you and I pray heaven receives a wonderful soul . Rest well our swagerlious mama God grant you eternal rest
Aunty Ada 😭😭 rest in power😭😭😭😭
You brought so much laughter to us 😭😭😭😭
You left a remarkable footprint 😭😭😭😭
You will never be forgotten 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Hmmmm, I honestly do not know what to type. It’s really heartbreaking knowing that you are gone, you fought a good fight and I am proud of you. I am proud of the life you lived, you touched so many lives, including those you didn’t know, your name is forever in the sands of time. Rest well EMUMU, I’ll miss seeing you on the screen, till we meet to part no more.
I didn’t have the opportunity to meet such a wonderful soul in person and hearing the news of your dismiss got me heart broken but God knows best. May Your Sweet Soul Rest In Peace Ada Ameh.
Mummy please may your soul rest in perfect peace.
I will miss you so much it is so hard and painful to belive
I meant you once physically way back 2020 at a movie shoot in Warri…you were a giver,a fun giver ,a smiler despite all…The news of your death was a shock to the lovers of your acts especially me…how i wish it wasn’t true but I give Glory to God who has the power to give and to take….i pray you find rest in the Lord’s bosom you have fought a good fight…Rest in peace Mama… Akporrrrrrr!!!
I never met you in person but I cried when I heard this news.
You have a great personality and you are really strong.
May your gentle soul rest in peace.
I love you Aunty Ada
I don’t know how to feel really. I have watched severy tribute by the Johnson’s family, i have gone to watch her videos with Empress. Indeed twas a sad one. tLoved her characters, followed her story and struggles and the end was sad. I pray she is resting. I pray she is happy.
It is with a very heavy heart I write this tribute to my all time tv fave, Ada Ameh aka Emuakpor Johnson. I watched you first in the movie, 30 days in Atlanta and I ve been hooked since. My whole family always looked forward to each episode of the Johnsons, it was a bonding time for all of us. I cant watch the show now without shedding a tear or two when I see you, my kids are sad too. Who will call Mr Lucky ‘A luckylolo’? Who will exclaim ‘Akporrr!!!’ Like u? I miss you my dear Emu! My whole heart goes out to the entire cast and crew of the show who worked closely with you. You are irreplaceable, no one can do Emu like u. I wish the mental health issues you battled were dealt with earlier…I wish our paths had crossed in real life, I would have told you how special you were to me and my entire family. I cant question God, but I know you re in a happier place with your daughter. I miss your jokes! I miss your smiles! Rest in peace my dear angel, our loss is heaven’s gain.
Hi am Jacob ogheneminne faith from Delta State , Warri. Words are not enough to say how much I miss you, I can’t believe you are gone , 😭😭😢😢😔😭😭 Rest on ma’am , may your gentle soul rest in the bosom of the lord.
Emuakpo Johnson” !!! Your passing came as a shock,,that Monday the news broke,,,I thought it was one of Facebook’s rumors,,,had to rush to your ig page,,people were already commenting “RIP”,,I was speechless,,cus I watched your video on your page the previous night,,,.. I never believed you were dead till it was all over the media… Rest on aunty Ada Ameh.. you left a lagacy.. we all love you but God Love you most… Continue resting till the resurrection morning..❤️❤️❤️
Hi Ada…it’s me Yvonne Cessy from Kenya 🇰🇪. Thanks so much for always being real all these years that we have seen you on our screens.. you really entertained us.Sorry for losing your only daughter I guess that was the beginning of your depression. As you move to the last stage in life ” death” I pray that may your soul Rest in Peace. Keep the angels smiling 😃 😊 in heaven.
I know you’ve gone to rest now and you’re at peace. Free from all the pain of the world. I know you’re in a better place and I’m grateful for that. We love you always.
Dear Ada, may you find peace and joy in your next journey.. Rest on ma
Rest on mummy 😭 we forever gonna miss you🤲🤧 GOD knows the best😩😭
Aunty Adah I have never met u in person but I have watched the Johnson’s for years and I got to love you and how strong u are after hearing your stories. I know u are where u will never worry, a place of peace. It break our heart to see you go so soon, indeed ur death is a great lost to humanity cus we miss miss the laughter you put in our faces. Out of sight but not out of our mind, ur legacy will live forever. Sleep well Ma till we met in heaven.
OH MAMA!!!!! Never met you but i love you so much mama….Your role in ‘THE JOHNSON’S will never be forgetten…
Your favourite words”Eweleke…..Akpooo….. a-lucky lolo…….will also not be forgotten…
It hurts to see you go this way mama you really broke the hearts of many Nigerians 😭😭🥺🥺but God knows best..May HE accept your soul🙏🙏 ADIEU MAMA I MISS YOU 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Ada ameh, ma it pains me to hear and see that you are no more again I could remember how I and my whole family will gather to watch the Johnson everyone will be like it 8:00pm put the Johnson, you were funny, great, and u put a smile on a lot of people face it really sad to you are no more again like the saying goes the world is a market ma you have traded your part well and u will forever be in our heart, we love you and pray may your gentle soul rest in peace. Amen
I don’t know how to express my emotions towards this news. Everytime I come to see this all over it breaks my heart. Makes me think, the journey might be short but memories last forever. You’re loved. I pray you rest in peace.
The Johnsons was a show you made beautiful and joyful to watch
Emu ma thank you so much for every minut you made me smile and laugh..
We love you, we miss you and you will forever be remembered. Rest in peace
Emu Lolo🕊🕊 it hurts just thinking about not seeing you on the big screen.. I hope you’re at a better place. Farewell and rest well.
When I first met you, that was on 2018 in Abuja. Although, you didn’t meet me in person, but I got to know how wonderful and amazing personality you were..
Since then, I’ve been glued to the African Magic Show “The Johnson”, until your sudden departure.
I had been a fan, and will always be a fan of yours ma. I pray for your beautiful soul to rest in the bossom of our Lord.
RIP ma, we love you but, God loves you more.
May the good lord accept your sweet soul and comfort your beloved family, the Johnson family won’t with fun anymore, I am just here thinking of how we will stop seeing your face from the screen, rest on sweet Ada Ameh…. our very own Emu mu we love and miss you but God love you more…..farewell
Aunty Ada I always looked forward to watching you always on the TV screen especially on the Johnson’s
You were always happy, you brought smiles to my faces always.
You cracked me up always with your acts and I’m glad you impacted so many Lives
As a Fan, I still can’t get tears out of my eyes even till now, I still check your page always, how much more those that were very close to you
Your death hit me up badly!!
I wish you stayed Longer!
We miss you Aunty Ada
I Love you but God Loves you More
Keep resting in the bossom of the Lord Mama
Though I do not know you personally, a big thank you for the good times and laughter you graced me with while playing your role in the Johnsons. It is sooo sad that this happened to you and I wish you could have fought harder to overcome everything but God knows best.
May your soul rest in eternal peace and may God forgive all your shortcomings ❤️❤️.
Rest on queen👸👸
Ada Ameh😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭I don’t know what to write 😭😭😭😭😭😭…. You Always Make I and my family laugh… It’s so heartbreaking that you are no more 😭😭😭😭😭…..I know you are in a better place 😭😭😭😭😭…May God Accept Your Soul And May Your Soul Rest In The Bossom Of Our Lord Jesus Christ Amen😭😭😭😭😭✍🏿✍🏿✍🏿❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭🤗🤗🤗🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️💔
Ada Ameh😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭I don’t know what to write 😭😭😭😭😭😭…. You Always Make I and my family laugh… It’s so heartbreaking that you are no more 😭😭😭😭😭…..I know you are in a better place 😭😭😭😭😭…May God Accept Your Soul And May Your Soul Rest In The Bossom Of Our Lord Jesus Christ Amen😭😭😭😭😭✍🏿✍🏿✍🏿❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭🤗🤗🤗🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️💔😂😂😂😂
Not faking it i have always loved your art. You where so natural and full of positive energy. Sadly i never knew you too well till now. Ada… aka Emumu you will be missed but your legacy will live on. Rest easy . GOOD NIGHT. 😌😌😌
Aunty Ada, i hope you find peace and your heart is at rest now. Continue to Rest In Peace 🕊
My heart saddens hearing your demise. You are one of my favorite nollywood artistes and you made me always stick to my TV set to watch the Johnsons since 2014.
You have left us too early but I believe God knows best. May your gentle soul rest in Perfect peace till we meet again.
Aunty Ada, I was shocked when I heard the news of your demise, since I started watching the Johnson’s since 2019, you made me and my family laugh countless times, I will miss you dearly and may your rest be peaceful ma, Good night Mummy Emu, till we meet again.
Aunty ada ever since I started watching the Johnsons I have been so happy because of your performance there to the extent downloaded Showmax so I can watch it whenever I like just to see your wonderful smile and comedy but now the smiles you brought to me is now tears and sorrow🥺🥺 why did God show you after everything you went through in life and all the depression you had the heart that cared completely despite the fact i don’t know you and I haven’t seen you before but I believe you are a good woman you had that smile that brought so much pleasure, you had the love that brought joy beyond measures yet death took you away 😭😢😢 honestly crying while typing this I feel some kind of way that is not real but the news of your death is so much that it can’t be a joke anymore, well I. Believe God has accepted your soul and you will forever remain in our hearts for bringing joy and happiness in my family’s life God has accepted your soul we can’t question him because he know what he did rest well madam ada ameh aka emu I love you so much by your big fan Kenny ifeanyi
Thank you for making me happy and smile, thank you for entertaining me. Thank you for being kind even when you didn’t know me. I have learnt a lesson from you- NEVER allow your circumstances determine how you treat others, be kind and generous to everyone as much as humanly possible. Thank you for this lesson Ada Ameh. May Jehovah, the God of all comfort, comfort your family and every other mourner and remember you. 🖤
Ada Ameh, hmmm. Sometimes words becomes hard to construct when it relates to someone who has impacted lives in many positive ways.
It’s sad that death doesn’t mind who it takes. I know you’re in a better place where there’s no pain and sorrow.
I know you fought hard Ada
Millions of people whom you’ve put smiles and laughter in their faces misses you and will continue to
Heaven has gained a beautiful soul in you
Continue to rest Ada
You’re gone but not forgotten 💔
Emuakpor Johnson.. it’s hard to believe you are no more to bring more joy to my family on a weekly basis on the Johnson’s program. However, as you journey your way to be with the Lord . May you find rest in the Lord. Keep resting.
You are sorely missed ma. May your soul rest in the bosom of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Thank you for your role in the Johnsons series which brought joy to viewers.
Aunty Ada May the almighty God grant you eternal rest. Emuakpor Johnson your memories lives on in my heart. Miss you so much.
I feel so sad that you’re gone Aunty Ada 😔 up until today I still find it very difficult to believe that you’re actually gone. You were such a very happy person you made the Johnson so interesting for us. I love you so much aunty Ada, rest on ❤️.
You’re 1 actress i loved to watch and see. I actually had to save episodes of The Johnson to be able to do a watch over. Your smile and laughter were infectious. You acted like it was real but akporrrrr, you’ve left the stage. You’re 1 strong woman and I pray your soul rests enternal.
You will be sorely missed Emuakpor Johnson. Sleep well Ada.
Thank you for making Nigerians and all the lovers of The Johnson series laugh and thank you for giving all there is to give in order to make comedy look and sound as the name imply!
You were indeed an icon!
May the almighty GOD accept your Soul and give all your loved ones the fortitude to bear this great loss.
We all miss you!
If God can filter out people worthy to be on earth, you will be amongst the worthy ones. Ada Ameh you are one of a kind that lived inspite of it all. Rest in peace Ma.
Rest on
Life isn’t easy . It just shows how easily our loved ones could be taken away from us in the blink of our eyes
Which is why we need to use every moment with those we love
To bond n enjoy
No one knows tomorrow.
Her death pained me but regardless life goes on
Aunty Ada… For someone I only know through my screen, my heart is broken. I have cried, prayed and wished. If tears can bring you back, you’ll definitely be here with us. You lived a life that touched people far and wide. We miss you Emu, we Miss you dearly. REST on Nwanyi Oma.
Aunty Ada, you played a good role in The Johnsons. (Love) ..May your soul continue to rest in perfect peace…
Dear Anty Ada…My very own Emuuuu…i didnt even know you personally but your death has hurt me so bad…i remember never wanting to miss an episode of the johnsons because of the amazing joy and laughter you brought to my familys face…you honestly didnt deserve to die….but knowing what you were really going through behind all the smiles you showed us…then we can all smile and say yess youre in a better place.Ill definetely miss you and your legacies will NEVER be forgotten.Rest in POWER!
Ada 😢😥🥲 I don’t think there’s going to be another you. Hearing the news of your sudden death breaks and hurt me so truly badly, you were one of the best reasons i do watch the johnsons series. Ada you make me laugh with your way of acting, you’re full of fun and so smart. This is a great lost to the entire entertainment industry, may your killers never rest in peace. May you find favour and peaceful rest in the bosom of the lord aunty ada, Goodnight 😰🕯🕯your memories forever live in our heart
Dear Aunty Ada, I was beyond shocked when I heard you passed. The pain I felt I cannot explain. You made my family and I laugh our lungs out anytime we watch the johnsons.
You are a strong, kind, and loving human. I love you and i’ll miss you.
May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace.
Dear Aunty Ada, you have ran your race and left this sinful world for us to run ours. The news of your demise struck deep into our hearts 💔💔 only if tears could bring back our loved ones, we would cry an ocean just to have another opportunity with them at least even if it’s for the last time. I Saw you only once in 2019 but the love and smile you had on your face towards everyone is enough to know what an amazing being you were. Your legacy will never be forgotten…even the generation yet unborn will hear of you cause you have left a strong impact. We’re consoled that you’re resting in heaven and pray for strength to bear your loss. Thank you for all you aunty Ada…thank you. Eternal rest into her oh Lord and let your perpetual light shine on her🙏
You’re Loved even in death Ochanya ki’doma♥️.
Rest in Power Mamaà 🕊️🕊️ The world lost an amazing person far too soon💔💔💔
Dear Ada,
It’s so sad that you are gone now,
You made your fans have a laugh even when deep down, you weren’t fine as well.
I hope that you will give a huge smile to all your fans up in heaven❤️
Chukwu Gozie Gị, Ada
God bless you, Ada
Emuakpor Johnson,
Emu mu!
You left a void that no one can feel, you made me laugh everyday, you are irreplaceable Emu.
This hurts so deep.
Rest well Emu!
Rest well.
You’re were such a lovely human & I wish I met you in person before your demise. You had so much you were dealing with, yet you put a smile on the face of millions. It hurts that you’re no more but it gives me joy knowing that you’re at peace with no more pains & hurt.
Goodnight aunty Adah, sleep peacefully till we meet again
Ada Ameh a happy soul you have always been, I have always Loved to watch your movies during my childhood days, your death came as a shock to me, you went through a lot but yet you never failed to entertain your viewers, you will be greatly missed, but at the same down I Know your up there in heaven smiling back at us and telling us not to worry… Goodnight Emuakpor
Dear ada seeing your clip, hearing you say words always lighting my day. You make me laugh on and off the johnson. When you lost your precious jewel your daughter it was hard for me to contain and same for you … Now hearing you passed on it nothing one can imagine.
R.i.p love. Mom. Mentor keep the angels smiling love 💕
You are greatly missed and appreciated ma, I’ve not met you in person but I sincerely loved you and your death very painful even till now…..I hope you are at peace ma….with love a loyal fan
It’s so Sad Sis Ada, you left too soon. I will miss you so much and I pray the angels treat you kind.
I do call Enenu
A wonderful gem
A beautiful being
Treasured by all
Brings smiles to everyface
One and only Emu.
Rest in the lord Sister.
Ada Ameh, your were indeed a gem,treasured by many. Reading about you since your demise made me really sad, wishing you are still here to tell all that story. But God knows best. Will certainly miss you, never met you in person, but many have actually ‘met’ you. Even my kids know Emu. Rest in peace Ada.
Ada Ameh, your were indeed a gem,treasured by many. Reading about you since your demise made me really sad, wishing you are still here to tell all that story. But God knows best. Will certainly miss you, never met you in person, but many have actually ‘met’ you. Even my kids know Emu. Rest in peace Ada.
I never met you in person, but you made me so happy, it hurts so bad that you are gone, I never imagined myself crying over the death of someone I don’t know, but ma, yours really hit deep.
Nah you perfect soul Rest In Peace.
Aunty Ada, God knows how cheerful and so real you were. I don’t know you personally but I grew up watching The Johnsons and God knows it feels like I know you personally. I’m in tears cause this is making me realize that no matter how good of a person you are, everyone would go at their expected time. Your departure was very unexpected. I love you so much with all my heart and I’m sure you’re in a good place. Take care ma’am. The Johnsons is nothing without you and I’m super sad you won’t be on my screen anymore but we meet to part and part to meet. Farewell…
Auntie Ada, I am short of words.
I don’t think I can get over you. Rest well oyine. Keep making the Angels laugh.
I am one of the rare few who hardly cry when I hear about the death of anyone. When I read about your demise, I tried to stay away from the post because I was waiting patiently for your friend Empress or Mr Charles to debunk the news. I kept visiting your page and theirs hoping to see a different story. How I waited in vain! I cried, the pain feels different. I still can’t look at your pictures without tears flowing freely from my eyes. I never met you but I cherished you so much. I write this still with tears in my eyes. I pray your REST IN PERFECT PEACE. I don’t know if I can continue to watch your movie without cry. I hope to see you again on the resurrection morning Emuakpor Johnson. SLEEP ON AUNTY ADA.
Mama, no be so we talk am o!!!! I may not have met you personally but as an on screen mother and diva that you were, i was amazed at your strength and cheerfulness even in the midst of the chaos and unpleasantness life gave to you.
Emu Akpor!!!!! I have cried since i heard about your demise but i smile knowing you are in a better place!! Sun re o maami!!! Adieu mama!!
You’ll Forever Be in Our Heart Aunty Ada
You Love nd Care brings Joy n Smile to the world nd even to Us who haven’t meet you in Person 🥺🥺
I Pray the Lord Grant you Enternal Rest Ma’am 🤍
Adieu My Love 🤍🥺
Adieu 🕊️
Aunty Ada I never got to meet you before your demise, but I’ve always loved you right from childhood. At a point I was wishing you’d be my mom..lol… watching your movies has always been something I loved you made my childhood fun with your movies I may not be able to express how I really feel but I’m hoping and believing that you’re in a better place…God bless your beautiful soul and grant you eternal rest MAMA❤️ I LOVE YOU
Aunty Ada I never got to meet you before your demise, but I’ve always loved you right from childhood. At a point I was wishing you’d be my mom..lol… watching your movies has always been something I loved you made my childhood fun with your movies I may not be able to express how I really feel but I’m hoping and believing that you’re in a better place…God bless your beautiful soul and grant you eternal rest MAMA❤️
I keep thinking all days about you, you re not my family member but your way of life have impacted in my life 😔, I keep thinking if there is a way of resurrecting the death , I can actually do that for you to come alive again because you gone so soon
I love you adah may your soul rest in peace,. I will not stop loving you and thinking about you , your death is a very bad one but we can’t question God 😭😭😭 rest in peace soldier we love you 🕊️ forever in our hearts
Oh God your death really hurt me 🥺😭
I know if there is something to do to bring u alive I won’t hesitate to do so
Thanks for the life you touch rest on mama we love you 🥺❤️🕊️😭
Hmmm millions of words ain’t enough to express this shock because it is like a shock to me when I flash back to the days when I lost my mom the The Johnson’s was the TV my mom told me to tuned the station to then when she watch and pass on I went to school and I came back to my dead mom with a smile on her I will really say that you inspired my late mom with your bubbly and infectious laughter on the Johnson’s before she passed on why is it now that you are gone am sure my mom is in heaven and she will be happy to see you there send my greetings to her Rest In Peace my heart weals I Love you Mommy Ada because you are a mother just like my mother 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭Haaaaaaa 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️Omg what a wicked world you are beautiful just like you always say and you have a beautiful heart Rest In Peace once again Sweet mother
Dear Mama…God bless you and thank you for gracing the world with laughter. You are one of a kind ma. Heaven has received an angel.. Rest in peace
My heart shattered by the news of your demise. You made the world smile and laugh so much even though you were passing through a lot. I’m hurt death didn’t let you live to put more smiles in our faces.. I’m hurt you had to go so soon. You didn’t deserve all you went through and I believe now that you’re gone you’re at peace in heaven. Continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord. We love you Aunty Ada and you’ll forever live in our hearts.
I’m just a fan…I mean I’ve never met u before in reality but the fact u put smiles on the faces of Nigerians and Africans made me love u even tho I never met u..
I used to argue with my dad anytime he wanted to watch the news but it was time for the johnsons to stream 🥲💔
When I first saw the news os death I thought it was all social media’s fake news but it turned out to be true😩😥.
I pray God accepts ur soul into His kingdom…I’ll keep praying for the repose of ur soul. Rest on ma😭
Aunty Ada it is still surreal to realize we will never see your new works on screen! You were such an amazing actress who brought joy to a lot of people. Personally your bubbly and infectious laughter on the Johnson’s helped me through the dark times in school miles away from Nigeria.
Sleep well ma, till we meet to part no more.
Its be a long day without you my friend and I will miss you more more and more . Rest well till we meet again Ada . Good night 💔💔💔
It’s was a shock to me when I saw the post I was gone for some minutes before I knew it…
I enjoy watching Th Johnson series because of your passion in acting and at the same time educating if I have the opportunity to make a wish I would wish for you to come back to live and continue your good works….
My heart bleeds but God can’t be questioned 😢😢
May your gentle soul rest in a perfect peace ✌️
May her gentle soul rest in perfect peace, amen.
I feel so heartbroken to know you’re dead Aunty ADA AMEH💔💔With pains in my heart and tears in my eyes I say may God grant u eternal rest😪🙏🙏You’ve been a very nice,caring and generous person tho I haven’t met her in person Buh my mum told me much about her cause they were secondary school friends…knowing that you struggled between life and death got triggered me Buh giving up wasn’t an option💔💔you leaving us in pains wasn’t suppose to happen💔😭I hope you’re rejoicing with the lord😭💔Till we meet again…we’ll miss you on our screen💔😭😭
I don’t know you in person ma, but I always watched you on screen and it was beautiful. You made the Johnson’s show fun and entertaining to watch 🥺😭I would miss you…. keep resting in peace 😭😭😭💔
Thank you ma for making my mom and my family night always a harmonious night with your jokes, I love you ma, I don’t know that someone who makes other people laugh will also be down deep down. Rest in God bossom
Auntie Ada Ameh (Emu)…. I never meet you but you brought laughter to our faces. As I type these words, the tears 😢 on my cheeks has refused to dry up. Keep resting ma, your legacy will forever live on in our hearts 💕 💞 ♥️. We love and miss you so dearly.
Rest Well Mama🥺🥺…You’ll forever be in our hearts❤️…You were an inspiration to a lot of us from poor backgrounds. Thank You for putting smiles and laughter on our faces. ❤️ Keep resting with the Angels and watching over us❤️❤️🥺
Life is a journey and we are all traveling in our own path, i will say i never miss an episode of the Johnson, it was a shock ri me when ma frnds a family started calling me to ask if i have heard ma woman had passed on, cos they all know how i will shout akpoor naa na.
U were a one of a kind among the nollywood actresses i knw.
May the Good lord keep u well till we meet again
It is so painful, I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard about it may your perfect soul rest in peace ❤️
It’s painful and sad to see how you fought the battles of life,you left without saying goodbye😭😭💔never a days goes by that I don’t think abs and remember how much smile you put on my face🥺you will always be in my heart. Whenever I want to watch the Johnson if I did not see you there I will always remember your good and funny jokes you always do when you are alive. May your soul Rest In Peace.
It’s painful and sad to see how you fought the battles of life,you left without saying goodbye😭😭💔never a days goes by that I don’t think abs and remember how much smile you put on my face🥺you will always be in my heart
It’s shocking u had to leave so soon
Just 2 years after u lost ur daughter it’s hard
I may not know u in person but I know y are a mother, keeper, friend
May your soul Rest In Peace
Two days before you died I was watching the Johnsons and I turned asked my uncle how can someone that makes people laugh dialy be struggling with depression and I said hmmmmm life can be very dicey .I wasn’t prepared to hear of your death.but life didn’t show you it’s must wonderful face cause it gave you challenges and battles to always fight each day .but am happy you lost the battle not the war.keep resting.
My Emujohnson you put a broad smile on my face.will miss you Ada.its like a dream
It’s roughly 10days plus since you left ma, I’m a big fan and still can’t believe it that you’re no more ,i have watched you closely thought through your socials and it feels like i know you personally and I’m glad anytime i see you post your happy moments.. saying i love you now might just sound like a cliche but the freaking truth is i love you so dearly , i love you so much,watching you everyday on the Johnson’s has become part of my life, i can’t imagine not seeing you again, this hurts big time..i will miss you ..I pray you rest in peace
I was your biggest fan. I love your movies and you were the best, you were always lively, you gave in everything you had.
It’s so sad and heartbreaking 💔
Our physical journey has ended but our spiritual journey has just begun.
Till we meet again
Love you Ma
For some reason, I cannot believe that you’re gone. Like everyone else, I’m praying it’s all false but it’s looking real. Thank God for the life you lived and the lives you touched. You most definitely are in a better place by God’s grace. We love you and Rest In Peace ❤️
Emu I had looked forward to when you would return to the Johnsons .l loved your part so much my best season was the one you came back from London oh my God !!
My heart is broken 💔 can’t believe you are truly gone .
I honour you Adah Ameh you will forever live in my heart.
From your Benue sis,Nguveren Ruth Iornem
Rest in Ada Ameh, thank you for giving yourself.
Aunty Ada , amu Johnson 1 of the Johnson’s house the mama that always put smile in the faces of her fans and everyone. Your that is like a dream to me who am I to question God , God giveth and still taketh. We your fans are really gonna miss u. Rip my dear.
I still wish it’s a fake news. Watching you on the screen it’s what I loved doing. Thank you for brighting up some rough days with your wonderful acting talent. Rest well dear Adah Ameh….
Rest In Peace aunty ada 😭😭😭
Who could believe that the woman who made the Johnson’s story most interesting will just slump and not wake up anymore 😭😭
You had a painful story, ranging from the fact that you lost your only child… You used to be one of the best cast on the Johnsons family…. AKPORRR NANA😂😂😭😭
Rest well mummy, you do not know me and there’s no chance to know me anymore
Till we meet to part no more angel 👼
You inspired alot of people out there, you made alot of people believe that there is no barrier to success as far you set your mind to achieve. I don’t know you in person but I have learned alot from your life well spent…
You will greatly be missed by all.
Rest well anty Ada Ameh (Emuakpor)
I may not have know or met you in person but watching you everyday on my Tv screen has made me know you are a loving and outgoing human…
I will miss you and i love you but God loves you more…
Rest well my favorite actress
Make sure you keep putting smile on the angels face…
Aunty Ada
You’re such a strong woman and very happy one. you fought a good fight and it’s so hard to say good bye💔when I see you in a movie you have a way of spicing any film you act
We will miss you so much especially the fans of the Johnson 💔no one to shout akpo oo💔I will miss you ma and we know you’re having a good night rest
You brought laughter to our faces while u were alive despite all odds, you never let situations weigh you down, you always pulled through cus you were a very strong and hard-working woman, you were a loving mother to all you met. Thanks for being all you have being to us all in one way or the other. You will surely be missed but never forgotten. Rest in ma 😢
You were indeed a great person who left a legacy. As a fan I’m gonna miss you and I’m consoled by the fact that you left so many movies and episodes of the Johnson’s that I can watch, appreciate and reminisce through your time on earth. Rest in perfect peace Ada Ameh.
You really lived a good life ,aunt Ada
May ur soul rest well .you are really loved
Ah Emuakpor Johnson! It’s still very hard to believe that you are no more. No one can imagine the pain you must have been going through silently, I pray that you are in a better place reunited with your family. You left your remarkable footprints in the sands of time, and you touched so many lives, mine included. You were my late mum’s favourite character on the Johnsons, and whenever I remember my mum referring to you as Emumu, it always made me laugh. You still had so much to give.
We can’t question God.
Goodnight Ada Grace Ameh.
I keep wishing that someone would tell me that it’s all a dream, I will miss you on my screen. I felt bad when I heard you lost your only child now you. This is so painful. Rest in peace
The last time I saw you was in 2003 when I and my aunty went to modern market Makurdi with the memories of those happy movement still leaves, I miss aunty Ada , Ene I wish I can make a wish and you’re back to us , may you continue to rest with your creator till me meet to part no more I miss you ENE
Ada Ameh was indeed a wonderful mother. Always putting smile on the faces of many.
Ada Grace Ameh, you ran a good race, fought a good fight till the finish.
A pray God almighty to grant eternal rest to your lovely soul in His kingdom.. Amen
What a sad ending to a very awesome story. The void you left will be too big to fill. You brought so much joy to all of us, a joy that is so irreplaceable. But if God says you should come home, who are we to argue?
Go well Ada. Sleep well Emu. See you down the road…
Ada Ameh you are greatly missed ❤️❤️❤️
Watching Ada on the Johnsons always made me laugh and forget my problems for just a sec, when I heard she passed on I was so devastated I cried like I have met before but that’s how strong her personality was that it impacted even people that have never met her it felt like i have lost a relative or close friend. Her death also made me aware of how depression is serious and we should look out for people who are experiencing depression May her so Rest In Peace.
I’m short of words😭 may the Almighty receive your soul. Farewell 😭😭😭😭
Ahhh Goddd 😭💔I can’t still believe that you are gone so soon😭the vibes of The Johnson’s Family TV Series…🙌🙌EMUAKPOR🙌You brought joy, happiness and laughter to all who met you and even to people that haven’t met you…you will be sorely missed by everyone..You made the world a brighter place….It is my prayer to God that your soul rest in perfect peace and the entire family has the strength to bear this loss 😭RIP ADA AMEH
I remember watching an interview she granted Chude a few weeks prior to her demise and I was like this woman is so lively in movies but see what is going through. I cried a little because you could feel the pain. Never met her but she was definitely a good soul you could tell. May God grant you eternal rest mama Ada. Rest now.
Ada, hmmmm
I had known you since I was a child at Rorobi street. You made my family laugh and we are still laughing. We miss you so much. Rest well Ada. May your soul rest in peace amen
From the screen I could tell how lovely and lively you were. It’s so sad that you are no more. We miss you. Rest in Power
It feels so surreal and sad that you left so soon. It breaks my heart so so much 💔 😢
I’ll miss seeing your face on screen and how often you make us laugh on The Johnsons and how well you stood your grand on things that matters to the public.
Farewell aunty Ada
Rest well 💜 💓
Wow I didn’t know you personally, neither have I ever spoken to you or followed you on IG but I was a pretty big fan of your work in ‘The Johnson’s’ . The day I heard you died I cried , I so badly wanted the news to be false but it is what it is. I pray that you soul rest in peace and I pray that your family wouldn’t suffer any other loss again. I wished I had followed you earlier, I wish I liked your pictures and videos on IG earlier, I wish I reposted your contents earlier. Bye Ada Ameh
Hmmm when I saw the news on Twitter I was devastated and down for hours cos emu is my favorite in The Johnsons and of course she made my childhood with some movies with Sam loco Aki and paw paw.
I’ll surely miss her but I know she’s in a better place.
Its really hard to loose a loved one…..
I can’t even begin to imagine how those who were really close to her felt.
I knew her from the TV series “The Johnsons”
And I could tell she was an amazing person.
You were lovable, beautiful, amazing and super talented.
Its really hard to write RIP….
Keep Resting in the Lord’s Bossom🙏🙏🙏
I’m just here to say Thank you for making my mom laugh cause anytime she watches you on Tv she smiles and all , I pray you’re in a better place now . 🥺❤️
For the times you made us laugh and smile, I say thank you.
Your death feels like I lost a close relative even though I never met you except watching you on TV.
May your soul find solace in the bosom of your maker. Rest in peace ma.
Ada aka Emu Akpo Johnson. I never met you in person but your death has touched me in ways I didn’t imagine. From the characters you played I could tell that you were such a pure soul. I am grateful for all the times you made me laugh. I will forever remember your famous Akpooo and Akpoo nana. I will miss you but I’m consoled that you are in a better place and reunited with your child. Rest In Peace Ada.
Ada Ameh was a legend 💯 her movies are one I can’t miss especially the Johnson (EMU) WHEN EVER I’M DEPRESSED I WATCH THE SHOW AND I ALWAYS FORGET ABOUT MY PAINS, Ada you left so soon and it hurt alot of us, I know your making the angels laugh right now. May you sweet soul rest in peace 🙏 I love you
Mrs Emu Johnson, you really are a legend and when we think of nollywood we would definitely think of you. I don’t know you in person but I know you made me always laugh In every scene I saw you act, I always looked forward to hearing you shout “Akpo!” Your Favourite word . Thank you so much for impacting positively to this wicked world of ours, thank you. May your should rest in perfect peace Ada Ameh🕯❤️
Ada!!!! Emu Akpor Johnson . Thanks for bringing so much laughter to our faces , thank you for fighting so hard to light up the world despite the darkness that may surround you.
Knowing how much pains you’ve passed through and how much laughter you gifted us your fans breaks me the more 💔 but I know you are in a very much better place ❤️ that you will feel no pain no more . May your soul rest in perfect peace . Your memories will forever linger on!
Much love from
Allen Family 👪
You never truly understand who Aunty Ada is until you come closer to her and the people around her. It’s sad and disheartening to say goodbye but truly you were a rare gem a gem that can never be replaced. Rest well Aunty Ada❤️
Death they say is inevitable, for the first time in my life, I’m moved by a TV character that brought so much joy, laughter and happiness to our faces through her on screen play. This is very sad and really unfortunate, you’ll be missed dearly and thank you for making us laugh and happy at all times.
Aunty Ada aka Emuakpor Johnson….. It is soo sad waking up everyday realising that the news of your death isnt a joke. Honestly, You are loved specially by my family especially my mom. We cried at home at the news of your death but My mom cried soo hard like we lost a close relative because she never misses watching “The Johnsons”. Your slogan “Akpor” keeps ringing in my head and when i say it out, I smile because it makes me remember how wonderful you were as an actress, comedienne and Human being. I may have never met you or been a close relative but i really loved you right from my childhood.
Im super happy we had someone like you on earth especially in Nigeria, to make us smile and laugh hard.
May God accept your soul and grant you eternal rest.
I love you but God loves you more.
Rest on ma. Forever in our hearts.
Chisom (Abuja)
death is a place some would see as a place of rest, rest from the pains and sorrows of this world, a better place.
But Emu… You went to rest too soon, we know you are in a better place and you’re happy And for What is worth you deserve it and much more, the lives you impacted the people you’ve helped, we’ll Forever be greatful.
Men’s achievement as people say is not measured by money and properties it measured by the lives and people you’ve impacted. And you Ada have impacted many.
Rest in peace.
Growing up and watching you on TV was an amazing experience,your were a strong woman you never let anything hold you down
You were funny and bold
I pray God accepts your soul in his kingdom
May your soul rest in peace
Rip Emu sleep well Queen
It is well, am still in tears every time I see ur pictures or watch any of ur video. Why did u leave so soon, is not easy writing this because I don’t even know what to say but what I do know is that the lord knows best and I pray u are happy wherever u are. Rest In Peace and I love you
I don’t usually watch our home videos but I’ve been a big fan of the Johnsons family for years now. This is one show I can watch over and over without switching channels. I don’t know what else to say 😭. I feel terribly sad about the death of Emuakpor. I can’t believe I’m weeping this much. May God bless her soul. My prayers are with the Johnsons.
EMU… You where such a lovable person, always bring smiles when ever I watch your program the Johnson… You will be greatly missed, your wondetful smiles, and the happy home you kept in the family of Johnson’s. The news of your death broke my heart, but we can’t blame God, sleep well, I pray that your beautiful soul rest peacefully in the bossom of God Almighty. Bye bye till the restoration morning…
Mrs Ada Ameh , With Heavy heart 💔 I was so pained when I heard about the tragic moment circulating the you have left us, Words fails me Bt I will say this , I had always adored your passion anytime I see you on a big movie set , you execute your role with so much finesse and make us smile with your movies/ sitcoms … You were such a Role models to me that have Seen fought battles and the constant thing you tell to the world is “I will never give up and will always advocate for the truth” which I admired so much, Mama you were compassionate, you were welcoming and you are loved…Life is a journey, Hills and valleys, twist and turns Bt you always kept moving , Mama I know you are finally at peace cos you fought a good battle, always guarded up, I love you and I will miss you forever ❤️,From your industry Fan boy , Rest In Peace Mrs Ada Ameh 🕊🕊
May your soul Rest In Peace Ada Ameh. Amen 🕊.
It still hurts so bad that you are no more, even though I have never met you before. Sometimes I cry seeing your pictures and sometimes I laugh at your old videos. I have never felt this kind of pain to someone I have never met. Continue to Rest in Peace. We love you but God loves you more.
Dear Ada Ameh, I’ll miss seeing you on screens, even if I didn’t meet you in person before your demise, I pray God forgives your shortcomings 🙏
Eternal rest be granted unto you, and let Gods perpetual light shine upon you. Amen 🙏
May your soul continue to Rest In Peace Ma
Aunty Ada,your demise is still a shock to me,wishing the news was just a rumor.it really hurts so badly to bid you farewell,the Johnson’s show will never remain d same , a rare gem is gone.you are forever in our hearts.I love you ❤️But God loves u d most.May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace.
Dear aunty Ada, thank you for love and laughs you gave us on screen, your beautiful heart was obvious, rest well mama, I love you.
I never met you in person but the joy you bring to my soul each time I watch the Johnson’s has gone, I wish a price could be paid for you to return back to life but none keep resting I will really miss you emuo.
Ada ameh! Mrs Emuakpor Johnson. You indeed brought life to our television screen with your larger than life personality and your charming smile. You interpreted your role so well that you left us the viewers clamouring for more. I have been binging on the Johnson’s for more than a month now. And I must confess your character in it is one of the reasons. Oh how I miss you in the Johnson’s, oh how I wish I could return u back to earth, and make all things right with you. But I can’t! I love you Ada. And I hope you are having a feast joyously with your loved ones in heaven. Good morning Ada.
Aunty Ada, Our own very Emuapkor Johnson. So we will not hear “Aporrr” again. We won’t get to see your beautiful smiles again. We won’t get to see those happy steps and your amazing teasing of “A lucky lo lo”.
It’s sad that death came at the wrong time even though we know how much of a fighter you have been. You did your best. It still feels like a dream. I am sad but I know you’re in a better place. You’re in God’s hands now watching over us and singing hallelujah.
If wishes were horses, beggars would ride polo, as they say. If we all had the power, we would want you to still be here. If we could all turn back the hands of time, we would ensure we seize the moments we had with you.
Your watch has ended now. Thank you for putting a smile on millions of faces. Thank you for gracing the stage and giving us you best week in week out.
We will miss you. I will miss you.
Aunty Ada, watching you and how you always brought life into a role made me love you from the first time I started seeing your movies. I’m happy to have had the chance to have watched live one of the last public appearance you had on Your view TVC where you explained in details your life, struggles and Optimism for the future and I was happy to see you looking so bright and I never know that in a few days you’d be exiting to a better place. We will miss you Aunty and we will meet again at the blossom of the Almighty God. RiP Aunty Ada
Rest perfectly in God’s bossom our own dearest emuakpor Johnson. May your soul find eternal rest in the other side of life amen.
Rest in God’s bosom Ada Ameh💐💐
Rest In Peace sister ada
Emu Johnson I really don’t know what to say .
My husband and kids till date don’t miss the Johnsons family show because you’re one of the key role there.
I haven’t even told my kids that you are no more.
Please rest on Great woman
And may the Almighty God comfort those you left behind.
You will be greatly missed!
From Nairobi Kenya, we will miss you. RIP Adah.
It really hurts to bid you farewell, Rest in peace dearest one!!!
When i heard the news of your passing, I opened the link hoping it was a lie, hoping it was a fake news. It pained my heart that a good soul like you is gone too soon. Rest on Aunty Ada.
Watching you on screen, I knew you were a mother to all and your type was rare. I pray that your ever joyous soul continue to find peace in the lord. Rest on Ma
She lived the very part of life which solidly stood as a turning stone to anyone in need of grace. Her role both as a character and also as herself gave everyone a deep sense of belonging: we took turns to laugh, and wash away the stains of pains in our lives. Ada Ameh is the world from which stories of a fulfilled life in the face of trials can be told boldly. Her fans will miss her, but her life despite being cut short will continue to live in the healthy minds of everyone wanting to survive in a given condition that is tough.
It’s hard to believe you are gone, Dear Mrs Ameh you made the Johnsons comedy show interesting and made me never miss it every evenings, I believe you are in a better place ma, May God continue to rest your Soul,Amen. Adeiu Emuakpor❤️❤️
Rip ma
It is hard to tell you are gone. You made me fall in love with The Johnson’s series & today it’s much painful to acknowledge the continuity of the series without your character, not because of the fact that you backed down but because of death.
All we are left with, is memories of complete enthusiasm, hardwork & competence😭
I’ll personally miss you but I trust God has a better plan. Continue to RIP is a tedious one to say but however, we must say RIP Ma😭
As a kid, it was your uniqueness that made me love the Johnson’s tv show and I really learnt alot from you within the time I could.
“All that we know about those we have loved and lost is that they would wish us to remember them with a more intensified realization of their reality. What is essential does not die but clarifies. The highest tribute to the dead is not grief but gratitude.”
Emu,I was devastated when I heard that you have gone.I enjoyed watching you on The Johnsons in Africa Magic.Whenever u re not seen in any of the series,I don’t really enjoy it.You were such a wonderful person.We your fans will surely miss you.Rest well Emumu
I haven’t met u before and I have a lot to write about u but in summary I love u
I haven’t stop crying
Hope u have reunite with your daughter
Rest on mama
No words.
Rest well, ‘Emu’.
Rest easy mama❤️…… Even from my screens I felt it You were a good woman …… God bless your Soul …… Thank you for making us laugh and happy ……… May Your Soul Rest In Peace 🙏
Emumu the Ochaya One, I am finding it difficult to admit that you are no more, every time I was the Johnson you make me forget all about my sorrow. My your soul rest in the blossom of the Lord.
Emumu!!!! like Mr. Lucky would call you……this is very sad that i am writing this about you….you always made me laugh with your wrong pronunciations on the Johnsons …well all i can say is…may your soul rest in peace.
Hearing her passing was very devastating. I grew up watching her movies. May her soul rest in peace as we await the return of Christ.
Emu akpo I will miss you more . The Johnson will forever miss you
I have felt pain but feeling your death t this extent despite not related to you feels very different.. Watching the Johnson this morning brought another round of tears for me. Your life is a lesson. Nothing last forever. Good night Emu Akpor Johnson
You will be surely be missed. I love watching your craziness in the Johnsons, your thoughtful word understand it. Rest in the peace of the Lord Ada Ameh.
Indeed Ada you fought so hard to stay for us your fans, you have always made me smile right from my childhood. We miss you mama, we love you but God loves you most.
Rest on sweet soul
Rest on Ada Ameh till the resurrection morning. 🥲🥲
I pray God grant you eternal rest and to your family the fortitude to bear this irreplaceable loss.
Good Night Ada
Aunty Ada the news 9f your death is stull like a lie to me. I did not know you personally ,but i loved every movie you featured in, especially The Johnsons. Its so hard to beleive that you wont be gracing our screen ever again qith your amazing personality. I will miss you. Rest in power
I really don’t know what to type… May her soul rest in peace😭😭😭😭😭.
God please forgive her her sins and let her rest in your right hands. Amen
Dear Aunty Ada,
I fell in love with your person since the day I watched the movie “Phone Swap” and my love for grew bigger when my family started watching The Johnsons, which happens to be our favorite drama series.
My husband and I are so fond of you and the entire crew of the Johnsons.
I still cried this morning while watching the tributes cos it’s so hard to believe that we won’t see you on our screen anymore, but your memories remains in our hearts and I’ll tell my unborn children about you.
We believe where you are right now is more peaceful, no worries, please keep resting on 😭
You are one Nigeria actress I loved watching. We shall surely miss your impact in the industry especially for those of us who enjoyed the Johnson’s and watch it at any opportunity we have.
Continue to Rest in Peace. You are indeed a rere gem that can never be replaced.
Aunty Ada 😭 my heart breaks so bad. I wish this wud some day b like a dream but unfortunately it’s a sad reality.
Thank you for d so much laughter u brought to our faces.
God bless your soul
Rest well beautiful mummy 💐
Jee nke oma Ezigbo Nne
Emumu,like your husband in the movie calls you we will miss you you were a strong woman a fighter you have won yes you have cos you are resting now,I personally will miss you because you are the main reason I don’t miss Johnson’s series every day I will miss (eweleke) I will miss (aporrr),rest well ma rest well emu rest well ada.
Your demise came as a rude shock.
Rest in perfect peace mama ,we love you so much and miss your sweet personality.
My name is Ariemugbor Anthony. And I’m from Delta State Ugheli South but living in WARRI/SAPELE..The pains I feel get fresh on daily bases because I can’t forget her..She’s indeed a good person and I love her so so so much..I’ve been following The Johnson since 2014 till now and she’s one of the important person I always want to see in every episode… I can’t say much cus I’m in tears even writing this to pay her tribute…After hearing the news then I was in Ozoro Delta State I said to my friend that it was a fake news we both agreed to that until a comedian in WARRI post her on her wall..I still feel it’s a fake news not until I reach WARRI city that same day and it was the first thing that burst into me..I was so in tears and will always miss her.. she’s indeed a legend… May her soul rest in peace 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
A sweet beautiful soul goes home although it hard to say goodbye but we believe you are in a better place, rest well Ada Ameh we will all miss u
May God bless her soul a keep her resting in peace Amen she is indeed a life one should emulate
The world received a great shock with the news of your passing. Your were a great talent and asset to nollywood. Your impact will forever be felt. We love you aunty Ada.
hello anuty ada well i realy dont know where to start,but i know i have loved watching u. you were a strong woman and a good fighter thank u for the smile u put on our faces. we love u so much and pray u rest in peace ..till we meet to see again
I never got the chance to meet you in person Ma but you were someone I really loved and admired thank you for putting smiles on our faces, thank you for the lives you’ve impacted, Rest well Ma🥺😓
You brought joy to families. You were a complete vibe. Even your troubles couldn’t stop you from continually giving out so much joy. Your memory lives on forever. Rest In Power Emu Akpoor!
May her soul continue rest in perfect peace. I pray heaven receives you whole heartedly.
So sad you’re gone aunty, thanks for putting smiles on our faces regardless of what you were going through…you’ll be greatly and deeply missed…sleep well aunty Ada, may your rest be peaceful. #so sad
Rest in the lord Aunty Ada
Just like that, sweet mumsy, you left? You were GOC in drama and theatre. Naturally, you are elements and functions of drama: it was in you. I don’t believe I’m using past tense for you mumsy.
Your anticedents is conspicuously written on the sands of time. More to it, is you lived a righteous life and Nigerians, the World, and I are happy.
May the Choirs of angels recieve your soul and continue to rest in perfect peace.
ADIEU Ada Grace Ameh
Honestly I saw myself literally crying like we had a relationship
Thanks for always being smiles to my face whether in screen or off screen
I pray that the angels of God guide you safely to heaven
Eternal rest grant unto her or lord and let your perpetual light shine upon her
May the soul of ADA OBANDE AMEH rest in peace
Rest in peace Aunty Ada and thank you for putting smiles on our faces.
We love you but God loves you more.
No doubt Aunty Ada made my childhood. From the first day we got a DSTV decoder more than 11 years ago, the first show we watched was The Johnsons. I couldn’t stop laughing. That became my favourite show instantly. Everyday since then my family and I would always look out for the time it’s airing to make sure we watched it. We made sure never to miss an episode. No doubt it carried us throughout the Lockdown. The love every cast member had for each other was so remarkable. You people would fight but still team up with other to prank another person. I can’t explain how much laughter and smiles you people have put in my family’s faces. And I’m sure I can say the same for the world.
I don’t even know how to explain how Ada carried the show. She was the glue and bond to it all. She cared for everyone and loved everyone like they were her biological children. She made sure everyone was happy on set. She corrected everyone when necessary and even looked for their trouble small small every now and then. She never failed to encourage people, make them laugh and create a loving environment for everyone to work in. She brought her warri ginger and mixed it with love and gave us “eweleke!!!Akpoorrr!!!’. She was truly the Matriarch of ‘The Johnsons’.
From all I’ve heard and seen for myself, I know you were the sweetest, kindest, most accepting soul. You made all the cast and crew feel welcomed, comfortable and motivated to be the best versions of themselves. Apart from the cast and crew, people that ever came across you, whether physically, watching you on TV or on social media. You never failed to be a mother to the world. Truly, No one does it better than you.
I’m sorry everything that happened to you happened to you. You had the most difficult childhood and your only strength, the only one that was holding you together ended up leaving you. That must’ve been very hard. And we didn’t do our best to help you cope better. We assumed you were alright. But Aunty Ada you weren’t. We’re sorry. You were going through a lot of regrets and grief that was killing you slowly and yet we didn’t notice you slipping away from us. Aunty Ada we’re sorry. You were putting smiles and laughters on so many people’s faces and yet your heart was so broken from the loss. Nobody deserves to lose their child. I wish your daughter never died. Maybe you would still be here with us right now, living a happy, fun, vibrant life. I’m so sorry your life took a turn for the worst from the day your daughter died. You deserved a forever fun, happy, lovely life cause you’ve always been a fun, happy lovely person spreading love and joy to everyone at all times.
But even with everything that was happening to you and has ever happened to you, you were always brave. You were very strong and you mothered everyone that ever came across you. You faced life head on since you were little and on your own with your infant daughter. Yet, you made it as Africa’s most loved actress/comedian/mother. You’re a brave, strong and courageous woman indeed. Your life will definitely be an inspiration to so many people and generations to come.
I pray in your next life you have a better, happier life with a more loving family and plenty biological children and none shall ever die. I pray all your heart desires you wished for in this life will be fulfilled in your next life with plenty more blessings too numerous to count.
Goodnight Aunty Ada. I love you, my family loves you, Nigeria loves you, Africa loves you, the world loves you. Rest in Power dear Matriarch Ada Grace Ameh A.K.A Queen Emuakpor Johnson🕊. Amen.
We will forever miss your presence but you will forever live on in our hearts❤.
She was a great persona and worthy of emulation. She brought us smiles and laughter.
Thank you for all you did to bring us laughter daily as we watched your program.
Thank you for sharing your gift with the World and bringing laughter into many homes.
You fought a good fight Ada Ameh. May your soul find everlasting rest in the bossom of your Lord. Amen.
Ada Ameh, Emu Akpor!
You brought Joy to our faces and it pains us to see you leave so soon!
Good night Ada!
I will surely miss her and may she Rest In Peace ameen
Rest In Peace aunty Ada ameh I know you are in a better place now .Rest the ochayan 1 of idoma land
Love 💕 you
Ada was one of those hero of our time though they live short but leave a delible footprints 👣 on the sand of time just like sound sultan , Rachel oniga etc. She will always be remembered for being genuine, encouraging all that comes her way. Rest in peace ma.
The Johnsons sitcom brought my family joy , I pray Ada’s legacy leaves on.
To think that on that very day I had a weird dream about this unfortunate news. The bond created through the Johnson’s is so real. I can’t imagine the Johnson’s without Emuakpor. I will miss you personally but then we all will leave some day. May your family be consoled by the fact that you are resting, free from the pains and trauma. May your memories never fade. RIP Ada Ameh-Emuakpor Johnson
I don’t know if they read tributes at the other side but I never had the opportunity to meet you till you left with a bang, like my partner will say you’re feeling this bad because you’re emotionally attached to her. Yeah I was emotionally attached to you. 10 years from now I never wanted to hear of your demise, I watch the Johnsons daily and I still feel like you’re just sleeping maybe you’ll debunk the news. Fly with the angels Ada Ameh.
Words fail me!! I never met you but I’ve been a fan of yours right from when you acted in the movie ‘Domitila’ Ada Ameh! You were a vibe to reckon with! I don’t know how you want the Johnson to be without you!! You were a fighter! We were all happy that you had won but you gave in! We can’t question God!! My tears can’t stop flowing but it is well! Rest in peace great woman! You will be missed. Our loss is heaven’s gain!! Keep celebrating with the angels!!
Good night 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Akpor, Eweleke, Aluckilolo 😁😁 these are some of the words you always used on the Johnsons. I will really miss hearing them and hearing you Emumu as Lucky Johnson fondly calls you ,act and talk in that so so very unique voice.😭😭😭😭 I couldn’t sleep that day I heard about your demise. I kept checking the page of the Johnsons and the cast because I follow almost all of the cast to see if it will be debunked as a rumour. Can the show ever be the same? As I type this, I feel so really bad. Hmmmm. The shock was so deep and till now, it’s still doing me like a dream. We love you, but God knows best. To think of all you were going through,yet you made us so happy and laugh out in joy while watching your program. Anytime I watch it, no matter how bad my mood, I will always cheer up and end up being happy. My kids have a special dance they do anytime the program starts and end . It’s well. To think I feel so much pain for someone I never met. You were an icon to be reckoned with. It’s so sad you are gone. I keep saying I won’t check social media for any post about you, yet I can’t seem to stop. This pain sha. May God help us all that are your fans,your colleagues and fellow cast on the Johnsons to beat this irreparable loss. And may your soul rest in perfect peace, Amen. 😇😇😇🙏🙏🙏
You brought untold joy to me and my family. We tried not to skip the Johnson’s because of you. You allowed God to use your gift bring happiness to so many families a round the world.
We love you.
God loves you more.
Keep resting Mama Emu
Keep resting Ada😭😭😭
Aunty Ada. You came, you saw and you overcome. God bless u and may your soul find eternal REST. You were one of the reasons my made the program “The Johnsons” my favourite Tv series. God knows best. Rest in Peace Aunty Ada.
Oh! Aunty Adah, aka Emuakpor, tears rolled down my eyes on hearing your demise. This is so painful to believe even though I haven’t met you. Your role in The Johnsons made my family always look forward to watching the family series. We will forever love and miss you Aunty Adah Ameh.😭😭😭 You are irreplaceable. RIP ma
All the way from zambia, came to know auntie ada in the comedy show “the Johnson’s” my favorite comedy/drama series of all times. She was a happy pill and everytime I watched her she always brightened my days. She was full of love and light and I still can’t believe she’s no more. Rest in glory auntie ada. You had a fan in Zambia and am grateful for all the times you made me smile uncontrollably.
Where and how do we begin to fill the void you have left,i have never felt this much pain over the death of someone I have never met😭….You gave us nothing but pure love,happiness and laughter but its time to say goodbye. May God grant you an eternal space in heaven and reunite you with your family 🕊😭💜.
Words will fail me to express my heart, if the only thing that will bring you back to life is money then I’m sure you wouldn’t have spent an hour in the other world. I’m sure you are having a better place with your creator, No more sickness, no pain, no depression.
May your soul rest in peace until the resurrection morning when the dead in Christ Jesus will rise again.
Watching you on screen brought smiles to many but to my grandma especially. In every scene you appeared in you gave her a reason to laugh or smile. We don’t know you personally but from our screens you gave us a million and one reasons to fall in love with you. Rest in peace mama.
Emumu!!, like Mr lucky usually calls you 🥲, you came, saw and conquered. You will be missed ma’am 😢 💔, the exclamation “Akpor!!!” Will be missed cos that was like your trademark exclamation.
May your soul rest in peace Amen.
Fomy(a fan of the Johnsons)
Uncontrollable tears keep flowing till date. Words cannot express this irreparable lost from our household Comedy The Johnsons. May your gentle soul rest peacefully in the bossom of our Lord Jesus Christ. 😭 😭 😭 We will miss you Ma’am.
Mrs Ada Ameh watching you on the screen always bring smile and joy to me, since my childhood till my Adulthood we all didn’t know you were going to leave us this Early 😢😢😢 but Now you are in a Better Place 😢😢😢. May Your Soul Rest In Perfect Peace 😢😢😢
Forever in our heart 🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️
Emu!!!!! You can never ever be replaced
Rest well beautiful soul
It’s said that death knows no man
,I don’t even know what to say but ma ,you were an impact in my life anytime I watch your show I feel I’ve seen you face to face ,my mom loves you cause I brought that show to our house so does my grandma loves you personally in the show with your favourite words e.g APO but what shall man do since death has done the worst
I pray that your soul rest peacefully with the Lord the angel are going to enjoy your love, passion and giving spirit ma ❤ 😢😭😭😭😭😭
I don’t know you personally
But seeing you on screen I know you would be a very good person
The day I heard the news of your death
I couldn’t believe it
When it was confirmed
I burst out in tears trying to absorb the news
I don’t know how the Johnsons would be without you now
Rest in peace ma’am
Sister Ada,you are going to be greatly missed on screen. Your demise hurt deeply and I truly still can’t believe it. May God Almighty rest your beautiful soul and grant you eternal rest with him. Rest easy! Rest on!!!💔💔💔💔😭😭😭😭
I’ve never been so emotionally towards the death of any celebrity like I am towards yours. Seeing your face on screen alone made me laugh, every slang of yours made me laugh, you don’t even need to do too much on screen for me to smile. Aunty Ade heaven knows best why you have to leave us so soon, I will personally miss you sooo much, Rest Aunty Ade, Rest Emu, Rest Strong Woman, Till we meet again. 😥
This hurts so differently. I can’t believe this is all true. I only wish this were a rumour or an untrue story. But unfortunately, it’s true, but I believe God always has a reason for everything. Rest well Aunty Ada Ameh. Nigeria, Benue and the world at large will really miss you. Continue to rest in the bossom of the Lord.
Ada was sincerely one of the reasons I looked forward to a new episode, you will forever be in our hearts, rest well icon.
Our own Emu mu, Emuakpor Johnson, it’s so hard to believe that you’re no more. Thank you for putting smiles on our faces. May your soul rest in peace, We will surely miss you! Farewell Aunty Ada
Your thoughts have always been in me,you where a strong woman..
God knows it best..
Sleep well 😔
Ada was one of the person I enjoyed most and in Johnson family we continue to miss her so much death is so wicked that she has to go, but we love her so much but God love her most will continue to miss you more
I pray you find peace in the presence of God😭😭😭😭 we miss you ma 😭😭😭 Farewell ma 😭
I love your character as Johnson wife, the way you tease your husband, you put smile on a lot people faces, I will miss your actions.rest in peace Ada
Rest on beautiful soul….you are one actress that I admire alot…buh I guess God knows best…I no you are happy were ever you are now…rest in peace anuty ada
A Tribute to Ada Ameh (Emu). I have watched the Johnson for God know how long and Ada, our dear Emuakpor Johnson has been the shinning light of the Family. She brings out the true virtues of a Nigerian mother who though of little learning holds the family with a firm fist. My kids love her and how she dances and we all will surely miss the joy she brought to our home.
I am a big fan and I loved you so much, thank you for putting smiles on our faces and may your gentle soul rest in perfect peace. Amen🙏
I have never been these emotional towards the dead of any celebrity the way I am towards yours. it’s as if I lost a distance sister, I just can’t hold back my tears I love you ma and will deedly miss you ma. most times I imagine how those who have meant you, stay with you, feel you are feeling if I that has never ment you is feeling this way 😭😭😭😭😭 may your soul find rest Amen.
You put smile on so many faces through your acting especially, the Johnson’s Family. I hope there will be a better match to continue your wonderful character of Emuakpor Johnson. Continue to Rest in Peace. May God console the Johnson ‘s family.
Ada Ameh, Emu Apor Johnson we love u but God Almighty love u more, u have come to play ur role in our lives with your character in The Johnsons family and am sure most parents and mothers in particular learn from u and also as u make the up coming parents know how to care, protect and train the next generation. U will be missed Aunty Ada.
I Didn’t know you personally…… just on screens….buh I will surely miss you
The joy and smiles you put on people’s faces through the Johnson’s show will be missed…. AKPOOOOOOO🙆🙆🙆🙆
Rest well MA
Emumu like johnson would call you , Hmmmmmm life , words are not enough to pen down to you .I couldn’t believe the whole drama when I woke up to see this horrifying news…… God knows best .
You’re one main reason I and my family loved the Johnsons show so much
I always wished to see you in person but I guess its too late ……. But I also wish I can bid farewell to you as you’re laid to rest .
I have never met you person but your death got me heart broken
Till we meet again my comedian boss mama
Good night mama
As you leave, I pray for all that is left of you to never be forgotten and to never die. God bless you Ada!!…RIP
It came as a shock when I learnt about the passing of Aunty Ada. I quickly called my wife and we were heart broken. We have cherished the show right from the very beginning. Aunty Ada gave her all for the show. You could see her perfectly executed her role from when Lucky Johnson was broke, to when he made a huge scientific discovery, got rich, became a senior PA to a politician, got broke, and got rich again. It only takes a talented person like Aunty Ada to fit into this sequence of transformation in Johnson’s family. My family will miss her and pray to God Almighty to accept her gentle soul in Heaven. R.I.P Emu Johnson
Thank you for making every family out here smile. Keep resting warrior
Rip Aunty Ada(the big heart) I pray you in a better place and resting fine , we all love you ❤️
Ada Ada. First time I met you was at the car park of Sheraton Lagos hotel car park where I was waiting to deliver your dress I brought from Abuja. You began to apologize for keeping me waiting and I was like “you didn’t have to”. You’re my Wife’s friend and client. Ada were very special to my family in many respects: you share the same name and even striking resemblance with my late immediate younger sister, you mentored my sister Inlaw (Esther) when she worked briefly with The Johnson’s team, you became my Wife’s friend and high profile client – Ada you became everything to us. You were very special. You were rare. Your soul was amazing. I truly lack words good enough to describe you because I’m yet to meet a free-sprited fellow in your class – No matter how offended you were, you just expressed how you felt and that was it. Ned be a mention of it anywhere else. I draw my comfort from the fact that you’re resting now from the pains of this wicked world. Rest on sister. Rest on till we meet again. Adieu!
It’s unfortunate how you left us all. May your gentle and funny soul Rest In Peace. Good night Ada. 😭
Prince Ernest
From Port Harcourt, Nigeria
It’s sad to hear of your departure, I didn’t know you personally but I was one of the people whom you touched and put laughter on my face, it’s also sad that, the expression from that same face changed, in hearing of your absence here on earth, I love you mama Thanks for making an impact on me and everybody, your Legacy will live and you’ll forever be remembered 💕💕💕
I still find it hard to believe that she’s gone 😢😢😢, ever smiling and vibrant Mr Johnson, there’s never a dull moment when she’s on set, we will no longer hear you say Lucky lo lo, or your favorite catch phrase, “akpornana” , it’s hard to say goodbye, but we just have to and wish you a safe journey beyond, goodbye our irreplaceable queen of England, the series will not be the same without you, you will be missed and forever be in our hearts… Rest In Peace, as you’re in a better place
Your demise has hut me more than the death of any family member and the reason for this is what I do not know. It keeps dropping tears down my cheeks each time I come across the news on media😥… I loved you even though I never came in personal contact with you, Rest on Ada Ameh my pigdin mama🙏
I’ll miss you dearly, Rest In Peace.
I’ve always been eager to watch her on my tv screen because I must say she was very fun to watch, it’s just so unfortunate that I didn’t get to see you b4 you passed on.. may ur gentle soul Rest In Peace ma💐
I still find it hard to believe you are gone,you still remain my best comic female actress ever,today also mark 2nd year i lost my mum so hard to leave with out you my sweet mum,aunty Ada ameh may your beautiful soul Rest In Peace,and may the souls of the departed rest in perfect peace Amen
Aunty Ada, it’s so sad you had to leave so soon. I really do not know much about you but the warmth love you showed on the Johnsons family was so real.. You’re indeed a lovable person and a great one. Your friends, colleagues, cast/ crew members & most importantly YOUR FANS, VIEWERS will never forget you. I pray the Good Lord comfort everyone you’ve impacted in any way. Honestly, i wish i had met you physically or personally..🥺😥
Dear Emu,
I pray that your soul find rest from all the struggles and pains that this sinful world brought your way.. Thank you for the many times you made us laugh and for the years you stood strong. Rest well, my favorite “The Johnson’s Character”🥺
Still like a dream. We love you but God love you more. Rest on aunty Ada till we meet and part no more. You will forever remain in our heart. 💔💔💔
Lady Ada Ameh, with heart so pained and heavy, all I ask from the most high is to grant you an enternal Rest. Amen 🕊️🙏🏾.
I say 1 hail Mary and Glory be to father.
For you.
Good night Big playmaker, till we part no more.
Rest well mama. 🙏🏽
Oh this is a great shock and indeed a big blow to we your fans, I still find it difficult to say RIP but each time It occur to me that death is an inevitable act, I am forced to say RIP, Ada Rest in peace 🕯️🕯️, if your death was a natural one, then so be it, but if it isn’t, then anyone responsible for your death will go through hell while on earth, such person’s life shall be cut shot, Nnem Oma may heaven accept your soul, good night momma 😢😢😢 until we meet to part no more.. 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Mummyyyyy😭😭you left so soon.. I’m an upcoming actress and I literally prayed every night that I want to meet you in this life but unfortunately God called you…This hit my so hard.. when I read the news..I quickly ran to your page to tell you to not take it likely with people wishing you dead😭 There’s a Delta song you sang on TV one day..it touched me so much and I will never forget it in this life..You are a Legend🙌Ada Ameh Rest in perfect peace 😭😭This is painful.. I’m still crying 💔 a hole has been created in my heart💔💔😭😭😭😭 Godddddddddddd
Your happiness and love will remain in our hearts.
Thank you for all you did for me/us. You’ll forever live on in my/our memories.
You were the most caring and loving mother in the world. Rest now and be at peace.
This hit real hard even though I never met her because she reminds so much of my grandmother who died 2020. Aunty Ada was a bundle of joy and excitement to watch and her loving and motherly personality was hard to miss. You’ll be missed and we’re consoled that you’re in a place that has no pain or sorrow. You set the standard and it’ll always be maintained. Rest In Peace ma.
I may have not met you before but anytime I watch you on screen, all I see is my mom..
Chaiiii… This one hurt differently Emu… You would have stayed longer…. Hmmmmm who am I to question God?
You are an amazing person with a heart of gold and I pray you rest in peace and till we meet again.
Good night ma
Emumu as we always call you in my family ♥️. The only tv show that brings all my family members together is The Johnsons and we love it so much especially because of the big role you played in it. I always find myself shouting “akpor” at every slightest thing.
This is so sad😭May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace ma♥️🕊️.
May your soul rest in peace 🙏 may God accept your soul
Dear Aunty Ada, it’s painful that you had to go the way you did. You went through alot yet still managed to put smiles our faces via your acting skills.
Thanks for a the memories ma’am, i pray God grant your soul eternal rest.
Goodbye Ada Ameh 💔💔💔🕯️🕯️🕯️
Mama you have been one of the funniest people I know you are beautiful and gracious you always reminded me of my mom when she was alive you were a very strong woman till the end I will miss you dearly may your gentle soul rest in perfect peace
Thank you ADA … looking at you meme right now and smiling …keep resting amen
You left clue to my TV screen and anxious on time just to watch your funny series THE JOHNSON. Since the announcement of your death, watching my favorite series THE JOHNSON means little now. Thank you for putting smile on so many of us. We love you but loves you more. So sorry you had to go through so much while doing all you could taking away the stress we were going through. God bless you. May your soul rest in peace. Amen.
Dear Ada your death came to me as a rude shock I’m still in denial but sadlybuts true..
You have been a source of strength and courage to me I always look forwards to seeing you on screen
I’ll miss you to say the least we all love you but we take solace in the knowing that God loves you more and heaven has gained an angel….
Rest in peace Emu…
She’s such a strong woman. Such a beautiful inside spirit. Passionate in what she does and reluctant. She is with the angels of heaven rejoicing. God bless her good works and great legacy she left. So inspiring. She makes every bit of acting look so real. Good night mama
Tribute to anty ada
The news of your death was so painful that I wept as though I knew you personally.
Even though I saw you mostly on tv,which I am grateful for ( because we can watch you over and over again) you touched me with your smiles. You will never be forgotten.
Thank you for making sure we smiled .
Rest well emuakpo johnson. Rest well ada ameh
Oh dearest aunty Ada!
The news of your death got me so emotional 💔. I have been over thinking since this sad news . I just wished you could wake up and at least I will tell you that I love you 😭😭. There’s no day I don’t she’d tears since your exit 😭 . It’s just so painful that you left so sudden 😢.
I feel you needed more love , attention and more shoulder to lean on . Maybe just maybe you may have lived longer 😭😭😭
Aunty Ada Ameh , good night!
ADA!! EMU!!!.Where is my EWELEKE!!!!.Chai,A lovely personality,full of life,always cheerful.you were known for your outstanding performances as an actress.There was never a full moment with you.you went through alot but you were able to stand tall and strong .May God who called you home grant you eternal rest in his Bossom.
Emumu! As Charles Inojie call her on TheJohnsons I’m short of words I never got to meet you in person even though I’ve always wanted to meet you, Since the death of your daughter anytime you come to mind I always pray you are okay and I always Thank God for placing somebody like Empress Njamah I’m your live cos I always try as much as possible to check on your via her Instagram. And I see how much effort she makes to keep you happy. I pray she gets over this soon . And I pray God grants you eternal rest. Rest in power 💪🏻 Mummy Ada Grace Ameh
Wonder what growing up would have felt like without having you in our tv screen, may God grant you eternal rest…
Ughhhh I can’t even start to say how devastated I was to hear the passing of my very beloved mother in the movie industry
I have loved you since I was a child
It hurts me so much to be writing this
I would never in a million years thought I would be doing something as painful as this
May God grant your Soul the peace it deserves
I know you will definitely be among the angels watching over us because you were more than an Angel here on earth
I miss you today and always
And will always have you in my heart Miss Ada Grace Ameh
Thank you for all the loving memories you granted me as a child and to each and everyone else you touched their lives❤️❤️❤️❤️
Farewell Miss Ada Grace Ameh❤️🕊🕊🕊
Dear Ada! Your departure from this world is so painful. Too hard to bear, but we find solace in our Lord Jesus Christ. You were our idoma figure in the movie industry and we were so proud of your achievements. May the angels go with you even as we wish you a safe journey home. Rest in perfect peace Oyine!!! You would be greatly missed.
Aunty Ada, (Emuakpor Johnson) as fondly called in the serie The Johnson’s.
You made me love the programme, that whenever you’re absent I feel the vacuum there. You are a loving, vibrant soul cause I also follow you on your social media handles, I see all you do.
Hearing of your departure till now I haven’t recovered cause I feel like I lost a family 😭 May your gentle soul rest in the bosom of the Lord. Amen
I miss you 😭😭😭
You are such a rear gem your role in movies have seen is so real and full of laughter, Godalmighty knows best we shall forever miss you. Continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord.
Till me meet to part no more.
R.I.P Aunty Ada
The news of ur death wasn’t any kind of news I was hoping to hear, not dat I knew you but cos you were part of my family’s life nd laughter, I was trembling on seeing ur pics all over social media nd them I knew I would only be watching old videos of u on the Johnsons nd not recent ones. Ma you are greatly missed ooo, honestly if only one can die and stand to watch the reaction of people being left behind, ur death hurts us all but wat can we do, wat can we say than to say rest in the peaceful bossom of your maker. Goodnight Ada Ameh (Emu Johnson)
Though we never crossed part, I felt the pain of your death. You were really a strong woman, Rest in power Aunty Ada.💔💔
Rest in power Emu Johnson!!! You brought so much joy and laughter to us. We know you are in a better place now. We love you, but God loves you more.
Rest in peace Ada Ameh!!!
May The Angel Of God Welcome You Rejoice-fully, Sleep In The Lord ( RIP)
Ada Ameh…a good legacy isn’t about the businesses or wealth u leave behind, but the lives u impact and touch. I have only known u from ur movies but at various points in life u have brought me more joy than even close family. U always crack me up when I hear u shout “akporrrr” or “eweleke”. For every smile and laughter u put on my face may ur memories never fade. All the way from Ghana u will forever remain in our hearts.
Rest well Elegantus Ogonus
Rest well Emuakpor Johnson
Rest in eternal peace Ada
I really don’t know what to say cos I cnt believe I won’t see you on the Johnson’s again but am happy you fought u really fought,I will always love u as my best actress in comedy in Nollywood,may your soul rest in perfect peace,Amen Rest on Emu Johnson
Rest on Ada Ameh
To Say I was pained is an understatement. Your death came as a hard blow. Your resilience and strength didn’t let us see this coming.
You fought, you stayed against all odds. I know you are resting in a place where there will be no more sorrow.
Rest in the blossom of Angels Ada Ameh
Waking up on that Monday morning to see tribute posts, I quickly rushed to Instagram to make sure it wasn’t true, because I know you last posted a video of you smiling greatly as you usually do, I couldn’t hold back the tears, because the thought of you passing was something I knew I wouldn’t be able to bare. I quickly called my mum to let her know, one would to think I was related to you or had close relations with you, but that isn’t the case, I just love you so much. You reminded me of my late grandma and I also saw my mum in you. Because you were a mother to many and a lot of people can testify. If I could reverse this, I would but sadly I can’t, I know how much I’ve shed tears, the thought of having to come by any tribute post and immediately feel down, breaks my heart
I hope you rest well Mamá
I love you so much and May whatever pain you felt finally be taken of your shoulder because you are definitely one of the strongest people to walk this earth.❤️
Although I have not meet you in person, but your role in the entertainment industry has brought smile to many homes. My kid’s will surely missed your role in the Johnson’s Family. #Emuakpor. You’re truly a legend, you came, saw and conquer. RIP # AdaAme
Life’s really Fickle and we never know how closer we are to our set time. Your story is really inspiring and God you are sixh a strong woman. I hope you are resting and you found peace. Thanks for the lives you touched 💙
She had the heart that cared completely.
She had the smile that brought so much pleasure and Joy
Thank you so much for putting smiles on our face
I know we will remember her even though she’s no longer with us
Rest In Perfect Peace Ma🥺
I was waiting to hear that the news of Ur demise was just a rumour, well God knows best. Watching you on the Johnsons make me feel like you are still alive. I will forever miss you. Rest in peace Ene (mother). Forever in my heart 💖💖💖💖💖.
May heaven receive your sweet soul………… If people reunite I pray that u reunite with your beloved daughter🙏🙏 may your soul rest in perfect peace 🕊🕊🕊❤🙏
You be forever be remembered,Rest in peace 🙏🙏
I watch The Johnson’s every night with my husband on AM Urban by 9pm. Since your demise I’ve been watching to see you and forget you’re no more. Unfortunately that has proven abortive. Aunty Ada we may not have met before but you’re part of my life somehow. I’ll miss you on the screen. Keep spreading love and joy even in heaven. May your soul rest easy 🙏💔.
Aunty ada, may your beautiful soul Rest In Peace
Dear Beloved Ada Ameh 😭 at this time words failed me!! You left a blue print that will last till the end of time!! You made me fall in love with the Johnson’s cos of ur astonishing and impeccable character!! You have brought laughter to so many homes including mine😭😭😭 I will miss you 😭😭 Nigerians will miss! Our president buhari even expressed shock over ur demise! Sleep well till the resurrection morning!!! You’re a strong woman! Adieu Nwanyiobioma.
May your soul rest in perfect peace.
Aunty Ada May your soul Rest In Peace through Christ our Lord amen 🙏…
To the woman to who made it her mission to make Us laugh after a long stressful day by watching your movie ,
We will miss you dearly.
Just wish we could change the hands of time, to have you for one day.
Its sad you are gone and we will miss u
But we believe that u are in a better place
Where we meet to part no more
Ada Emeh aka Emu Johnsons it is sad to believe that you are no more,You made me love Johnsons,you were that African woman that though had no Education commanded respect from Jennifer, Efe,Tari and Blessing and later spiff,I liked the way you helped Lucky in disciplining them.it is sad that while you made us laugh and happy,you were not happy,I wish someone had talked to you,I just wish I knew you in person so that I can talk to you, I know what depression means,it is sad that you had to go this way,God has a reason why he took you now,his plans are the best, we thank him for the time that he gave you,you lived your life to the fullest, I have read what those close to you said and I can’t say more,Fare thee well Emu Johnsons, Fare thee well,Rest in power till we meet again at Jesus feet.Rest well.
Lorna kipsang
From Kenya
The Johnsons fan
Ada Ada my name sake ,you where an inspiration to all,your laughter gave so many hopes,you where a strong woman,your heart is large and one of kind.your concern and care for people and even the nation will be greatly missed.
Rest in the King’s bosom ,where you will never feel pains,get depressed or have to loose anyone again.God bless your sweet soul aunty Ada.
I had never watch African magic comedy series except the Johnsons because she made the show entertaining and fun not just to me and her character and kindness carried the goodwill of people’s minds postively. She will be missed by all and above all she’s above . May her soul rest in perfect peace.
You were a beautiful soul inside and out,you left a big space that can’t be fixed by anyone,the Johnson will not be the same without you as Emu. No one can replace Emu 💔 watching you on screen is exhilarating. The joy you brought to the entertainment industry can’t be forgotten.
Eternal rest to you, forever in our hearts.
Honestly, receiving the news of your demise took me off balance because there’s no news that you sick. Your death has brought so much pain to me and my family because we don’t miss the tv series, the Johnsons. All I can say right now, may your soul rest in peace, and I also believe that where you are right now is better.
The most painful Nollywood death I have felt, watching you on the set of the Johnson everyday since I gained admission into secondary school till this moment of my life makes it feel like you are a part of my life already, Rest well aunty ada.
It’s so heartbroken to say RIP to you this early and sudden.
I pray you find better rest out of this world to a greater glory with our creator.
You will always be remembered and be loved for making us smile and laugh through your craft.
Rest in Peace my star woman!
Ada Ameh
Rest well Aunty Ada. I miss you and the Johnson will never be thesame without you.
Mummy Emu, it is with deep sorrow in my heart that I say Goodbye. I never expected it this early, but how can I question the will of Almighty God your maker. The God who made you. Ada Ada chai… Who will shout agboooo, who will scream Ewelekee,? Ada you left, leaving Aaalucky lololo, not even a word to my Docky Efetobori. Ada believe me, I miss you. But I resign to the will of God. Death will no longer have power over you. You will not die again.
May Angels of God, come to thy aid. May His Saints meet you as you go. Rest in the blossom of Abraham. We are coming.
Your exit is a big shock! I know that you fought the good fight with all your might. You will be sorely missed on our screens. I pray that God will grant you eternal rest!!!!
Mummy Emu,I’ve watched watch how you put smiles on faces, especially in my family,you are one of the reasons why we watch The Joshnsons,I was shocked when I heard about your departure,I thought it was one of this fake news,not until Tvc carried it,its hard to say good bye,who are we to question God Almighty. Mummy Emu Akpor Johnson that I and my husband love calling you,Rest In heavenly Peace🕊🕊🕊🕊
Emu Akpor Johnsons,
Indeed a rare gem gone!
We watch the Johnsons when we want to relax after a busy day and laugh. It is so unfortunate your demise came as a shock, and my Partner said he isn’t sure he will enjoy the show again.
My sincerely condolence to the Johnsons and her entire family.
Aunty Ada, Emua as my family and I fondly called you from the Johnson’s series It’s so sad to know you have exited this world. I could watch your movies all day and won’t get tired because you brought laughter to me. Oh remember how you loved your daughters Blessing, and Jennifer Efe your only son. How you whole heartedly loved people. Am not a Nigerian but a Cameroonian who loved everything you did. Rest on Aunty Ada
Ada Ameh, I don’t know what to write as tribute for you. I have cancelled so many times trying to put something down. The news of your demise was so shocking. I watched your last live video where you were eating on Sunday only to wake up on Monday morning to the sad news. All I have to say is may your soul rest in peace. May your Bestie Empress Njama be comforted by God. You were a queen of the screen. Your demise is a very sad one. This is one death that is so painful and shocking.
Go well our dear sister and mother. May God grant you eternal rest with the rest of your family members who have died. Ours as humans is to cry and mourn but I believe that you are in heaven because you fought to the last. Rest well….
It’s seems like a movie as you always act on screen… But then for weeks now this movie has not been over, that’s when I realised that it’s a real one, From my child hood have always look up to the screen to smile, when ever u are been cast, after seeing how talented u are in the movie Aki and Pawpaw..
U are a woman full of life, but then we can’t question God, Even in years come ur memories will live longer and the smiles u have always kept in people’s face will always live in ur memories..
Rest in the Bossom of the Lord..
Aunty Ada, you’ve ran your race. You were one of my favorite Nollywood actors, straight talker, our darling Emumu😭. Rest in peace my love, we are going to miss you ❤️
Emuakpor Johnson! You’ve left a void in our hearts as fans of the Johnsons. We love and miss you. The show is never the same without you. From all the way Liberia, my family and I are mourning your death.
Ahhh! ahh! It is painful writing a tribute to you ma, but even the more undoubtedly crunching knowing that I’ll never get to see you again until the afterlife.
I wept and still weep anytime I see your photo. It’s a painful loss! Just as “Mama K” said, “why should someone passing through so much pain, but yet put smiles on the faces of millions of people ”
Life is a journey with many tragedies and stops ⛔, but yours came abruptly.
Till we get to see again,
Rest in Power!
Rest in Grace!
Life according to Prof. Wole Soyinka is like a stage . She graced it and has gone but her legacy will surely remain. Emu was a source of joy to millions of people including my family. We will miss you dearly! Rest in power 😭😭😭😭😭
You have made us laugh to frgt our sorrows. God rest ur soul. U fought a good fight . “Akpooooooooor” in ur own voice .
Thanks for bringing smile and laughter to our homes. May your soul rest in the bossom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
You fought, you won.
Death is a meal every man will eat.
Rest easy.
I will sure missed you ada ameh most especially the role you play in the movie scene, the Johnson’s. You were a symbol of hope to the Nigeria youths…rest in peace ada ameh…
I enjoyed any movie you acted , it’s usually funful and exciting. May God almighty grant your soul eternal rest.
I could fondly remember you as “Anita” from ur first movie “Glamour girls” and larter “the Johnsons” .you may have left this sinful world but you still live in our memory, because you would always be there on our screen for a long time.
Goodnight Screen goddess till we meet at Jesus feet on the resurrection morning.
You’re indeed a rare Gem though I have never got to meet you. You made the Johnsons an interesting family TV to watch. I pray that you find peace with the Lord. Continue to rest in power Ada Ameh 🕯✝️
As a child we watched Glamour Girls like never before, I can still sing the song today. In the current time, the only thing I find useful on Dstv is the Johnsons which I will not trade for anything. It is my relaxing stuff especially with Charles and Ada, my good guys on screen. We miss you surely Ada and may you rest well.
Owoicho ko l’odo kwo miye le ebo (May God receive your soul with peace) through Christ our Lord, Amen.
My Emuakpor Johnson, Emumu……I can’t believe I won’t be seeing you in my TV anymore, am always very happy watching you in all your movies…… with deep tears in my heart may you continue to rest in peace…. Amen
I grew to love here in Nollywood for her role as Emu in the Johnson family & I doubt if there will be a replacement 😢 I don’t know her personally nor have I met her, but I can feel the vacuum from afar cos she has a beautiful soul… keep resting Nollywood finest comic actress
My dear friend,sis and mother,I am a fan of yours, you did your best at your short stay in the world,you tried your best to impact on people you meet and you leave a mark. May God bless your soul. Till we meet at heavens gate.
Emuakpor, my Ada, we’ve never met in real life but your character in the Johnson’s endeared you to me, the love I have for you, Kai! Death got me on this one,I have been crying ever since I heard of your death. I will miss you my main character. Rest on, until that glorious morning
What a great loss indeed,though I was never opportuned to see you in person,but the role you played in the Johnsons is a beautiful reminder of how beautiful your soul truly is,you kept on putting smiles on people’s face,only God knows why you couldn’t pull through this despite the huge support from fans and loved ones,the role you played in the Johnsons is irreplaceable……hmmmmmm,we missed you a great deal,sail well and goodnight my heroine💔💔💔😭😭😭
Haaaa!!!😭😭😭😭😭 Emuakpor Johnson, so it’s true? So it’s true that you won’t make me laugh on TV again? So it’s true that I will not be opportuned any longer to continue enjoying your always shouting “Akpor!!!!!!” on the Johnson tv show? Chai!!!!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭 I can’t question God and will not want to question him because he is the most high and he knows best.
But from the depths of my heart, I WILL MISS YOU ALOT AS YOUR NUMBER ONE FAN.
Chai God!!😭😭😭
Journey well to heaven my favorite actress heaven has won and we HV lost here on earth because I know the Angels in heaven are rejoicing right now and I know you are already making them laugh 😢😢😢.
REST WELL ADA AMEH(Emuakpor Johnson)😭😭😭
May your gentle and kind soul rest in peace Ma
Dear Ada Ameh
I have know words to express how shocked and saddened i was after knowing of your demise.
Being a very big fun of the Johnsons tv series i came to know and follow you, through the amazing character you played Emu Johnson.
In this last years you went through pain and suffering such as the death of your only daughter, father and your siblings, yet you still fought through like a warrior and on top of that you put smiles and joy on the faces of people around you and made us your fans and followers laugh and enjoy almost every single day. This is evident enough to show how loving, caring, fighter, good hearted and warrior of a person you where.
I pray that where you are all your pains and sufferings are all over and hope that you meet up with your daughter and your loved ones.
Rest well and in power, surely we have lost but the after life has gained. Until we meet again bye Ada
With love
Dear Emu Akpor Johnson,
You played the role of a Nigeria Mother,
I can’t imagine watching the program without seeing you
Your irreplaceable Emu Akpor Johnson
Continue to rest peace.
I never met you but the world missed you. Keep resting in the Lord🙏🏽🙏🏽
I love you ma’.
I miss you.
You are the reason I watch Johnson’s family.
You are a strong woman.
May you find rest in God, in Jesus Christ Name Amen.
I will always love and remember you.
Ada Ameh your death came as a rude shock to me that I prayed it turns out to be one of those internet lies but it was finally confirmed to be true,I may not have met you in person but I and my family loved you so much because you made us laugh, you are the reason I enjoyed watching the Johnson’s because you were an interesting character and your slang (Eweleke) had been my favorite slang for some years now. Ada you were a legend and a woman with a beautiful heart I know you are in heaven with angels making them to laugh. Rest in peace Ada Ameh. Rest in peace Emuakpor Johnson . May God bless your beautiful soul. Amen
I sincerely would miss you so Mrs Ada ameh, you were truly a blessing to everyone who came in contact of you. My dad always loved your movies, in fact you always make him smile even on worst moment, I know definitely you two will get to meet in the heaven, I love you so much… I didn’t get to see you or meet you but I know you have a good and genuine heart. REST IN PEACE MY MAMA ❤️❤️❤️❤️
The most entertaining female actor I have seen, she will be greatly missed
The strongest woman on earth keep resting we love you Buh God loves you more!!!!Adieu
She’s a legend ,a queen and great lioness ,a mother and a shield an epistle won’t be enough ..I haven’t met her before ,but we are from the same place ,a biggest fan ,indeed there’s nothing in this world .mommy we love you,may God welcome your soul..
Ada Amen, Emu mu , Emuakpor Johnson like I normally call you, you are one of my best Actress nd my mum is always interested in watching the Johnson’s family cos of your actions nd funny character. You were indeed a rare gem to the society and the world at large. You would be greatly missed.
Adieu Emu mu
Adieu Emuakpor Johnson
Adieu Ada Ameh
Greetings to the Johnson’s house, Greetings to Miss Ada’s Family.
I really feel sad to lossing a wonderful motherly figure who always reminds me of mom. As a big fan, I really enjoyed every bit of her comedy with Aki and Popo with the Tom and Jerry”, with Mr Charls Inonje, her movie with Ramson noa and AY. “Mr Ibu”.
Together with all these character greatly made our households and streets in our Anglophone community back in Cameroon very interesting. Am very, very sorry for all her beloved and you all
. RIP madam Ada
Ada Ameh I never met you in person but am just a big fan. Your death hit differently, you were obviously an amazing women from all the tributes I have seen so far. I know you wished the best for everyone but God has his reasons for taking you away and they are for good. Continue to rest in his bosom sleep well Ada Ameh sleep well
Saw the devastating news last week and I was utterly shocked. Our dear Ada Ameh (Emuapkor) made me fell in love with the popular The Johnsons. She made me laugh, and at the same time also taught me a lot through the series. It’s a sad one to lose such and amazing and strong woman like Ada. She is the true definition of strong. May the Almighty Allah grant you Al Janat firdaus. Goodnight legend ❤️❤️
You are known for what you do best and in all putting smiles and laughter on peoples faces even if you had a lot of pain that couldn’t have just gone away… I pray the Lord forgives all your short comings and accept your soul, Amen
I’d miss seeing you on screen. I never met you but your light was so bright, I had seen you in movies for years now and I know how amazing you were. It hurts a lot that you’re no more, I have cried like we were friends, the hurt of your friends makes me hurt even more. I hope you’ve found peace.
May her soul rest in peace♥️
Words fail me, in as much as I will love that this isn’t true. I will miss you and all the laughter you bring to the screen, my family will forever miss you and the joy you bring to our faces at 8:30pm every day. Aunty Ameh I pray you find rest. Forever in our mind🕊🕊🕊
Sweet lady ada….forever we will miss you blessings our screens and out hearts, I remember my mum telling me you used to come around our house and play with me when i was little… how i wish i could remember that memory. I can’t still believe you’re no longer with us but I know you are in a better place with our maker. I love you aunty ada always and forever
Emu!! hmmmm i don’t know u in person but I can tell how much ur death affected me. U brought so much joy to we ur fans😂😂😂 and yet so much pain in death. I and my children love u so much and will greatly miss u. Journey well mama say me well to my husband wen u meet him in heaven. Dis one hurt oooo😭😭😭😭😭 wasn’t expecting dis
It still hurt like yesterday, but who am i to question God for only he knows everything,you were simply amazing a beautiful soul,may God give your family and we your fans the fortitude to bear this loss! keep resting in the bosom of the Lord! till we meet to part no more.
My heartfelt condolence goes to the bereaved family, may the Lord comfort you through this phase.
To our beloved mama, one who lived her life putting smiles on our faces and laughter in our homes, may you lovely soul rest in the bosom of the Lord till we meet to part no more…AMEN!
What death can do
Emuakpor Johnson,Ive neva met you,you didn’t even know me before your demise but hearing of your death shook me to my very narrow
I watch u on TV,u brighten me,make me laugh so hard
Who will exclaim “Akpor”😭😭
Your absence is greatly missed
Rest on
Ada Grace Ameh
You made living worthwhile through your funny roles played in movies especially THE JOHNSON’S we laughed, not knowing you were carrying so great a burden; just when we craved more you seem lost. We are consoled knowing that you’re resting with those that mattered most.
May your beautiful soul rest in peace Ada Ameh (Emu). You’ll be greatly missed.
Rest in the right side of your Maker Ada Ameh
A woman full of ginger
A woman full of so much Laughter
Thanks for gracing our TV screen 😭
Gone but not forgotten
From Angiesweetbite & Cuisine
I will always love u Ma u brought laughter and joy to so many people rest on Legend forever in my heart love u ma😭😭😭
Ada you brought a lot of joy to the flim .it has been a pleasure to watch you.i love you, rest in peace xx.
I have never felt so much pain at the most of a celebrity. Yours felt different because there’s this connection i have to you. I’m a big fan of The Johnsons program and for the years I’ve watched it seemed as if i met you in person. You are a rare gem, we miss you already, and i pray that you have found your well deserved rest. Its hard to believe you are gone. Rest in Peace Ada Ame
Emu, rest on. You made us happy even when you had a lot of reasons to be sad. God rest your soul.
Ada Grace Ameh goes on a journey of no return without saying goodbye. “Till death do us apart” is a popular saying by couples; but for me as a fans , I tell you that you live forever in my heart. REST IN PEACE Ma
Your death still remains a shock to me wish it was a dream and the news that u didn’t die…what a painful exit God knows best .I loved the roles u played . Wished u lievd long to eat the fruit of your labour.Rip Ada Ameh
Never knew you personally but felt you! Your smile is still enriching in the pictures as they are on the roles you played! You cannot be forgotten but surely live on especially as Emuakpor Johnson! My go to exclamation is ‘EWELEKE!’ Which I got from you… rest well!!!
For the bond,joy,laughter,happiness and moral lessons you have thought us through your role in the Johnson,you automatically became part of our family we love you beyond words,I have confidence you will be with your maker making heaven laugh…Good Night Ada Ameh
You where a woman and beautiful woman although I never met you but I watched you for more than 5 years, I wish u farewell and rest on ma🥺🥺❤️
Em, Nobody know the day, they are going to leave this world, it’s a painful exit.
I’m a good fan of The Johnson series show , and I love the actress EMU(ADA) the role she plays , the way she act some funny sences that put a smile on my face . I have alot in my mind to say , but no amount of words will bring her back.
You were such a funny and lively actress, washing the role you played
In Akin and Paw paw, still makes me laugh up till this moment. May your soul continue to Rest in Peace, Amen
I watched you on the tv as a child. And since the news of your demise broke, I have found it hard to accept that you’re no more, whenever I scroll and come across a tribute, I go back to your page hoping you’d post something or make one of your funny videos debunking the news. You fought a good fight Aunty Ada Ameh. I am assured that you are with the host of heaven, reunited with Aladi, entertaining them up there and giving them hot hot incase any angel no do well 😂. You’re loved Aunty. Rest in power Ada Ameh.❤️❤️
Continue to Rest In Peace. You lived a good life putting smiles on faces all over Africa and beyond.
Your death really touched me… I wished you lived longer to enjoy the fruits of your labour but God knows best.
I miss you dearly 🙏🙏🙏
Your death was a huge shock to me,still can’t believe you are gone. 😭😭😭😭😭,Well I believe you are in a better place we’re there is no more pain and sorrow,rest well ma
I have never met Ma Ada in person but seeing her in films made me so happy. My family love to watch her .
I know God knows better and I want to believe she’s in a better place.
We will always love you.
Of all the Nollywood actors that has died, your death is the most shocking to me.
I loved your acting, thank you for always promoting the urhobo language even though you were not from that part of the country ,I used to think you are from one of the states in Niger delta, until your passing away..The johnsons, which you featured in, happened to be my best series on TV, I loved your exclamation (AWELEKE)in the johnsons. I will miss you Ada Grace Ameh on the TV screen..
Rest on beautiful soul and thank you for bringing so much fun and laughter to us during your life time Your beautiful memories will forever linger in our hearts. You are greatly missed.
Seeing her every on the Johnson series gives me joy.. she was loved by every member of my household… she was a strong woman with a good heart… her demise hurt deeply for a week now I’m always on Instagram page just strolling up and down looking… Her memories ll last ĺong in the heart of man… We know you are in a better place sister Ada… Keep resting Worrior… Emu Johnson is Gone😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Dear Ada, you were on a league of your own; quite distinctive with a true artistic glitz that can never be forgotten in a million years to come. Not to dispute, you have made your marks and left a colossal imprint on sands of time. Sleep well, our dear comic screen goddess. Sleep well, Ada. You will be greatly missed. Adieu.
Tears dropped from my eyes, when I heard of your demise. Whenever, I see your picture I still cry. You were such an amazing woman who always make me to watch The Johnson series, because it makes me happy whenever I watch that program . You were an amazing actress notwithstanding not been able to meet with you. May your good and gentle soul rest in peace. Aunty Ada. Amen
It is hard to believe that you are gone be with the lord, rest on my TV legend I
will missed you and all the triels in yours drama that I enjoyed, rest on my drama queen.
It feels so sad that we won’t be seeing you on our tv screen anymore. You brought smiles on our faces with your acts and we will surely missed you. Anyways you are in a better place where there is no sorrow I.e with the lord.
May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace
How can a death of some one I have never met be this painful, Aunty Ada you will forever remain in our hearts, till we meet to part no more, by now you will be with God and your beloved daughter making them laugh so much
No body will pass through what you went through and remain the same. Mommy Ada, you shall be greatly missed. I pray God 🙏 give your mother the grace to bear it. When I heard about your dismiss, I looked for tears I couldn’t find. I wished it was never a reality 😭😭😭😭 sleep well mommy Emu.
Ohhhh … It is with heavy heart I bid u goodbye…. I never met u in person but your positivity and smile was so contagious…. I really looked forward to watch you on the Johnson tv series each day…. Aunty Emu, I will miss your smiles and everything you represented … Till will meet to part no more keep resting in the Bossom of the almighty… I love you 🌹
It is hard to say goodbye, it is more sad to come to the fact that I can never have the opportunity of working with you someday like I have always hoped for….. Rest on maama.. Say hello to my parents and my 3 siblings that
May eternal rest be granted to you Aunty Ada🙏🏻
This is a truth that is always hard to accept! Death might have taken you away quickly but you live forever in our heart! I wish you could wipe my tears and put a smile on my face once more” you will be terribly missed mummy! Rest on Oyine!
Is well, still can’t believe you are gone, just want to say thank you for putting smiles on our faces, we will missed you so badly, rest on ADA GRACE AMEH. From JT premier flower garden.
Tribute to an amazing soul 🥰 I have never might you I person but watching in any of your movie’s brings joy to my soul, I can’t forget running home every night just to watch the Johnson all because of you. You will forever be in our hearts. It was a shock to me when I heard the news of your death 💔 we cannot question God 😭😭 love you Ada but God loves you more, keep resting a beautiful soul till we meet again.
Aunty Ada you lived a good life, you fought a good fight and touched many lives. I am very sure the angles are rejoicing over you. Rest in perfect peace🥺❤️
To a legend, strong and elegant mama 😭😭😭 to a great entertainer and a mother of many I bid this painful Goodby… I know you are in heaven playing the Emu role and making God laught out loud from his throne… He(God) is proud of you and so are we because you accomplished your assignment within the shortest time period. Go well nne 💔 and keep making the Saints and angel laugh in heaven.. I am a very big fan and I wish I saw you before you left . Anyway Baba God is happy to have you back that’s our consolation..
Good well Mami ♥️
Good night Emu Johnson the Great 😭😭
Sleep well till we meet on the resurrection day
Your Great Fan
My fav Ada Ameh. It’s so hard you have to leave this way but since it pleases God who am I to question him. Continue to rest with God Amen
Rest in Power Queen of TV series
I love you anty ada…u lived with so much pain but yet u brought joy to others…I know the ur fellow angels in heaven will receive you with open arms …oh if only money or human efforts can bring u back.. say hi to my dad …rest on mama . Forever in our hearts…
Yours biggest fan and secret daughter …
Nkiruka ibe
Even though we all love and hard to believe you are gone, we cannot question the Almighty. But all the good work and the impact you made in many people and especially your role in the Jonhsons will never be forgotten..Rest on Ada Ameh, Rest on Emuakpor Jonhson….
You will be greatly missed ,your laughter ,your smiles, dancing you were really amazing and the world will forever miss u
Not only has Nigeria lost but Africa at large
Go well mama,say hi to my grandparents 🙌
Rest in peace mama u are forever in our hearts in your voice in the Johnson’s programe lucky loloo miss u rest on
Emu, you were such an inspiration with a special vibe.
I will really miss the great Emu of The Johnsons family.
I pray may God grant your soul an eternal rest.
She was a rare gem
Thank you adah for putting smile on our face.
Rip oyine
Your death came as a shock to me and Nigeria,I have never cried for any celebrity 😭 your death really touched me,you carried so much pain but yet you made us laugh, ah akpo ,emumu no one can ever replace you…I love you mama
May your soul rest in perfect peace amen 😭
Out of sight is not out of mind…we may not see you with our eyes but we see you with the eyes of our heart
Rest in Power
I always looked forward to your scenes in the Johnsons, I wish I knew you personally and for some reason this is the first nollywood death that has me shedding tears. Life hadn’t dealt you the easiest cards, but you tried your best to make everyone around you feel happy. Emu Akpor, may the angels recieve your soul. This world is indeed to dark for the beautiful light you carried, keep resting in peace ma.
I’ve seen a lot of celebrities exit the stage, but has touched me as much as yours. You graced our screens with your smiles and we sat behind the television eagerly awaiting your next scene.
Emuakpor Johnson, I will miss you
If tears could bring back the dead, you sure would have been back.
You fought a good fight, and I pray your soul finds rest with your make.
Rest in Peace Emu
Ada,you were a strong woman indeed,a hard nut to crack for depression. You will be greatly missed but forever remembered for the fun memories you brought our way. May your soul rest in peace.Amen
Our dear Emuakpor, we will forever miss you, rest well in Jesus name. May the loved ones left behind be comforted by God Almighty.
You made me laugh when I was growing up, your characters in the diverse movies were outstanding
When “The Johnsons” came up I just said yes, because you always made me to be home 🏡 by 7 pm.
Indeed your story is a sad One but you never bowed your head, your are a Strong, determined, hardworking Woman; from Cameroon 🇨🇲 We Love ❤️ you
Rest with God Oga Madam
Akporrrrrr, our mama Emu is gone.
You motherly nature did not only benefited those around you but even far and wide
You will forever remain my screen diva.
Because I learned so much whiles been entertained too
It’s sad to write RIP
But is actually means return if possible.
We will forever Miss you
Rest till we part no more.
We love
She had the heart that cared completely. She had the smile that brought so much pleasure. She had the love that brought joy beyond measure.
May her gentle soul rest in the blomsom of Almighty God. 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hmmm it’s so sad that death is inevitable and every soul shall taste death…Even though have not seen you physically I still loved you, your death was really a big shock to us all.
No one can play the role of Emuakpor Johnson like you never!😢 Thanks for putting a smile on my face each time I watch the Johnson’s….You are a real fighter, you fought until the very end….I pray you find rest with the Almighty 😭
Rest on Angel🕊️💔
God bless your soul Ada Ameh😢💔…
You are loved♥️
Aunty Adah,You a winner,u fought a good fight and you won,for the fact you were going through alot and could still put smiles on our faces,am sure you are in a better place now with ur daughter, continue to rest with the Lord, Johnson’s family will miss you
Aunty ADA my screen diva,ever smiling and always putting smiles on our our faces.I will miss you 😭. Thank you ma’am for the love.Sleep well EMUAKPO JOHNSON.Rest in Peace mama😭
Mommy Ada I didn’t know you but you made me laugh and brought so much laughter into my world on the Johnson. Your death is a pain we’ll all learn to coup with, thank you for all you did in making us smile. May your soul Rest In Peace. From Cameroon 🇨🇲
It is with a great sense of loss that I type this tribute. Madam Ada Ameh, I dont know you in person but your role in the Johnson made me and my entire household fall in love with your personality. I became more interested in following you after the demise of your dear daughter. We pray and hope you will forget everything and keep living but hmmmmm….. You will be greatly missed Emu akpo Johnson. May eternal rest be granted to your soul and let Perpetual light shine upon you. Rest in peace Ma. It is well with the Johnsons cast &crew, it is well with your immediate and extended family, it is well with Empress Njamah. ADIEU ADIEU ADIEU.
For the countless love, endearment you’ve shown through your sense of humour and acting. May you enjoy eternal bliss.
Rest Well Emu Akpor Johnson ( Emu Akpoorrr, Emu-mu in Lucky’s voice).
It’s quite painful that you always bring laughter to us and you are not happy.
I personally will miss you Ma.
I pray laughter will continue to follow u.
Death they say is the inevitable end of man, I never knew yours will be this soon.
You made my childhood days wonderful with ur wonderful roles in the home videos. Thank you for always been a source of happiness to so many. Goodnight and rest in peace
Words may not suffice to express the heartfelt sorrow that we/I feel for the passing of Ada Ameh, but please accept our condolences and we/I will be sure to include her “Ada Ameh” in our daily prayers
My dearest Emumu, I learnt from the Johnson’s among many other things that a couple don’t need to call themselves pet names to have a lovely, peaceful and understanding marriage.
You were one actor that always get me glued to my TV each time I see you in a movie. You were laughing and at the same time dying slowly.
It’s so painful you are gone but we all judge God faithful.
Rest in power Ada Ameh.
A light from our household is gone, a voice we love is stilled. A place is vacant in our hearts that never can be filled
She had the heart that cared completely.
She had the smile that brought so much pleasure.
She had the love that brought joy beyond measure.
You came into our lives, for a little while. You left footprints on our hearts, and we will never be the same.
Our mama was an amazing woman, and I feel privileged to have known her. I know you will nd we miss her deeply. I’ll be keeping her in my thoughts and prayers
🕯️Dear Emu, “Ada Ameh”
I pray that your soul find rest from all the struggles and pains that this sinful world brought your way… Thanks for the many times you made us laugh and for the years you stood strong… Sleep well, my favorite “The Johnson’s Character”🥺
Still can’t believe you are no more, a hard pull to swallow. Thanks for the uncountable times you made me smile. I wish you rest with the Lord.
Aunty Ada,though I have never meet one of one but I love ur personality, u kind of person is rare,u r so kind n intentional with people around u,when u lost ur daughter, I joined u in mourning,cos I felt I have also lost a family member, I watched u cry n try to get over the pain,now u are gone also,I wish u didn’t have to go,ur death, til date,hurts me like I knew u,even now am typing n til shedding tears,Aunty ada u were one,of the celebrities, I long to see one n one n I know,if ever we had meet,u n u will be like bread n butter,its just so sad,u left dis early,U are a.strong woman,with all d pain,u til put smile on our faces,u fought d fight but God knows best,Rest well Aunty Ada,I I’ll forever miss u.
I have not cried for a death which is not personal like I did when I went on Facebook and saw the news of your demise💔💔. What more can we say,He make all things beautiful in His time!! Sojourn well Emu, you are now free of all depression . Thank you for making our lives more beautiful while on this side. Your legacies lives on!!! Sleep well Auntie Adah🕊️🕊️
I never met you but you made my childhood fun with your funny comedy 😂 but the news of your death was really heartbreaking Emu Johnson your love will forever remain in our hearts you laugher smile really kept me going each time I remember my late mom I will just download your movies and laugh a little cause you remained me of her 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I know you are with the hosts of Angels keep watching over us we love you but God loves you more.
Ada A beautiful soul, jovia woman. your death is just so painful. You made my childhood days a memorable one with your movie. just wish you can just wake up and come back. I am forever going to miss you. God know the best. Rest on in the bossom of the Lord Almighty…RIP EmuAkpor. we going to miss you
Rest in perfect peace Ada Grace Ameh
Aunty Ada.
Our own Emu…..
U light up my home every night as we look forward to seeing you and ur screen family.
Chaii you will be missed.
They say every human has a twin somewhere, but you are irreplaceable ma.
Rest on , cause so much laughter for that side too.
We will miss you.
May your gentle soul find eternal rest Emuakpor Johnson. Thanks alot for putting Smiles on the face of many people you will be greatly missed .
Your career brought joy to my childhood and youth age. You interpreted your roles very well ranging from the era of Aki and pawpaw till you joined the Johnson family show. Emu (Ada Ameh) you left a big vacuum in the entertainment industry. Indeed you’re a full load of laughter and stress reducer.
You’re resting already with your creator. Rest well madam. Until the glorious morning. I’ll miss you forever on the screen. The laughter, comic relief, and everything.
Thank you Ada for gracing my screen with your awesome interpretation of character. Thanks and rest in power.
Ada Ameh popularly known with Emuakpor Johnson lived a life that’s entertaining and inspiring. Is very disheartening that you left a life stage at a time your fan’s needed you most. May God grant your Jovial soul a resting place as your legacy lives on. Adieu Emu
Adieu Mama Efe Johnson
Adieu Ada Ameh.
My condolences to your family and The Johnson family.
She did well In movie industry I wish we could bring her back
I have never been so touched by the death of someone I do not know personally. Ada Ameh represented the best things in life—laughter and lots of laughter. Not just laughter but one that expresses love.
I have come to love not just your characters. Ada, but yourself even more, because I realized that only one with a bright soul themselves can gove so much life to those fictional characters.
I wish you rest , and eternal peace.
Ada Ameh aka Emu for so many years you put smiles on my family’s life. Rest on great woman. May your soul find solace with God. 💔💔💔
This came as a shocking news! God show us mercy. Mami,may your gentle soul find rest with God. Amen. May God comfort the family you left behind at this hard time
May your soul REST IN PERFECT PEACE 🙏😔❤️
As the scriptures says, there’s time for everything. We believe it was your time to go and we couldn’t question the Creator. But one is sure, your footprint will forever be seen. A rare gem you were. Continue to rest on Emuakpor Johnson, you are forever in our heart!
Oh… When I heard the news at first, I had wished it was a rumor! But it is true.
You will be greatly missed and remembered by your fans all over the world. Your role in movies had a way of cheering one up even in their down moments.
Rest well Emu-Akpor Johnson
I love Nigeria celebrities alot but you were Just exceptional. Like you’re Just loveable Ada. Your last session with TVC i was happy and I said God she is healing and then death like how..
Who did you leave Emu character for na? what about the Children you have on your payroll?
You fought a good fight with so much you had to swallow..
You won 🏆
Rest well Ada Ameh
Emu, words cannot describe all that you stood for, you were brilliant, beautiful and a joke giver. Each time I turn on the television to watch the Johnsons, there were never a dull moment with your acts.
You interpreted your role so well to the admiration of millions of your fans at home and abroad.
I pray the good Lord repose your beautiful soul in His bosom till the resurrection morning when we shall all meet again to part no more.
I also pray the good to comfort your Love ones your demise will cause a huge vacuum in their lives and the Johnsons family the fortitude to bear this huge loss.
Adieu Ada!
Farewell Emuokpor Johnson!!
You lived a fulfilled life and you left a very good Legacies behind 🤞may God with his infinite mercy Grant you external rest 🙏 Rest on mama emuakpor Johnson 😢💔
Ada Ameh….Hmmmmm….God knows best and we cannot question him…everytime I watch the Johnsons, your actions always make me laugh…even last week I watched it and how you got your husbands P.A a better job…I laughed so hard…Thank you for blessing us with your gift…You can rest easy now mama…Go make God smile in heaven…🤗…Till we meet on that glorious day…
You lived a fulfilled lufe and you left a very good Legacies behind 🤞may God with his infinite mercy Grant You external rest 🙏 Rest on mama emuakpor Johnson💔
Emmu, you really gave joy , laughter and true happiness to our families with your God gifted talent. May the Lord have mercy on you and forgive your shortcomings. And grant you eternal rest in his kingdom. We love you and you will be greatly missed.
Mama Ada, I’ve never known you personally neither did I meet you but one thing I know for sure is that I loved you so much. I watched you on the Johnson’s right from season one till date. Honestly if anyone told me I’ll hear this so soon I wouldn’t have believed it. I can’t get used to this because I see and hear Johnson’s every time and I’m not sure how I’ll react anymore. In all of this God knows best. Rest well ma, I love you
My condolences 💐 May your SOUL REST IN PEACE
Emumu!(in Lucky’s voice) u graced our screen for year nd u made it worth it.we will miss you and I pray u rest well with ur creator.and don’t forget to make him laugh…. good night Ada Grace Ameh
Dear Ada, you were an awesome person full of joy, you brought laughter into so many people. We love you but God loves you more. Sleep well legend till we meet to part no more.
Oh Ada the news of your untimely demise took the whole world aback. Despite the pains and difficulties you went through in this life, you took it upon yourself to put smiles on million of faces.You were such a selfless woman .Your death has thought me the uselessness of this life.We are a passing shadow.Rest well sister till meet again.
It saddens my hear to see you leave just like that 😭. Recently I began to fall in love with your character in the soap, the Johnson’s. You where my favorite character and I enjoyed watching you…..Thanks for making me laugh!
Ada Amen, you would have held on because you had a lot of us who loved you…. Good bye Ada, continue to rest in the bossom of our Lord!
Oh what a life! You have have come and conquer, may God Almighty accept your soul and Grant you eternal rest. Rest with the Lord Adah.
Ma, you were an amazing actress that brought joy to so many people. Saddly, you left when we all least expected. My sincere prayer is that the Lord Almighty will grant you eternal rest in His bossom.
Dear Aunty Ada, like a moon you have shined inh darkest part of life, you have affected many Iives positively, your smile is contagious, you gave people hope and reasons to live and be happy, no celebrity’s death has ever take away sleep from my eyes, but yours did….. because of your large heart and impact.
Keep resting mama Ada, we love you but God loves you most.😭😭😭😭
Life indeed is a road, just thinking of all you have been through and still putting on this beauty smiles to bless your fan’s marvels me. When you said you were going through a lot, wished I could get through and make you laugh 😂. But no death came knoking so early. Beautiful Amu you have left all the weakedness of this world and now resting with God.
Sleep on my beautiful screen diva, sleep on mummy ladi.
We love you,but your creator loves and needs you More.
Return if possible.
Thanks for being beautiful, I guess it’s time to go back. God be with your soul
This is hard to believe… I keep asking why good people leave so soon. Even through your struggles, you made everyone smile and laugh. You gave everyone exactly what you needed.
You are a rare gem and this one PAIN me! I swear
If tears could bring you back, I would cry you an ocean.
We miss you dearly and your legacy will live forever even though you are gone. RIP till we meet to part no more
Mummy Ada,u wil always comment on any thing i post on Instagram,especially when my mom passed on. with so much pain in my heart,I say Rest.Rest cos Christ has defeated death.🙏
It is indeed heart – wrenching to believe Anty Ada is gone just like that. But who are we to question God. My condolences to her immediate family, The Johnsons and the entire Nigerians. My her beautiful soul find rest with the Lord.
I know you are in better place. Thanks for all the laughter. Only God knows what the Johnsons family and fans are going through right now. We will all miss you Emuakpor. 😔
It’s so sad 😢😢😢 that your life came ended like this. A lady with the best way of making people laugh anytime you see her on your TV screen. Emu! Mu!! Who go de quoky better Banga soup for lucky, maale way get first class for failing people hand (A.Y).
We love you ma’am but God loves you more, indeed this world is not our own.
Adieu Emu Akpo
Adieu Ada Emeh
Emuakpor Johnson, Your beautiful soul will find a peaceful rest with our creator, we will Miss you so much .
Jee nke oma
Lover of Johnson’s family.
For everything there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under Heaven. Rest in heaven Ada Grace Ameh🕯️🕊️🙏🏿
If roses grow in heaven, / Lord please pick a bunch for me, / Place them in Emu’s arms / and tell her they’re from me.
Rest on ma
Dear Ada.i pray you go well and find everlasting peace.will miss you terribly.
Your fan from Cameroon.
Emuakpor Johnson ur demise is still shocking to me, each time I listened to tribute by the Johnson cast I couldn’t help but to shed tears, Though I don’t know u physically but u have become part of my family through The Johnsons series
Ur dedication, commitment, jovial and professionalism is second to none
Adieu my Role model
Though very hard to say but REST IN PERFECT PEACE
Oh Aunty Ada, I stared a little while at this thinking of what to say, ever since the day I started seeing you on screen I longed and waited for the day I’ll see you in person and how I intend to hug you for a very long time, how I just want to hear you crack some jokes and how I’ll cherish the moment,
It never came, seeing you and hugging you never came to pass, I bet everyone who did doesn’t know I’m really jealous of them, I only saw you on screen but my heart sank when I heard the news of your death, we can’t question God but he should have waited a little longer, you should have stayed a little longer, everyone misses you already, we weren’t prepared for this but it seems your presence was needed in heaven, with tears in my eyes I say Rest in peace Aunty Ada, until the ressurection morning may your rest be peaceful, Please say hello to the angels for me, I love you.
I met you for the first time, over 16 years ago, and of cause I was a child then, and ever since then all I desired was when I would meet you again to remind you of the sweet momories of that day I saw you for the first time at Idomas peoples meeting Asaba, Ada you are a mother, mentor, and the life of the party. Rest on till we meet to part no more.
Dear Ada
Thank you for always putting smiles on my face through your art
I’ll miss you so much
God Rest your soul
Dear mummy Emu, seeing you on screen even from the first day in my life was hilarious. You made smiles and laughter available for us all, for me. I love the way you love and care for people from the stories of you being told and from the character you portrayed in the Johnsons.
I will miss you, your departure hurt me, I felt like you were my elder sister, I felt like I should call you back to life. I was telling a colleague that you and Mr Charles fit each other so we’ll as couple in the drama, I loved everything you do as a family.
I pray earnestly that God is giving you rest. You are loved and celebrated.
I love you so much mama rest in peace 🙏
You were really a vibe to watch both when you were acting and when you were just being yourself on your page, the way I liked watching you and Empress and the special bond you both had together… Hmmmn, I knew life threw so many lemons at you, but you kept on turning them to lemonades. “You came, You saw and you conquer”. We have no doubt you are in a better place. Rest in your Lord’s Bossom…. Emu mu❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
You brought so much joy to me as a person and general public, you did that while going through so much pain without us your fan knowing it, you are such a rare gem, may God almighty grant your soul eternal rest. Amen
Aunty emuakpo johnson 😭😭😭😭, you were my children’s icon and comedian.
Most times when I get upset,my daughter will shout ewelekeeeeeeee!! And I will just start laughing.
I wouldn’t say you left too early, because God knows best.
You will forever be remembered.
Chaiii!! Who will now shout alokyloloooooo for me?
Keep resting aunty emu
Dear Aunty Ada, you were a vibe, you’ve made me smile and laugh uncontrollable and uncountable times and its pain to say goodbye😭. You were an Icon to recogn with, you were loved by all and sundry. You’ve fought the good fight here on earth and i know you’ve seen the light and you have now found Peace in your saviour. Continue to Rest In Peace till we leave to path no more. Adieu 🕊
Ma’am you have made us love Hollywood movies. We love you but God loves you more.
The news of your Death hits differently
I am still in shock and pains with your death….Rest In perfect peace Ada Ameh aka emuakpor Johnson
Ada amen is such a beautiful soul..she will be greatly missed in the industry n at large..may God rest her soul.emu lol lol..hmmm this world is not our home o.
Aunty Ada your death is a great shoke to me and I wonder if I can still take my time to still watching the Johnson’s without you.
You are a strong woman considering the story you gave during one of your interview
I really don’t know how to say goodbye because your death is unimaginable.
You gave the world reason to smile while hiding your pains…what a sacrifice!
Rest in peace till we meet to part no more
Iwuanyanwu Isaac n
Rest in peace mama. I love you personally.
Rest in Peace Miss Ada going to miss you on the Johnson family…. one of the people that make my childhood funny I’m going to watch Tom and Jerry now…
I have always enjoy every bit of Ada Ameh,if not for anything but for the sake of my mom ,the way she laughs each time she is watching her program on the Johnson’s ,i only get to meet her once at otukpo in benue state when she came visiting,i don’t Even know what to say,She have been a source of happiness to so many lives,,,for the past few days now i would just sit down and wonder who could take her place in the Johnson’s?only God knows,my greatest joy for ada now is that she made things right with God before leaving this world and i Believe she is sitted by our lord side,may her soul have eternal rest ,may God give the family the heart to bear this great lost,ADA AMEH may your gentle soul rest in perfect peace AMEN🙏Till we meet to part no more EMUAKPOR JOHNSON😭😭😭😭😭😭
Hi Aunty ADA,
Thank you for being strong
Rest on ma
I love you❤️
Good night Ada, like a candle 🕯️ in the wind 🌬️ you lived your life. Rest well till the resurrection morning
You’ll never be forgotten dear sis, can never forget you back then in Ajegunle, you’re such a strong and loving soul. May you rest in perfect peace.
Truly,she brought so much joy and laughter to our homes,she will be greatly missed on this side of the universe, may God rest her soul and comfort her family.
The world , The Tv , Family and Fans will 😢
I sure know even just gain an Angel .
Rest well Ada!
Aunty’s Ada, I never got a chance to meet you in person but I became more interested in your story after the demise of your beautiful daughter. I would always go to your page once in a while to check how you faring and was always happy whenever i see you post something joyous on your Instagram page. You have left this wicked world to find peace with your maker and i hope that you are happy up there… I love you aunty and may your rest be peaceful. Amen
Aunty Adah, knowing u physically isn’t love, I loved u right from the first time I Set my eyes on u on the television, u look like my elderest sister and I lived ur acting skills,.and then I grow to love u each passing day even when I have met with u till ur death.💔😢😢. Earth lost an angel, and then heaven gained an angel.. Thanks for putting smiles upon my face and alot of people’s faces out there through ur acting, and u are one realist being I have come across on social media, who fears no one not even the so call Nigeria govt, we always spoke the truth for that alone I love u forever even in death. ❣️❣️ Rest in enternal peace until we meet at the feet of Jesus Christ. Amen 🙏🙏😢😢
Aunty Adah, knowing u physically isn’t love, I lived u right from the first time I Seth my eyes on u on the television, u look like my elderest sister and I lived ur acting skills,.and then I grow to love u each passing day even when I have met with u till ur death.💔😢😢. Earth lost an angel, and then heaven gained an angel.. Thanks for putting smiles upon my face and alot of people’s faces out there through ur acting, and u are one realist being I have come across on social media, who fears no one not even the so call Nigeria govt, we always spoke the truth for that alone I love u forever even in death. ❣️❣️ Rest in enternal peace until we meet at the feet of Jesus Christ. Amen 🙏🙏😢😢
Ma, the sad news of your demise came first from pheonix brower written as”Adah Emeh is dead”when i saw that i dropped my phone for a while in disbelief and at the same time praying from the depth of my heart that was already beating so fast hoping that this wasnt true but still anxious to know and be sure thay it wasnt true what i just saw..I had to pick my phone to search for the truth,,, Ahhhh!! The truth hurt it really hurt that you are and will be nomore…then i read again online how you lost your six sibling and only child, then i wonder how beautiful your soul was, , in all these hurtfullnes and pain you were still able to keep and spread a very vibtant, loving and positive energy, you were still able to put smile in the faces of million of people both home and abroad.. Having a bad day just go on tv watch “the johnson” And see aunty adah using the slang “akpor, aweleke” To melt away your depression and sadness, automatically transfering her positive energy.. Kai to many testimony about you aunty Adah but in a nutshell,i thank you so very much for the countless time you pulled me out of depression through your sweet character on the johnson set.. One thing for sure is that i believe and
I know you are in a better place
I know it doesnt hurt anymore
I know the pain is over
I hope you are singing with the angels in heaven
I know you are resting fine and well…
You will be greatly missed and loved
Forever in our heart..
Live on great woman
Live on strong woman
You conguered…
Ma, the sad news of your demise came first from pheonix brower written as”Adah Emeh is dead”when i saw that i dropped my phone for a while in disbelief and at the same time praying from the depth of my heart that was already beating so fast hoping that this wasnt true but still anxious to know and be sure thay it wasnt true what i just saw..I had to pick my phone to search for the truth,,, Ahhhh!! The truth hurt it really hurt that you are and will be nomore…then i read again online how you lost your six sibling and only child, then i wonder how beautiful your soul was, , in all these hurtfullnes and pain you were still able to keep and spread a very vibtant, loving and positive energy, you were still able to put face in the faces of million of people both home and abroad.. Having a bad just go on tv watch “the johnson” And see aunty adah using the slang “akpor, aweleke” To melt away your depression and sadness, automatically transfering her positive energy.. Kai to many testimony about you aunty Adah but in a nutshell,i ll just want to say thank you so very much for the countless time you pulled me out of depression through your sweet character on the johnson set.. One thing for sure is that i believe and
I know you are in a better place
I know it doesnt hurt anymore
I know the pain is over
I hope you are singing with the angels in heaven
I know you are resting fine and well…
You will be greatly missed and loved
Forever in our heart..
Live on great woman
Live on strong woman
You conguered…
You came, you saw, you fought, loved unconditionally, and you conquered.
You stood for truth and had zero tolerance for nonsense and miscreants. You have taken a bow, your legacy and impact will continue to live on.
Rest on fiercless woman till resurrection morning. 😢😭😭😭😭
EMU AKPO JOHNSON we will miss you but God knows the best, Rest on till we meet to part no more, the Johnson fan`s are wishing you fare well
You added flavor to the entertainment aspect of my life, an Angel has gone back home. Goodnight Anty Ada😭😭😭
Ada , you healed some many by making them laugh through your acting. You’ll be missed! Good bye!!!
I would like to to say my deepest condolences to the family, friends, the Johnson’s crew and to the whole of African. We have lost a great person, May her soul rest in peace.
Have not seen you for once but your performances in movies made me see you as a good woman, and as a comedian, i use to get some materials from the things you say.
It was a shock to me when it popped up from Google that you’ve left us, you will be remembered….
When I saw the news of your death online, the first word that came out of my mouth was “akpoooo” . Ada Ameh gone but never forgetten . we love you, God loves you more rest in peace Mama.
I have never met you ones but knew you on the screen for years Ada Amah you are the only celebrity who has left this world that I cried with tears dropping down my cheeks I pray God accept your soul we will all miss you sincerely😭😭😭
It’s so hard for me to accept ur death. U admitted me at d hospital, asked ur sister to com take good care of me. Told me to remain in ur home, even when discharged. U will b back on Monday afternoon. Grace am still at ur home waiting. U saved my life and u left me. Am pained to my marrow. But this is reality. Oremi bi Omo iya. I miss u like crazy. God knws best . Everything is going to b fine. Adiu. U will always be my bestie. Gudnite Ade grace Ameh.
Oh mama am so heartbroken 💔💔😭😭😭😭😭 words fail me
The life of one we love is never lost. Its influence goes on through all the lives it ever touched. Rip Ma.. I miss you personally!!
The life of one we love is never lost. Its influence goes on through all the lives it ever touched. Rip Ma… I miss you personally
Our dearest Emu we know that you are in a better place, we will miss you. But the laughter that you gave to us will never fade away ❤️
Thank you for putting smiles to our faces throughout this years
It’s painful that you didn’t live to that age we expected, you were indeed a Great woman
Thank you Ma.
Rest in the bosom of the Lord Jesus Christ
You have given beautiful smiles to many . I hope you may also continue smiling in the other world. Rest on Adah, may God receive your soul.
God knows the best. 🕊 🙏🏿🙏🏿
Rest ma
Dear Ada Ameh , laughter is what you’ve put in the faces of millions of Nigerians and Africans as well,
Your smile brings great joy to people like me who stays glued to my TV set at home when watching Episodes of the Johnson’s , I also remember just a few days a go when all I saw was so boring programs, when I searched further I met my favourite the Johnsons and I stopped my search and watched you displayed your talent and I was happy to see that comic relief and a beautiful smile as you acted on the screen .
It was absolutely a rude shock when I heard about your demise , it was like a dream . Just like a candle in the wind your candlelight burned out too soon the resting place for you I pray is eternity with the Lord our God , I hope you will give same smiles you gave here on earth to the Angels up and above in heavens now.
Keep resting till we all meet to part no more. Amen
May your soul rest in peace ma,you made the TV show the Johnson’s an excited show to watch,your character portrayed the behavior of an urhobo woman,you will be surely missed
You’re more than actress, I always view you as a mother…. You’ll be greatly missed our lovely mummy Emu….akpor is gone forever 😭
It still feels like a nightmare i would never wake up from😔. Are you really gone? If yes, I wish it is to a better place and that thoughts of you continually warm our hearts. You had your struggles, but notwithstanding, still managed to make so many people smile. A light indeed!
Watching the Johnson’s will never be the same for me😭😭
Rest well ma’am
I wish…
How indeed I wish
I wish there lived
A chance to relive yesterday
Just maybe
But wishes are wishes
And not horses for all to own
You famed through Nollywood
Like a howling whirlwind
Dotting every corner
With your signature smile
You grabbed the industry by the jugular
Conquered and owned your territory
Little wonder you exited the stage
With a bang… drama queen
Surely, you’ve earned a role
With the celestial ensemble
Singing hallelujah tunes
Till the trumpet bellows
When goodbyes shall be no more
God knows how much
We all didn’t want the sweet story called Ada Ameh
To end in such a tragic diminuendo
But here we are at the house of reality… helpless
Goodnight Emuakpor
Rest well Ada
And may your rest be peaceful
July 23, 2022
I always look out for you, even though we are not related, I always love seeing you happy, oh! Death. Can’t still get over the news of your death. I’m happy you are now in a better place where you’ll no longer be sad and depressed.. continue to rest ma
How much your death hurts me when I think of it, the pain is unexplainable and the heartbreak is devasting.
Indeed your kind is rare
Thanks for putting smiles on faces of people through entertainment
You left a very big vacuum that cannot be filled
Rest Well Mama Ada Ameh
I Love you but God loves you more
Sleep on Legendary Woman .
Hmmmmmmm Still hard to believe you are gone.
Thanks for putting smiles on our faces.
You May be gone but will be be forgotten
You will forever live in our heart. Continue to rest with the Lord till we meet to path no more
Gone but never forgotten
To a wonderful departed soul
You’re such a icon to behold always on the screen , one of my best actress always eager to watch and never gets tired .
U made me fell in love with the JOHNSON SERIES, portraying the way a family should come first, your character in the JOHNSON was superb,
You’re where more than talented.
Don’t know you in person but your death hit me more, that my favourite EMU AKPO is gone
Thank you for the smiles you brought to our family
Forever in our heart💔💔💔
Rip aunty Ada
Rip EMU of luckilolo
May your beautiful soul rest in perfect peace Amen
I must confess that I have never been this pained by the passing of someone I never met physically aside from her roles in “The Johnsons”, a comedy that drives me crazy. Along with her other colleagues on The Johnsons, fantastic characters like Johnson himself, Jennifer their daughter, and of course Efe and the adopted Spiff.
Ada my dear sister, you were a rare character, I became prouder when I realized you came from Idoma, the mother tribe to my Yala tribe in Northern Cross River, my Omgbalipu(from one womb). Your departure left your fans devastated, aside from the pains of death, we shall miss your motherly appearance, your humorous fights with your friends like Deputy, your endless rivalry with Jennifer your daughter, and your special care for Deputy’s little daughter and Spiff.
I can spend the whole day eulogizing you but the bitter fact is that we will never see you again, we can only console ourselves with your previous versions and the hope that someday, we shall converge in eternity where happiness is endless.
May your soul be received by the Angels of heaven and presented to God the most high
RIP Ochuanya Idoma.
You were such a beautiful soul. Thanks for putting smiles on the faces of people around the world. May God in his infinite mercy, grant your soul eternal rest. 🙏
Adah Amen
A force to reckon with..
A strong personality..
A blunt soul..
Yet a fighter.
I wish you didn’t Ve to go…
I wish that wasn’t not your last meal😢
Earth lost a rare gem
But. Heaven’s gain an Angel.
Rest on ma’am
May God bless your beautiful soul strong woman of all times
Mama this is too early,😭😭😭, this is too early, rest in peace is hard to say ma..we miss you
I do not want to believe it’s real till today I just have to accept it, it’s too soon mama , I can’t even watch my favorite channel because I don’t know what to feel
Keep resting Maam
Rest in paradise you made so many depressed people happy
Rip emu akpo johnson we will forever miss u
Mrs Grace you have put smile on our faces I love you so much, I pray may your gentle soul rest in perfect peace.
The news of your dead came as shock but who are we to question the Lord…..We will miss you Aunty Ada….Continue to rest in da Lord
Eniola Badmus
May her soul Rest In Peace 🙏.. Amen
The news of your death came as a suprise and shock to us your fans,you were a strong woman and honestly I admired your courage and determination from afar. You fought to stay alive and pull through but I guess God knows best and has the final say. We are only mere mortals and we can’t question him. May your soul continue to find eternal rest.
Your fan.
Rest in peace 😢 I always loved to see u acting u had a free spirit rip 💔💔💔😔the monster of death
Childhood memories of African movies will never be the same. A force to be reckoned with! Well done ma. Your face gave a warm embrace. I didn’t have to have a conversation with you to know you were full of grace. May the almighty God have mercy on you. May you Rest In Peace knowing you did your part.
Nmoo Gb’ochi Ada
So painful writing this💔💔 I’ve always been checking on your page since the news came in if you can just come out to say it was all a lie.
I don’t know how to explain to my 3years old daughter that Emumu has gone to rest. 😭😭😭
Rip Mama
I never wished to write a tribute at this early stage but God knows best. Watching u on my tv during my childhood till now was one thing that always put smile on my face.May God Almighty grant us the spirit to bear. May ur gentle soul Rest In Peace 😭
I miss you so much 💔😭 remain in our heart 💔
Thank God for the life you lived. You will forever be missed by millions of Nigerian families. Really heartbreaking 💔 to pen down a tribute to you Ada😧😧… Eweleke…!!!!!
May your peaceful soul find peace and Rest with your maker….. My kids are already missing you. Goodnight Emu
May your soul rest in peace dear Adah Ameh,we love you but God knows best🙏🙏
U brought so much joy,laughter and so much more to do many people while u were alive. U will be greatly missed my us all but God knows best continue to rest in the lord till resurrection morning
I pray your soul find peace 🤲Amen
Thank you so much for putting smiles on our faces even in the hardest moments of your life. Rest in perfect peace Ada Ameh and still watching your movies and am smiling though is hard to believe you are gone to be with the Lord. I know you have seen your daughter and the rest of your family in heaven making smiling and make God and angles laugh thank you Ada❤️❤️
Thank you for putting smiles on our faces even though I didn’t know you personally but the testimonies from people says it all. May God grant you peace and rest
Oh Ada, I never knew you as that but as Emu 😄 you have been an inspiration to many, my daughter sees you on TV and shout Akpo…… I heard of your death and I felt 💔 my heart was heavy. Oh death where is thy sting where is thy victory…….
You will forever be missed, yes your death is hard on us but am happy because before your death you were smiling and grooving. Happy that you are with your creator and out of this sinful world.
Rest with glory in the Lord
Love you plenty plenty 😘
For the first time ever I met Ms Ada Ameh, I really loved her in The Johnsons, I was a really huge fan, always looking forward to whatever she’s does or say. She always made me laugh and put a really huge smile on my face. I met Ms Ada on my Birthday, she came specifically to share an auspicious day in my life and I was so happy cause she looked so beautiful and surreal, she was filled with so much energy, the love was just oozing out of her. I still can’t believe she’s actually gone, it came as a big shock to me, it didn’t feel real at all. Wherever you are Ms Ada, you made me feel special even though we didn’t really communicate that day, you made me feel so special and I am so grateful, appreciative and thankful to you. Rest In Love and Peace Ms Ada💞
Thanks for putting smiles on our faces, may the good Lord accept your soul, rest in peace 👼 🕯 🕊
Your 48years on earth has been a blessing to Humanity, thank you for blessing my family and I with your acting prowess especially in the family sitcom drama ‘The Johnsons’ which my family must watch everyday and learn how to reposition our family with lessons from the drama. I see how you spread love to everyone around you. May your rest be Peaceful.
Aunty Ada i don’t even know understand anymore i didn’t know you personally but when i heard about your death i just crying i became really sad cos only because of you i enjoyed watching the johnsons without missing any episode it so painful that you won’t be there no more.still checked your pictures today with tears in my eyes.i love you so so much and it really hurts that you are no more.rest in peace emuakpor johnson emu emu❤️❤️❤️I love you❤️
I’ll miss her
You put up a good fight but the Lord knows best
I prayed for it to be fake news.
You were one of the major reasons for me to always watch the Johnsons.
It is well. I pray where you are is better than here.
You were a strong woman and you touched many lives positively.
Thanks for the smiles, fly high
May the soul of Ada Ameh and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace, Amen. 🙏🏿
God bless your soul ma
We wished you lived longer but God knows best.
I never knew you personally but this was a great shock to me and I wished you didn’t have to leave.
Rest in Power ma.
I’m sooo pained we lost emu 😭😭😭😭 I’m a cameroonian and i loved her from a far❤️❤️❤️
May her soul RIp🕯🕯🕯🕯
Rest well ma
Personally I don’t know you but I could feel your kindness and your death hurt me more than can be told… I could tell you were greatly loved by all…it’s really sad but I hope your stay on earth was worth it
Sleep well ma
Rest well and May God accept your amazing soul
Nigeria will miss you
Ada Ameh also known as Emuakpor Johnson. I will really miss you, infact my children aged 9, 7 and 5 year old felt really bad when they heard of your demise. They were so fond of your popular slogan ” Akpooooo”. The Johnson’s family show will not be the same without you. We will miss you a lot. We pray your soud finds rest in the Lord Amen
Ada Ameh also known as Emuakpor Johnson. I will really miss you, infact my children aged 9, 7 and 5 year old felt really bad when they hard of your demise. They were so fond of your popular slogan ” Akpooooo”. The Johnson’s family show will not be the se without you. We will miss you a lot. We pray your soud finds rest in the Lord.
She was such nice and full of life. She never complained about problems/pains to anyone, rather she’ll put a smile on your face just to make you feel good again. I met Aunty Ada once, and I loved her even more than on TV shows. When I heard she passed away, words failed me, I couldn’t believe my eyes. No one can ever take her place. She fought all odds just to stay alive especially after losing her only child. Aunty Ada faced a lot of difficulties, but never did she ever complain. She took her roles seriously and put laughter on so many faces. Aunty Ada, you will forever be remembered. May your gentle soul keep resting in the blossom of our Lord.
Ada was my favorite in The Johnson’s!
Her death was shocking.
She must have been going through what no one could ever understand and imagined!
You have fought the good fight, and you will be greatly missed.
Rest in peace Ada!
I have been watching the Johnsons for almost 5 years now and we all gather to watch it at home 🥺she was the main reason why we had a reminder for the Johnsons family 🥺💯 we were always excited and we had alotta of fun watching it and today I cried cause this is heavy and very heart broken 💔 we don’t have our mummy emu again💔🥺😭..so my prayers for her is to keep resting in perfect peace and may God Almighty have mercy upon her soul🙏🥺 and I am saying sorry to all the Johnsons family cause we all have lost a mother 🙏💯 REST ON MA. YOU WILL FOREVER BE IN OUR 💕 ♥️.
Mummy Ada, words can’t describe how hurt I am. You made me look forward to The Johnsons every night after work, u made me nd my family laugh always. We’ll all miss u, I especially will miss u.
I love you but God loves you more nd I’m consoled cos I know you’re resting with the Lord.
Farewell mummy Ada
Go in peace Emuakpor Johnson
May God accept ur soul, Amen
What a great loss to us all who love you, especially when you brought laughter to our homes on the Johnson. I have prayed and dreamed the day I will work with you on the same set. I remember writing a story for the Johnson’s but I never knew a way to send it across to Native media, it was inspired by you. Mama am going to miss you, I believe you are in a better place resting in Heaven with your lovely daughter. You are a blessing to me and to a whole lots of people . Mama keep resting forever, you will always live in our heart.
To mama Ada,thank you for all your did..in Nollywood,thanks for always putting smile on our faces every evening with the Johnsons
We miss you..but our joy is that Heaven gained
Rest in paradise great woman 🙏🙏🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️
Though I never met you in person but I loved you like I know you personally Rest in peace ma’am Emuakpor Johnson It’s so sad you will be Greatly missed 😢😢😢
Ada , our own Emu, may God grant you eternal rest. I love your realness as a person. You live a life of example even from afar. You’re loved keep resting in the Bossom of our ABBA….
Mama,Aunty,a friend…i’m one of your fans,I love you soo much nd it’s so heavy in my heart to write this..But one thing i’m happy for is you fought through nd you are in a better place
Keep resting maami💔🥺
I love you soo much🕊🕊
We meet to part no more
Aunty Ada, I can’t even believe you are gone. It took me one week to accept it. I loved you and I will continue to love you in death. May you rest peaceful.
Emu of The Johnsons.
Its so painful how we have to loose a treasure like you, how the people that brings so much happiness to people are the saddest.
We take solace in the fact that you have gone to rest in The Lord’s Bossom and that we will meet at his feet someday.
Rest well ma ♥️
Adah I never had the pleasure of meeting you, but your death hit me so hard. We did not know what happened and we may not even get the answer. Words can not convey how much joy and laughter you brought to peoples lives. You overcame so many tragedies, yet you still stay strong for others to be happy, without a doubt you are the most gorgeous human being..
As It wishes God to called you home, I know you are now at peace ,where you reunite with your beautiful daughter hugging, kissing and wrapping your hands all over her again.
Rest well Emu it is well.
Auntie Ada I was dumbfounded when I heard of your demise, I picked my phone to confirm and lo n behold it was true. U will be missed, though you left early but in your short life you touch so many souls through your act. The whole Nollywood will miss you, you are indeed a legend.
Adieu Auntie
Adieu Emuakor.
R.I.P till we meet again.
My mama 🦋😁 I still get chills when I see your pictures and tributes. It’s been a week and I am accepting it that yea you’re not here with us anymore. I hope you find peace and I hope you’ve seen your angel Aladi. Mama kemi is still spewing nonsense ooo🥹 when you liked that comment of me telling you to ignore her and leave her for your children to handle it made my whole month. I nor con fulfill that promise to you before you leave me o. I won’t unfollow you here. I’ll tell my kids about you and the energy you brought with you. I’ll never get tired of the Johnsons even if you’re not here anymore. I love you my online mom and advocate
Rest In Peace🕊🦋♥️
Dear beloved Ada amen, your lost came so shocking to me…. After a post on ur Instagram… You did Ghana braid… You were so full of life that l commented on and you replied me in love only to be told you are gone. It’s so soon… You fought the good fight of faith…. Sleep on Emuakpor…. Sleep Ada……. Sleep….. Domitika…… Sleep Anita…..sleep in d bossom of the Almighty. May God grant your family, friends and we’ll wishers the fortitude to bear the lost. Amen.
I still cry Everytime I think about you not being here anymore…. 😭 It saddens my heart that you had to leave so soon.. I’m very sorry things turned out this way.. I can only pray for God’s mercy upon your soul. I pray He forgives all ur sins and may you rest in His Bossom. Rest well… I’m still hurting I won’t lie it hurts so much😢….
As a little girl, I have always wished I could see her in person. She’s one lady I want to see her movie over and over again and no matter how down or sad I am, her movies always finds way to bring out the hidden laughter in my inside.
Truly, she will be greatly missed by me but I believe she’s with God’s angels today. Fareware mama Ada…I love you but God loves you even more.
Dear Ada Ameh,
It’s a sad thing that you had to exit the stage so soon. I never had the chance of meeting you personally, but through your numerous roles in movies, especially, ‘The Johnsons’, you struck a cord in me. Your laughter was infectious. Despite the odds, you made your fans laugh and roll over. You promised in one of your posts that you were going to pull through all the challenges…
Rest well, beautiful soul. You will be greatly missed.
My name is Jennifer, this news of Aunty Ada been dead hit really bad. I might not know you in person but anytime I see your picture being posted anywhere I always burst into tears 😭 the love and smiles you had shared will never be forgotten. I know a pure soul like you will be dancing and making the hosts of heavens happy with your funny nature. Keep resting in the bosom of the Almighty God till we meet to part no more.
Anty Ada, I know I haven’t seen you while you lived in this cruel world. But you were my low key role model, now that you are gone. I miss you more and I wish you were still here. Please rest well, I know you are doing okay wherever you are. You made everyone of us happy and smile while you were going through a whole a lot. God bless you so much! We love you❤️❤️😢😢
You were a ‘bonus’ to the Nollywood. You interpreted the roles you played to the fullest. You ran a good race. May you find eternal peace Ada.
Aunty Ada ameh you will always and forever remain and icon. I have never met her in person but her death struck me like somebody I have known since ages. I couldn’t stop crying since the day I heard this sad news we wish she will come on social media and debunk the news. So sad that you have to leave us this way but God knows the best. May your gentle soul continue to Rest In Peace until we all meet to depart no more. Joy John loves you
You brought Smile and happiness to so many lives and I am happy to have watched you in my life time… Rest in Peace Ada Ameh
It’s a week after your passing and I’m still in shock and tears. You were so full of life and all your roles always had this wonderful connect. You’re sorely and terribly missed….. Rest well ma. Rest well Emuakpor Johnson 💔💔💔
I might not have known you but I really feel pained. There was connection I feel even I only watch you on TV…pls rest well…I really hope you are happy wherever you are.
A light has gone out…
You brought so much sunshine and laughter enough to go round ten generations. You were so passionate and positive in deploying your creative talents. I love the way you exuded so much grace and professionalism in your craft. Your heart was that of gold, full of compassion and concern for humanity. We will miss you so dearly.
Sleep on till the resurrection morning.
Seeing your pictures everywhere breaks my heart the more 😭😭😭
Why did you give chance to go now? For the sake of grandma (Your mother) you would have reconsider to stay for us. Obi agbowammmm 😭😭. When I lost my mother at tender age growing up was too tough am always in pain, at little age my BP was going high and not until 2013-14 I saw the Johnson’s that was the first time I laughed out too hard for a very long time in my life and since then I noticed a very good change in my life bcs of the way you make me laugh. I watched you and uncle AY too and many more and it’s all full of laughter
Now you choose to go who do you want to play your role in the Johnsons family? Someone should please tell me Emu went to somewhere that she will soon be back 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Great woman! Rest in peace
Seeing this makes me feel how hard this situation is to everyone that knows you ma’am
I may not know you in person but you are indeed a sweet, and caring soul,and as well a big motivation
Thanks for teaching us to be fighter at any negativity of life
You are indeed loved
Rest well in Christ blossom
The engima called Ada Ameh aka Emu Johnson. I write this with so much pain and sadness and it hurts even more knowing you left this world when you still have so much to give. Even in your darkest moments you still made us laugh through your movies and for that I say thank you. Thank you for living your life to the fullest,thank you for impacting on many lives. I will miss you,my family will miss you,Nollywood will use,Nigeria will miss you and Africa will miss you. Adieu Ada Ameh, Adieu Emu Johnson. Continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord till we meet on the resurrection morning where we will meet to part no more. Sleep on Ada.😭♥️
Auntie Ada d first time I watched ur movie was Domitila (blom blom yansh) auntie u were good at everything you do.. auntie Ada u made us laugh.. auntie Ada harbored a lot of pain yet shares her own little happiness for d world to see.. auntie Ada Heaven gained an Angel oh… too hard to say goodbye.. but rest well.. Emuakpor Johnson.. Auntie Ada Ameh we wil miss u on screen .. God bless ur soul ..
I never met u, but your positive vibes reached me. I loved to watch your videos, but you lost hope in life due to the challenges u faced, I know it’s not easy to keep living facing all those challenges life threw at you. Rest on Ada till the day of judgement.
Dear Mum Emu Johnsons, I first saw you in the movie “Kaki no be leather” then came “The Johnsons” i watched this sitcom every 7pm, watching you all made us to create a certain kind of relationship, when ever you traveled to Warri as per the story, we will miss you so badly, just like the Characters in the play, seeing Lucky miss you and making calls for you to come home, it always felt like i was in that family missing my Mummy. You were basically like a Tv mum to most of us that followed your show every evening. I can’t seem to believe we will not have to see you again, this is too heavy for us to bear. The way we feel for your exit makes me wonder how your close relatives especially your mum feels of this sudden blow, I pray our Almighty Lord takes proper care of you for us. Adieu Mama👋
Rest on, rest in Peace. You will be missed dearly.
Even with so many not meeting, you are greatly loved and I ask myself, how possible is this???
It’s so heartbreaking knowing you brought so many Joy whilst you were hurting😭😭💔💔your vibes and energy were so contagious that no matter how moody one tends to be, you’d bring extreme happiness and laughter, We’d miss you greatly but in all, we are glad you are in a much better place
I pray God comforts we all and give us the fortitude to bear the loss
Rest In Peace Emuakpor
Rest In Peace Ada Ameh🕊🕊
Eweleke…..we will miss you.
With the host of heavens rejoicing and resting from the sorrows and wickedness of the world. Consolation is that no one would be left on earth and more importantly, people would get to embrace loved ones after mortal existence. You fought a good fight and never dropped the ball even when the chips were down. There with your loved one is a plus! Rest on as death’s got nothing on you, “Emuakpor Johnson” beloved Ada Ameh. May your soul be still till resurrection morning.
It hurts deeply 💔 but I know you are a better place! Thank you for all the laughs and thank you too for gracing our screens with your unique talent. Rest on mama 🕊 🕊 🕊
Dear mama Emuakpor Johnson the original First Lady of the Johnson’s family thank u for entertaining us all these years. Amidst all your struggles u still manage to put smiles on our faces. Your memories will forever linger in our hearts and we will continue to keep you in our prayers. Rest well mama
You wimould forever remain in our hearts. Thank you for the endless smile you put on our faces. I pray that you rest in peace.
I am so hurt! I have never met you but whenever I see your picture I cry so bad!!!! I am sad because you made me laugh all the time but you had so much pain in your life….life is so unfair! I will miss your movies and your role on the Johnsons. Rest in peace Ada!
Emuakpor Johnsons you would be greatly missed for making us laugh 😂 and get happy discipline your children and making us learn more about motherhood
May your sweet soul continue to Rest In Peace mummy ada …. I love you even though I never had the opportunity to meet you in person
I learn from you when ever I watch you act on screen so original
How I wish you can see how well I act a lot of people say you act like ada
Oh my God Anuty ada I never saw this coming ooo
May you continue to find peace in the blossom of the lord
Goodbye Anuty goodbye ada
Rest perfectly in peace
Mummy Ada,I don’t know you personally but your character and role on the Johnson’s has made me understand the kind of person you are,jovial, playful and full of energy. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to get to know you on our screens and then our lives. The angels are definitely happy to have you. Go well and reunite with Ladi even though there’s a vaccum left in us. I pray God give empress the strength to bare this loss of losing you,she has been pained. Rest in peace 🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️
Emu I miss you
Rest In Peace 🖤
No more darkness ADA. No more pain. No more medicine. No more hospital visits. No more depression. -Only light and love in the arms of your Maker.
You inspired me ADA & You will never be forgotten.
The pains you hid is no more….. Revelation 21:4
Emu Johnsons 😭😭😭😭
May your soul Rest In Peace
Oh Aunty Ade u left us just like that😭😭😭d last time I saw you was December u carried my nephew and was playing with him I saw d joy on your face😭growing up at ajegunle wenever I see you I always run cos u always correct me by telling me d truth of ow to dress decent and to be a better person ,I love you Aunty Ada ,thank you for making us laugh always,may God accept ur soul
Now I miss that your shout dat u always shout at me at navy road wenever am entering the barrack ,I have cried all my heart out 😭😭😭I was having headache for 2days cos of d cry but God knows best😭😭😭
When I heard the news of your death, I had to logout waiting to login and hear it was fake. Came back online wishing it was fake but it wasn’t. I was really upset wishing you could have stayed back. Your death pain me oooh even though I don’t know you in person I loved you Emu and wished I could bring you back. Rest In Peach Aunty ADA AMEH
Rest In Peace Ada Ameh you will forever remain in our heart😞💔💔
Aunty ada
I always looked at you as my role model hope that one day in this life I will get to see you
You have indeed put smiles on peoples faces
But didn’t know that God had his own plan
We’ll Rest In Peace ma
We will forever have in our heart
Indeed the say a great icon has fallen
Rest on ma😭😭😭
Aunty Ada! You were our area Aunty in Ajegunle. Back then you always stood out from all others. Real💯 and down to earth. You lived life on your own terms. Never to be bullied!
It didn’t come as a surprise how you were able to liberate yourself from that life. You proved that one’s background must not leave one on the ground. I watched you with great admiration over the years. Even now, you left when the ovation was loudest!
Your life was an inspiration and a beacon of hope for the down trodden especially teenagers. Your life teaches that everyone can rise from whatever situation and change the narrative of their life. You are proof that our destiny is in our hands an we can rewrite it the way we want!
Still feels surreal💔Oh! Aunty Ada! How does one say good bye to you😭. . . You Came! You Lived! You gave us your very Best! You were larger than life! I will keep your memories forever in my heart!
Wow I am so short of words, I don’t know where to start or end, but you made my childhood, may you Rest In Peace! This is just so sad 😭 keep resting Ada Ameh AKA Emuakpor Johnson
Adah Ameh aka Emuakpor you put smiles on so many depressed face with your creativity,you were one actress that I’d leave everything I’m doing just to watch a movie you feature in just so i can laugh…
It’s really painful to accept the reality that you wouldn’t be on our screens anylonger…
The Johnson’s family will never remain the same without you…
Keep resting Aunty Adah
Keep resting Emu Lolo..
Ada Ameh AKA Emuakpor Johnson, just like you’ll always scream “Akpoooooor” which means “life”, it’s so sad and sickening that yours has ended so soon after all you went through, you said you weren’t going to die and you’d overcome but the opposite was the case. GOD KNOWS BEST
This actually the first time am writing a tribute,it’s really painful to write this with eyes full with year’s,it’s painful to know that such a beautiful,kind, caring jovial, mother, sister, friend and family is no longer with us in this earth.yes you may have gone to rest but the pains,tears,heart break your death brought to us your fans is unbearable..your always full of life, putting smiles in our face,we appreciate you alot.just know that your death left many people heart broken,some of us haven’t seen you physically but we loved you alot because your always there for our happiness. We know that it was never easy losing your only child but we prayed that you come out stronger unfortunately that prayer was not answered.who are we to question God. you came,saw,lived, conquer.you brought so many joy in our hearts.your dead but just know that you will never be forgotten..we are saying if possible please return back to us.it still feel like a dream to many people out there 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭.. Continue to rest in peace,Anty Ada,Emu akpor,Mrs Johnson,Weekend,we will miss you forever 😥.. till we meet to part no more
R .i.p Ada Emu💔💔
I started watching the Johnsons during my junior secondary school days, and Ada Ameh (Emuapkor) made me fall in love with the series.. And outside the series I love her, though l don’t know her personally but I just love her .. Her personality, her aura, her beautiful smile… When I first heard the news I was hoping and praying it was a rumour but as God may have it , it’s so real and heartbreaking,… Gosh I’m in tears😔💔…
Rest in Perfect Peace ma Ada Ameh, thank you for impacting in my life even without knowing me. I love you❤.. I hope you are happy where you are ❤…
Rest in power Ada. God bless your soul.
Ada Ameh i pray your soul find eternal rest… i hope you reunite with your lovely daughter.
Rest on Rare Gem.
Our hearts bleed
Adah Grace Ameh
I don’t know you in person but you made the Johnson’s fun for us and I’m always excited to see you in TV.
The news of your death came in as a shock but God knows best. Thanks for putting smiles on our faces. We will miss you. Rest well our idoma queen.😭😭😭💔💔💔
These are all the things I miss already.with no disrespect to the rest of the Johnsons cast but what is the Johnsons without you? You have that Spark ⚡️ your bluntness and always choosing the side of good on social media wether it concerned you or not. Your raz pidgin 😂which made me love you more,your cute vids with Empress that made me yearn for such a selfless friendship.I miss you mama😭,your death came as shock,God knows I wished you pulled out of your tribulations and maybe he just answered us by giving you eternal peace😭.Its hard to stroll on the street of Instagram these days cos everywhere is you and it aches i swear it does 🥺.I can write till dawn but you won’t come back will you? I guess the angels where jealous of the good laughs you gave us and they wanted a taste of it so they took you but can we blame them? Who wouldn’t want you on their side? I love you ADA AMEH 😭😭I LOVE YOU ❤️.Rest easy ,with love from Cameroon 🇨🇲 .
Sasha wills.
I was really shocked when I saw the news , at first I didn’t believe it .
To be sincere am short of words , cause she always put a wonderful smile on the face of me and my siblings whenever we watch the series “THE JOHNSONS” .
Have had the privilege to watch her express her views on some certainty issues going on in our Society
To what I have seen on social media , all the tributes and the rest , it’s shows clearly that she lived a wonderful life as a good woman, a role model , a philanthropist and most importantly a mother figure .
The series THE JOHNSONS won’t be the same without her.
My sincere condolences to the on-scene and behind the scene character of THE JOHNSONS and am I know she resting at the bosom of God
Whew! It’s really hard to write this tribute .
I don’t even want to say Rest In Peace because I’m believing God for a miracle . We miss you Emuakpor! This blow is really hard ! EWELEKE!!!!
God bless you for touching our lives in the most significant ways, making us laugh on screen and in person, in a country that nothing ever brings smiles to our faces again. REST WELL AUNTY ADA .
i have been watching the johnsons since i was a little girl,i always loved the vibe aunty ada brought, she is so pure hearted,i cry anytime i think about what she went through.. she has such a big heart.but i know she has gone to a better place,a place where she is loved and cherished. i love you ma.You will not be forgotten, rest on ma.
I never met you in person but seeing you on the screen also seeing the love you and empress shared gave me joy. You were funny and loving. You were open minded and you say it the way it is without minding how it will hurt. Your death touched us all but we believe that God saw that you have endured the pain for long and needed you to rest. Words can’t bring you back but I want you to know that I love and cherished the moments you spent and shared with us. May your soul find rest in Jesus name,AMEN😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I have watched anuty Ada on my screen right from my childhood days, and she has put smile 😁 on my face and that of many others, it sad life was not fair to this sweet and strong woman, even with her own troubles she kept putting smile on people face. I have never shed tears 😭 like I did for any actor when I saw the news that she is no more.
Keep resting Aunty Ada
A woman who always make people laugh and smile even make people to forget there sorry may her gentle soul rest in peace to peace
I have watched the Johnsons years back. And I have been following your page. Since you lost your child, I have always check up on you by checking interviews ( with chude, TVC) , your lovely videos, Aunty empress page just to make sure you are surviving.
The way you joke, laugh, dance even when sadness was written all over your face. You tried your best to live.
You’re background story has always motivated me that no mistake can stop my light, I need to fight my fears, forgive, move on, go through childhood traumas, accept everything that has happened and then turn them into a testimony. Which is something I will forever do. You have motivated me to watch more documentaries about rape victims, prostitution, slavery, child abuse etc.
you are a kind , beautiful woman. A giver, happy soul. Since your death( found out in the bus on my way back from school), I’m still in denial, I keep checking your page to find out if you will debunk this news, boom Aunty empress posted the news, I screamed. I don’t know how Aunty empress will survive this, but I know God is in control. 🥹💡💡I love you momma, rest in peace as you unite with Aladi (your child).
Ajekenrenbiaghan Abel Omatsola
JULY 23, 2022
Dear mummy Ada you were a blessing to my life though I never had the opportunity to meet you in person but I knew you were always with me,the roles you played in the Johnson’s made me to adore you cos you showcase a true delta woman on the show and the most interesting part of it you reminded me of the good old days I add with my mum who lives aboard.you bought joy and laughter to my home everyday with your imagical words.you lost your only biology child but you became a mother to many generations,you left my heart broken and shattered ,you left without saying goodbye,you left us your children and family 😭😭.I know you are in a better place and reunited with your joy (daughter) it’s sad you left us behind but it gives me joy to know you are at peace now 😭😭 mama rest will till we meet to part no more.
Mummy Ada rest well
Our great legend rest well
I miss you so much I know I won’t see you again and it hurts my heart so much 😭😭 but God knows best
Rest well sweet mama💔💔💐💐🕊️🕊️ rest well.
Ada Ameh, the news of your passing was a rude shock, I hoped and prayed it was a huge joke, the story would be debunked and apologies tendered for the great error. Alas, it was not to be, you were indeed gone, translated to a higher glory. Rest in Power Emu-mu, you’ll be sorely missed.
Dear mummy Ada you were a blessing to my life though I never hard the opportunity to meet you in person but I knew you were always with me,the roles you played in the Johnson’s made me to adore you cos you showcase a true delta woman on the show and the most interesting part of it you reminded me of the good old days I add with my mum who lives aboard.you bought joy and laughter to my home everyday with your imagical words.you lost your only biology child but you became a mother to many generations,you left my heart broken and shattered ,you left without saying goodbye,you left us your children and family 😭😭.I know you are in a better place and reunited with your joy (daughter) it’s sad you left us behind but it gives me joy to know you are at peace now 😭😭 mama rest will till we meet to part no more.
Mumu Ada rest well
Our great legend rest well
I miss you so much I know I won’t see you again and it hurts my heart so much 😭😭 but God knows best
Rest well sweet mama💔💔💐💐🕊️🕊️ rest well.
With heart filled with bitterness and sorrows, words can’t express how saddened i am to hear of your demise Aunty Ada Ameh, the only celebrity that her demise touched me to heart, still not believing that you are no more, every moment i open my phone to turn on my social media’s, seeing the sad condolence messages, like i feel is a dream that you are no more, you really fought with life, loosing a family is so Devastating, not much of a complete family, It’s hard to lose someone who meant so much to all of us, and even harder that we can’t all be together 😩😩😩😭, well in all we still give God the praise, him alone knows all, we can’t question him, i just hope and pray you be at peace and rest on in the blossom of the lord… Amen
Rest on Ada Ameh
The Johnson family will miss you 😢
We your fans will miss you too
I have been watching you right from my early years and I always say “what a great actress she is”. Then watching you on my screen everyday on the Johnsons was like I had known you closely . Coming to the realization you are no more hit me so hard that I thought I had known you personally . You will forever be missed . Rest well in the bosom of the Lord.
Tribute to a Beautiful Soul.
Dear Emu Johnson, I never got a chance to meet with you one-on-one but was fortunate to have seen so many of your movies which kept bringing smiles to my face. Ma, you were a beautiful soul always smiling even when nature kicked you the hardest you still didn’t relent nor did you allow it to weigh you down.
Emu Johnson, who will play that funny, lovely, yet educated role that you played? Who will make us smile whenever we viewed the Johnson?
You were a mother, friend, sister, and role model to many of us. We will miss your angelical face on our screen.
Adieu Screen Goddess!
Adieu Emu Johnson!
We say thank you as you take your last bow. Sleep well ma
It still hurts deeply in my heart, with every day that passes by i would go to your page hoping it was just a prank…if death could be bribed, i sure would have done that…So hard to take in💔💔💔💔….Rest with the Angels 🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊my EmuakporJohnson…
It’s really sad and pathetic that you’re leaving the scene now that you’re needed most…. Missing you is indeed an understatement…. May your gentle soul find rest in the bosom of the Lord…
Adieu Ada….
Of a truth there is absolutely nothing in this life. Aunty Ada, despite passing through numerous pains, yet you never stopped putting smiles on our faces, Hmmmm! What a life!
Thank you so much for gracing us with your beautiful smiles, talents, and prayers while you were still living.
In all things, we give God all the Glory🙌
Aunty Ada, you are indeed a winner because you came, you saw, you fought and you conquered. What more can I say than to bid you farewell and pray you find eternal rest in the bossom of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen🙏
Sleep well Aunty Ada!
Rest in peace Emuakpor Johnson!!
Goodnight ma!!!💔💔💔
Dear Aunty Ada, I never met you, but I always hoped I would soon, I pictured myself on set with you… I loved your energy, your fearlessness, everyone could see it.. you always stood on the side of truth, I know because I saw videos u made online whenever injustice was served.
Aunty Ada I loved you even more when people around me started calling me EMU because to them, I look and sound like you. I love you a lot Aunty Ada and it breaks my heart to hear you are no more!! I hoped to see you but that box will never be ticked! Rest In Peace beautiful Aunty Ada!! God bless your soul!! I’m glad a lot of people testify to the fact that you were kind and loving!! I love you ma!!
Hmmm…I will miss ur displays in the Johnson’s. May ur soul rest in peace!
Weeping for someone so lovely who could have stayed a little bit longer. I wish you never had to leave this early.RIP ma
You are not dead 😢 I don’t want to believe that …wake tomorrow please 🙏…..
You were an amazing actor. You always put a huge smile on face and that of my whole family. Watching you and your family always keep my family especially I and my husband. I miss you any time you go for breaks . I thought I could hold this until I saw your amazing smile and laugh on line. I feel more broken 💔 because I haven’t really had you in my prayers as one my favorite. “Nah weltin they work me self” as you will always say. May your soul rest in the Lord. You are irresponsible.
One of my favorite character in the Johnsons. May her soul rest well. We will 😢. Rest well insha Allah🙏🏻
Ada ameh was a very jovial and lovely woman to watch … it’s so painful she’s dead and knowing with the fact that she died of mental illness And depression due to losing her loved ones to her child is painful 😓 May her gentle soul Rest In Peace and perpetual light granted to her soul 😭😭😭
Emumu…in my son’s voice…you were going through tremble times yet you still put smile in the faces of your audience…you are such a blessing….at times when tried and sad..I just hook up to the Johnson…to laugh and forget my pains for the day..you are indeed a blessing…..Rest in the perfect peace….
Hi Ada Ameh, Emuakpor Johnson. It’s disheartening to think that you are gone, but it gladdens My heart that you’re in a better place. A place where there’s no more pain. It’s time to rest, this world wasn’t kind to the kindest soul it had. We love you but God loves you most. Share our joy with the angels up there.
My heart breaks anytime I remember your gone, I will forever miss you.
You lived with smiles on your face and love in your heart…………
Death is fate we all must face but we wish you stayed longer creating beautiful moments with us
Rip dear
I was in shock when I read about your death on the internet. When I told my children that Emu akpo is gone they all cried. The Johnson’s is our favorite TV programme. Ada, we are said you left so soon but at the same timed consoled that you resting well in heaven where there is no more pain. Eternal rest grant her Lord and may perpetual light shine on her Amen
You brought Joy and laughter to families, while fighting your own battle. Your memory lives on, it feels like I personally know you. Rest on Beautiful Emu. You came, You saw and you conquered. Heaven has gained an angel. Rest on ma
Ada 😭😭it really painful to know you are no more, but I know you’ve gone to a bitter place to rest… You’re one of my favorites characters on the Johnson’s
family.. emumu… We love you but Christ love you more
Ada 😭😭it really painful to know you are no more, but I know you’ve gone to a bitter place to rest… You’re one of my favorites characters on the John’s family.. emumu… We love you but Christ love you more
Don’t even know where to start from.. if only tears could bring you back, if only God could bring you back to us 💔 I’ll miss you so much “Emumu” and how you made us all laugh and happy… REST IN PEACE Aunty Ada and make the angels laugh ❤️💔 This hits so hard God… Goodnight ❤️
Like a circle, you have completed your cycle on this earth life. You have given your all to everyone in Nigeria and abroad.
We are all grateful for the opportunity to know you either personally or through your acts.
As you journey onward, I pray that your path is beautiful and helpers are there to guide to paradise. May you continue in joyful activity.
Aunty Ada, indeed your demise left people in shock as no one saw it coming. You always voiced out for the voiceless and was very passionate about your country. So full of life with words of wisdom. Who would have known that you were in so much pains cos you never showed your pains to the world. You were indeed strong willed and had so much to offer. May your soul rest in power. We love you but God loves you more and knows the best. Thank you for all you did, for the smiles and laughter you put on our faces. For the Legacy you left behind thank you.
You will greatly be missed 😢 Rest on Ma.Adieu
To be honestly I’m fucking down when I heard you are no longer again in this part of the world,it was very hard for me to believe it even till now,it still doing me like as if I’m dreaming,i have not met you before but the way you talk the way you art, honestly I don’t even know what say again,oh God 🥺🥺😿😿😿💔💔
This is a truth that is always hard to accept, the memories shared will forever be remembered. U MADE THE JOHNSONS INTERESTING FOR ME AND MY FAMILY TO WATCH Death might have taken you away quickly but you live forever in OUR HEART
Aunty Ada, I would miss you. Even though I didn’t meet you personally, but you were so funny and you brought smiles to people’s faces both the ones you know and you didn’t. I can’t believe you are gone . Rest in perfect peace, Emu Akpor.
Emu ohhhh what a pain you left us your fans in am crying everyday when i just go through ig and see your photos eveeywhere.you always made me so happy even in my down moments i will just want to watch Emu and laugh so hard Aunty Ada. I am a cameroonian young girl whose life has been greatly impacted by your story and its a priviledge i dont joke with.i wish i had an opportunity to fly to Nigeria to pay you my last respect Aunty Ada.Farewell your in a more better place singing with the Angels. I love you❤.
Adieu from Maurine(your cameroon fan)
Thank you mommy Emuakpor Johnson for all the smiles you always put on my face daily and anytime I watch your movie, your memories will live on with us I pray 🙏 that God comfort the loved ones you left behind, RIP 🪦 in peace Ma may God grant you eternal rest🕊😥
Thank you Ada Ameh for the impacts and legacy you left behind, the world will miss you
Thank you 🙏🏽so much maa for gracing our television with smiles on the Johnsons show. We really do appreciate your contribution to releasing stress in various homes. You would forever be missed Emu.
Rest peacefully in the bosom of Abraham
May God give you eternal rest as you deserve.
Rest Well Ma .. 🕊 🕊🕊🕊❤️🕊🕊🕊🕊
Words aren’t enough to explain how I feel but I’ll try 🥺
To be very honest, I’ve never felt this way after the demise of any celebrity.
Ma, you were a blessing to this generation by all you do and how you do it.
It breaks my heart that you experienced your sunset at midday 💔😭
I’ve never met you in person but I can tell you were a pure soul in a beautiful body through how I feel and through the testimonies of others.
If there’s anything I’ve leant after your demise; is to be kind and show love to others without expecting anything in return.
Very devasting …. sleep well
Thank you for gracing us with your gifting and making smiles out of our many winded life. Memories is all we now have and they are beautiful always
Although I never met you in person. I have been watching The Johnson since 2014, thanks for everything you did. You came, You saw and you conquered… May your Soul continue to rest in peace… 🤍🤍🤍
I first saw ur movie where u are Sam Loko daughter that gave birth to Aki and Paw paw. Where papa P was blind and then the Johnson u filled our life with laughter and a whole lots of happiness. Ur presence will be sadly felt. I love u Ada Ameh. May ur gentle soul Rest In Peace ma. Aaaaaaa po nana.
Rest on Ma. We love u so much 🙏🙏🙏
Mama, words fail me, it’s so painful to know that you’re no more, it hurts now Even more, seeing your videos and pictures all over the internet, it really really hurts….
Ahhhhhhhhhh 😭😭😭😭. Actor Extraordinaire ❤️ I pray the good Lord accepts you in his bossom and grants you eternal rest…. Rest well ma❤️
A true fan😭❤️
You were a role model to many and an icon to all. So sad to say goodbye now but the memory of your good deeds lives on. Sleep in peace, till we meet to part no more.
Ada we will miss you a lot because you are one of the best character in the Johnson without you the Johnson won’t be complete 😭😭😭
Hmmm, e pain me oooo, ahhh, I hear say good people leave quick, you go be the brightest Angel for heaven, hmmmm
A gentle reminder: let’s be deliberate and intentional about being kind to ourselves.
She held pain with equanimity and faced heartbreak without being broken.
Aunty Ada’s demise broke me into a million pieces, but life is transient.
And now she has joined the Angels.❤️
Rest in sweet peace, Aunty Ada, Rest well my Angel.🕯🕊💔
I’ll never forget you.
Love Forever,
Offiong Oyo.
Rest in Peace ma 🙏💔
Apoooooooooo Ada Ameh We will miss you this new isnt a good one me watching you on my tv screen made me cry😭💔forever in our May your soul rest in perfect peace 💖🤍😭so painful 💔I wished to see you before you passed away maybe act an episode with you onset 😢🥺not really happy you left 😭
It’s so sad😭😭😭😭😭💔
Really really sad.I know I’m not related to you in any way but I’m a big fan right from the first time I started watching THE JOHNSONS..You have touched so many lives through your comic acting skills..I might not know you in person buut I feel like you are part of me💔💔😪May ur gentle soul rest in the bossom of the Lord ..Till we meet to part No more Adieu #Adaameh💔😪
May your gentle soul rest in peace
I can’t stop shedding tears any moment I come across your videos from movies or otherwise on social media. I don’t know why I’m so touched personally cos I have never met you in person except in TVs. But I believe you were such a lovely and cheerful soul.
May God accept your soul and keep resting in peace till we meet to path no more. Farewell Madam Ada Ameh🕊🕊
I never knew you, but it feels like I did: and I am sure this is the way many of your fans feel, your energy was contagious , your laughters were genuine, and you did bring a lot of joyful moments and laughter to my home. Johnson’s time was a very important family time in my home. As I follow you on Instagram and see how you struggle with your pains and balance it with occasional joyful posts, I wish I knew you personally and give you a quarter of the joy you brought to my home, never in a 100 years did your death ever crossed mind despite the obvious struggles we see. Heaven is happy to have you, keep making them smile and finally enjoy your well deserved rest and cease from all struggles. Thank you Ada
I never met you ( Ada Ameh) in person, but your passing hurt so much as though you were a close relative. For days I couldn’t even tell my kids who their past time was watching the Johnson’s. They have even found NM channel on DSTV where they have been watching the older episodes of The Joshsons and they would do this even while waiting for the school bus in the morning and later in the evening. Our Emuakpo, you have brought us so much Joy! You lit up the Johnson’s and our homes! After your interview with Chude, we were very hopeful that it will be a victory story, Yes, in God’s way and unknown to man, you are still victorious! To say we will miss you dearly, is an understatement. God be with you, rest your soul and bring comfort to all you left behind.
She has been a source of happiness to my family by watching “The Johnson’s”. We never miss an episode unless it’s necessary. I’ve watched my family fall in love with her even myself and if we are not watching we are mimicking her character. I don’t think the word “eweleke” or “akporo” can cease. I’ve never met her physically but I’ve been touched. I tried hard not to believe the news of her death. It is well and I pray you rest in the bosom of the lord Ada Ameh hopefully we’ll meet again.
Emu was an iconic Actress,who always put smile on peoples faces when showcasing her God given talent “ in fact until now I can’t believe she is gone forever. Oh death! We can’t question ur maker who has decided to take u out of the surface. I can only say may ur soul rest in perfect peace.Amen.
Hmmm, I wish I could rewind the clock back in time of many years. To tell the truth, you was one huge reason why I’d drop everything just to watch the Johnson’s especially the part you had to tease (Mr Lucky) 😂😂😂 ‘Lucky lolo’ and the part you scream ‘Akpor’. Your demise hurt differently and it’s a big loss to us all. I know you are in a better place right now, making the angels laugh. We are going to miss you. If you eventually see my mum over there in heaven (I know she’s there) tell her I love you both.
Dear mummy, you were such a special person, your personality was truly amazing, thank you for sharing your gift and life with us, we love you, But God wants you with him, Rest In Peace mummy
You were one of the reasons I really loved the sitcom (the Johnson’s)
You were an embodiment of happiness .. I wonder why life could be so cruel so someone so lovable like you are. In all do rest in peace till we meet to part no more. Don’t forget to tell God “AKPOR”….
Go well ADA
Dear Emu, I still can’t believe you are no more with us. Your voice, laughter and entire character in the Johnsons still rings in my head.
I hope you are up there making the angels laugh.
Goodbye Emu, we love you and miss you dearly.
You’re the best person I have seen, we might not know each other but, the joy you brought to I and my family when watching the series I can’t even explain
I pray you rest in the bosom of the almighty amen 🙏
Mummy Ada, I have never met you in person, but I have always felt close to you. Emu, your death pained me, it broke me, haewww, for each time I watch your tribute video I break down in tears. I hope that you find the peace you have always longed for. May your soul rest in perfect peace.
Adieu 🕊
You are one person I’ve always wanted to meet, I’m always jealous of those around you because they get to see you and enjoy all the good gift you brought with you to this world. Mummy you a strong woman overcoming everything the devil threw at you with a smile. Thank you for encouraging me even without meeting you or talking to you. Rest In Peace ma.
I love you
I haven’t met you in person, but I’m sure the people who did are the luckiest. The heavens did receive an angel in their midst. Keep Resting Ma’am.
If tears could build a stairway and memory a lane,I would walk right up to heaven to bring you back again. You are a rare gem.
Requiescat in pace Adah Ameh
This is really a big lost in naija movie industry,Aunty Ada May d gud lord grant ur soul eternal rest 😢
I have always watched you on screen and your experience has paved way for so many today, I am proud to hear you are born in Ajegunle and we are proud of you and see all the good you do for humanity. May you Rest In Peace and thank you for all the good you have done in the entertainment industry.
Aunty Ada,
You were a sweet soul. It is difficult to talk about in past tense. See how you won the heart of many. It shows how sweet you are.
Emuakpo Johnson!
We will miss seeing your face on our screen.
I don’t even know how to comprehend all of this because it is really difficult for all of us.
Thank you for your craft.
Continue to rest on mama.
Ada Ameh was an icon. She made the Johnsons a very special TV show for a lot of families all over Africa and the world at large. I will miss her so much, it pricks my heart to know that she cannot continue to grace the stage of the Bollywood, I can’t question God for he knows best.
We love you Emuakpor Johnson.
Some don’t know her real name but they know her as Emu, it tells a lot about the indelible mark she has made on us. We love her so much.
May her soul rest in perfect peace.
I celebrate your life Emu Johnson, rest well because you put a smile on our faces.
I don’t really have more yo say; but sincerely speaking, you make the johnsons more interesting to me that I subscribed to showmax just to start seeing the series from the beginning… (NOW IN SEASON 3)… because of you some of the Nigerians forgot depression and sorrow, we laughed and laughed to the point that we don’t want the series to end again…. I LOVE ❤️ YOU ADA… But God loves you more… MAY YOUR SOUL REST IN PERFECT PEACE 🙏
“My heart goes out to you for the loss of your dear friend. I know how much she meant to you. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.”Please accept my sincere condolences.”
Dear Ada Emeh it really hurts that your no more am a huge fan and I also followed your struggle and saw so much strength and bravery in you, may your gentle and loving soul rest in perfect peace.
Dear Ada,
I just want to say thank you for bringing Joy to our hearts and laughter to our faces, I always looked forward to watching the Johnson’s because of you, your energy was 💯. Although we never met but I loved you mama. When the news of your death broke that faithful morning I prayed for it to be false and for you to debunk it, but we can’t question God for taking you so soon. Rest on Ada, Rest on Emu. Our only consolation is that you are reunited with your lovely daughter Aladi. Rest Ada Ameh till we meet to part no more.
My heart keeps breaking, each time I see a post of you, a comment or a video…
I really wish it were a lie
I truly wish I am dreaming
I may not have known you personally but I loved you passionately…
I wish life wasn’t so unfair to you
I questioned God “why do good people die untimely”
I’m sorry you were dealt that much pain.. I doubt I would have been able to….
But I’m happy now you can finally rest
And reunite with your loved ones passed…. I LOVE YOU MA AND I’LL FOREVER DO❤️
Emuakpor!!! Thank you for making an impact to the world. Despite all, you still chose to make people laugh and be a blessing to the world.
Rest on Icon!!! We celebrate you as heaven also celebrates you. 🕊🕊⚘️💐
You made me join my husband in watching The Jonhsons. The laughter and humour you brought are amazing. How can I forget the exclamation: “akpooo!’ . Rest Ada. May God console your loved ones.
I have never met you mama but you inspire me a lot
ADA Ameh a strong woman
A woman of virtue
You inspire me alot I am so sad you had to leave this world so soon
But I believe God has a better place for you up there
Dear Ada Ameh may you rest well in the way of the lord .
You have really done well in putting smiles on our face
It’s really sad that you’re gone too soon
You’ll be greatly missed
Continue to rest in perfect peace ❤️
Dear Mrs Ada Ameh,u’ve really put smile on our face from childhood through the movie industry,…..ur death us painful but Life is eternal and love is immortal,and death is only a horizon.
And a horizon is nothing save the limits of our sights.
Our childhood was fun and wouldn’t had been completed without you in it, you made people laugh even in their sad moment, seeing the short recordings you did with your workers, managers and colleagues, one will understand that you are fun to be with and a happy soul, we’ve feel your absence alread, we sincerely love and appreciate you ma,
Thanks for all you did.
Rest on daughter of the most high, till we meet again!
Mama, thank you for the years of laughter you brought to our screens, you were such a beautiful soul, you were radiant. I pray that you rest well, I pray that your legacy continues as well. Rest in peace Ada Ameh.
Ada Ameh I personally haven’t met you non have I seen the sitcom “The Johnson family” but I believe we all share one thing in common which is humanity. Your death personally touched me in a way I have never been touch. I still cry everyday for your death because I believe you deserved better in life. Life was never fare to you right from your early days, it snatched your innocence as a child and start didn’t give you the chance to enjoy your labour. Through your death I learnt a lot i.e one minute we are here and the next we are gone with the wind leaving only memories and then life goes on and people move forward getting over the pain and absence with time.
Thank you Ada for making people laugh, rest well comrade you left a big hole in our hearts and my regards to your lovely daughter and all the faithful departed till we meet to part to more.
Eweleke!!!!. This was your slogan that endeared you to me. Your act was funny and loving in every meaningful way. Infact, I became the Emuakpo in my house. My kids love you to the fullest. My family and I will miss you.
“The Lord giveth. The Lord taketh. Blessed be His Name”.
Rest on, Adam Ameh.
God bless her soul and grant her eternal rest! She’s a great soul and the world really misses her.
Rest well Anty Ada. Thank you for putting laughter on our faces all through on the big Screen. We love you but God loves you most 💔💔
So hard to come to terms that you’re no more, You brought smiles to so many, Rest in Peace Amuakpor….
Ada Ameh was the woman who will make me laugh everyday. She was my role model. I watch “The Johnsons” everyday because of her funny character. I was shocked on July 18th 2022 when I went to Opera news and saw that Ada Ameh was dead. I was sad that day and I’m still sad up till now. Rest well Ada Ameh (Emuapkor Johnson) I will always remember you
Aunty Ada I didn’t know you in person but your live videos, pictures and roles on nollywood movies especially the Johnsons makes me think we have met physically. Your death is a painful one but I pray your soul rest in peace. Reunite with your daughter and best friend and stay peaceful. You are sorely missed.
Mrs Ada,
Thank you for putting so much laughter and joy on our faces despite facing so many challenges. You are indeed the definition of a strong woman. May your soul rest in peace Ma🕊️☮️😔
Thank you
Dear Ada….you have and will always remain the best part of my growing up and my adulthood
Getting to watch you interpret your roles extremely well I Hoped and prayed all this news of your death was just anoda movie role but alas it’s true you are gone!!!
Rest well Mama,Rest well Emu with the highest ginger
I pray your soul finds the happiness it longed for all this years and surely we would never forget you and all the good laugh you put us through..
Ada Ameh may your perfect soul rest in peace😭 he touched me when I hear the news of your death your beautiful face you touch my soul so much I love everything about you you are kind you have such a terrible you are lovely in fact I don’t really know how to place the world I have started watching your movies since 2000 😭up thing now in Johnson series you are my favourite in fact I don’t really know how to place the world are there your perfect soul rest in peace we the TMT NATION family love you and entire world love you rest in peace😭🙏please just tell me now who will be our mother in the Johnson family now no one can replace you and we don’t really know how to watch the Johnson series anymore because you are no more again we miss you so much ♥️❤️😭😭😭😭
Can’t believe I will be writing this I grew up watching you on my TV screen and at the same time loving u ma. Your character and everything is sooo nice and smooth that it will be difficult to even think u were not fine. Most times when am down I watch your series and I find myself happy and back again. Keep on resting my Movie Legend
From Oluwadamilola
I pray God grant her enternal rest we will miss u my emu😭😭😭😭😭 till we meet @jesus feet
I pray God grants her the eternal rest she deserves for putting a smile on the faces of many ❤️
Aunty Ada I don’t know you but I’ve seen you once. From the look of things, you were full of life. Always smiling and ever ready to enjoy life. May your soul rest in perfect peace. I don’t think I’ve felt this much pain for a celebrity😭😭😭
Never have I felt this much pain on a non relative death. I guess watching someone on your screen for so many years can create a bond you absolutely have no idea about. You touched so many lives with your acts, you put smile on faces on those who were sad, your slangs and words were something I always looked forward to. You were at your lowest moments but yet you made people around you laugh and forget about the distress of the world. Thank you for sharing a piece of you with the world, thank you for bringing joy and laughter into so many homes, thank you for all you did. We all miss you dearly and I pray the lord grants you everlasting rest.
Rest well Aunty Ada
Your death came as a shock , it was hard to accept the fact that you are no more, my childhood was fun with you on our screen , say me hi to my dad over there, I pray You find internal rest , God bless your blossoming soul , the world misses you greatly.
Aunty Ada, i just want to say, thank you for all the joy and laughter you brought to our homes, you will be greatly missed. Continue to rest in peace 🕊️🕊️
I can’t stop crying. Your death felt so close to me. We are sorry you were going through a lot all by yourself. Rest mama rest Peacefully!!! Finding a replacement of you will be hard sha!!!
I don’t think The Johnsons would be interesting without you. Life was indeed unfair to you – after everything you went through. Sighs. Ma’am, your death hit differently. We’re deeply sorry we couldn’t save you from the demons you secretly and bravely bought. You’ll be greatly missed. May your soul journey well. 🕯️💔💔💔
I can’t stop crying, your departure hit so differently, I asked God why but who are we to question him? I don’t know you in person but I know you as Emu Akpor Johnson, thank you for taking us out of our miseries and putting smiles on our faces on daily basis
Continue to Rest In Peace
Don’t forget to make the angels smile, you forever be in our hearts
Mama as I always call you on your post, I haven’t met you one on one but believe me when I say your death hit me just like my mom’s death did, reading and listening to you always encourages me to do more with my life, you are a real definition of mother, I love you and was hoping of meeting you someday I guess that day will never come…. Mummy Ada rest well, rest well in the Lord and keep wishing praying for us … Take you for touching my life without knowing me😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
She had the heart that cared completely. She had the smile that brought so much pleasure. She had the love that brought joy beyond measure.we can’t question God him alone has the reason to let this amazing soul depath,you remain in our heart always Aunty Ada. We celebrate you because you are dancing with angles and making heaven joyful with laughter continue to rest in peace 🙏
Where will I begin from, Eweleke my favorite person in the Johnson she’s awesome and impacted many people and it’s so painful to see her go soo young but as well we shouldn’t mourn like them without hope.
We will surely miss her and will meet her again in the day of the Lord Jesus Christ
Farewell Mama
Aunty Ada, so unfortunate u left us without saying goodbye. Who will fill the vacuum u left? The pills are too hard for me to swallow. I was looking forward in seeing u but death aborted my dreams. Continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord 😭😭😭
I love u from back in the days wen u did a comedy movie. d news of ur death spoilt my mood for dat week it seems I have known u one on one I saw ur last interview and I gained strength from that interview whenever I encourage my friends I use ur words n tell them if ada amen can go through all dese n still stand strong then I think u too can do it never knew days was counting for ur soul to be at rest I will miss ur smiling face ur sincerity talk on social media relating issues dat matters u are loved I loved u like I knew u I cried wen u cried I smiled cos u brought laughter to faces including mine and my dad many times. Rest In Peace ms Ada Ameh ur legacy is forever cos U never stop putting smiles on people’s face till ur resting day. Shallom
Honestly I was hoping it was joke when I saw the news that you had died like I was hoping it would be a dream but it wasn’t and it made my heart feel so heavy. I may not have you know you personally but I remember watching your movies growing up and how you inspired me to start Akporrrrrr like you Brought joy, laughter and peace to all our screens. You never allowed the challenges of life stop you from attaining your goals or stop you from even being happy and that itself is all the inspiration I need. You will be missed but forever in my heart and in the hearts of those you have greatly blessed. Ada Ameh I hope that wherever you are,your soul is at rest ❤️
Ada…you were a bundle of entertainment ,you always smile ,most of us watched the Johnsons simply because of your character ..you act simply reminds me of my late mum.
Ada ..may you rest in peace ..may the almighty God bless your soul ..though you are no more but we won’t forget you ..I’m a fan ..
Rest In peace Ada(Emu Johnson )
Aaaahhh…… Ada Obande Ameh!!!!!! I am still hoping I will wake up to hear that you miraculously rose up. You made everyone happy despite passing through grief and pain. It’s painful we couldn’t help you and it hurts that we have to say good bye but I’m happy you are resting in God’s bosom making the Angels laugh. Thank you for the fun and laughter. Here’re your well deserved flower 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐. Good Night 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊
Aunty Ada like i fondly call u, u where such a sweet heart, you where so full of energy, you where a mom everyone wanted, you had a heart filled with so much love,joy and happiness not minding whatever was happening, but death decided to steal u away from us, we love you and we miss you so very much. Continue to rest in perfect peace🙏🙏
We love you.
May your rest be peaceful, Ma💔🥺
I miss you Ada, I never met you physically buh it looked like I have met you a million times 😩 seeing you on screen put a smile on my face a thousand times, infact I have to come to your social media page to laugh off my pain …. I will miss u Ada , I will miss you so much . I don’t even even know what to say , may ur soul rest in perfect peace maami .. ❤️& 💡 Am really pained 🥲🥲
Aunty Ada Ameh,you were one of my favorite actresses (actually my favorite).Always full of life and energy,there was never a bad movie with you in it.you remain one of the reasons why I watched and loved THE JOHNSON’S and I will always miss you ma.There are no words to really describe how I feel about your demise!
We are now left with nothing but beautiful memories of you.I never got to meet you in this life but I hope and pray you are in a better place.I love you aunty Ada❤️REST IN PEACE🥲
I’ve been watching The Johnson’s for a while now, though I never get the opportunity to meet you in person but from all indications even from afar I can notice your positive vibes. Since your departure, I see so many positive tributes about you which shows how good you are when you were alive. Good night Adah, may your soul rest in peace.
My heart is really pained to see that I will hear from you again. Ma, you have really been a great source of entertainment to a lot of Nigerians, Africans and People. I remember when I was still little and the Johnsons was about starting and I’ll gather my entire household to the living room so that we could enjoy the show together. It was really a time of joy and amusement. You have really impacted the world in your own way. Rest in Peace, ma’am
Dear Ada,
I admired your honesty, tenacity, honesty etc i always loooked forward to hearing your views on every happenings but now that you are no more you will be greatly missed by me and all your well wishers.
I cried and am still in a state of shock when i heard about your demise but atlas God knows everything and will reward anybody that have a hand in your death. Sleep on my beloved till we meet again to path no more. Adeui !
Emu Johnson, The Real First Lady Of The Johnson Family, I can’t believe that you are gone😥😥😥😥………….
You were the reason we started watching the series,my mom saw her kind of mother life in your actions.
There was no weekday that my family wouldn’t watch The Johnsons and my mom would be asking “where is Emu” ………….
Aunty Ada, You Left Without Saying Goodbye 😪………………..
The Series Would Never Be The Same Without You………
We All Wish You Would Come Back And Say You Travelled To London…………………….
How could it be that you left so soon,we being dey hope say na anoda fake news😓😓😓😓😓
We Hope Say The Angels Go Dey Treat You Well……..
Make them laugh as you have been doing and don’t forget to break into a dance when needed
You Left When The Family Needed You Most……………..
We Love And Miss You………………….
This Truly Hurts Different
Emuakpor Johnson
Lady Bridget Of Niger Delta
Matriarch Of The Johnson Family
Ada Ameh
Ada!!! Rest In Peace, rest from life’s turmoils. Thank you for the laughter you gave to us.
Too hard to say goodbye to emuemu Johnsons, your roles on this drama makes me love you more, I wish you lived more but we can not question God, may God give your family the fortitude to bear this loss. May your soul rest in peace. Ada Emu.
Mama Emu, we will miss you on our screen, now that you are gone who will put a smile on our face again on THE JOHNSONS. 😭😭😭😭😭 MAY YOUR SOUL REST IN PEACE.
The news of your death was a shock to my family
You always made a laugh
You were so full of life
We will miss seeing your face on screen
Keep resting💔
Hummmm Life indeed no balance 😞I might not know or met you personally,but watching you on Johnsons makes me love you everyday,you made everyone eager to always want to huray home to watch the Johnson 😢😢😢Ada Ameh we love you but God loves you most and he doesn’t want to see you hurting in that secret place again,it’s well😞😞Sleep well Ada Ameh, greet my mother incase you see her(igwe lovenda Anthonia)we love and miss her so much.Goodnight good angels 😇😇.
Love from chichi
I wish this is just a movie😞😞😞😢
This hurts deeply, I never met you but I feel like youre family to me. I always looked forward to watch the Johnsons show because no matter how unhappy I am I smile one I see her on the show. Thank you for leaving only good memories in my heart, May your gentle soul Rest In Peace🥲🥲🥲 and I pray the almighty God gives your family the strength to bear this loss. You will be missed.
I love watching her on The Johnson’s
She impacted so much in the Nollywood industry
May God rest her soul
Benue state family recieved dis new as a great shock😞we are disheartened 💔our hearts are broken,my heart is broken.mama u loved peace,u where going through alot still yet u put smile on d face of alot both little children nd adults 🥺.
I’m speechless
All I can say now is may ur gentle souk dwell with Christ
Rip ada ameh
Your death is so sudden and very much painful
You made me and my family laugh countlessly because of the role you played in The Johnson’s
You endured so much pain and you told us you weren’t going to die
You fought a silent battle
God knows best
Continue to rest in peace
We love you and will miss you
Forever in our hearts
Celebrate with the angels Aunty Ada
Ma,Ada ameh I am a huge fan of you I saw you first in the movie of Tom and Jerry.You were the best and I admired you because you were so funny.i had to look for your name on the cast and right there I was excited because you were my name sake.Then I found out you were in the johnson’s I was stuttled.me and my family watch you everyday you were an extreme black beauty so beautiful 😍your smile is what gets us to laugh even more and the way lucky Johnson calls you emu mu😆you always blush.Me and my family never feel so bad about on screen celebrities NEVER! Never written a tribute to anyone online or a celebrity but your own hurts different.You always spoke your truth never met you in person but watching you on TV was a whole mood.it’s painful to know I will never hear emu mu!!!again.You were the best and you gave it your all🙏I pray God almighty accepts your lovely soul up there MA🙏REST WELL BEAUTIFUL 🙏🙏
I still can’t believe u are gone…If tears could bring u back Ada…I haven’t met u in real life but u indeed entertained my family and I through ur talent…The Johnson is a household name all because of ur fantastic performance.May God grant your soul eternal rest, Amen.
I saw Ada the previous day and the next day I got to discover she’s no more.
At some point it seemed like something one can easily bear but No. This is not that kind of case. Seeing her in every set was amazing. She brought smile to the faces of many Nigerians..
There’s a lot to say but somehow I believe God knows best.
We’re just passerbys on this earth.
May her soul rest in peace Amen
When you watch a certain person over and over on screen, it’s gradually becomes as tho you know them, yea it was as tho I know you, I was shocked to hear about your passing and it was a reality check, that we are nothing but pencil in the hands of the creator, Madam Ada, you live on through your art, I pray your soul rest in perfect peace
Ma it’s hurts so much that you have gone to be with the lord. May you find rest in His bosom I love you but God loves you more🕊🕊😭😭
News about your sudden & shocking exit still sounds unbelievable to me. Never met you, but our lives as a family you touched in many of your appearances. I don’t know how to break the news to one of sons – ardent fan! Your memory lives in our hearts & home, adieu Ada Ameh 😢
This is so hard to type, you were such an amazing person on the Johnsons and you brought so much brightness to the series with your effortless smiles
It’s good to know you are resting well and if we all get to meet family members in heaven, you will be beside your siblings, father and daughter smiling down at us and telling us you are happy and we should all stop crying. I pray God forgives all your shortcomings and grant you eternal rest. We love you Aunty Ada
My condolences to the family grieving,may the almighty God comfort the family,we celebrate your life mama ada I for one enjoyed all the movies you acted you will be greatly missed ,such a sweet spirited talented soul may the almighty welcome you 😇,me and mama would call her “amake pawpaw” meaning mama pawpaw,rest in glory mama🖤🇿🇲🇿🇲🇿🇲
The joy you had brought to millions of people across Africa will never be forgotten, though i had watched you in other movies, i actually saw more of her through the Johnson’s sitcom. I pray the Lord welcomes you into his Bossom as you’ve departed. You will always be remembered by we “your biggest fans” on that note i say Goodbye till me meet again “Emu Akpor Johnson” Adah Ameh
Dear Ada Ameh thank you for gracing our screen with laugher and joy, even in your trying times you still came out to face the world, I understand all what you have been through. You were so full of life, jovial and real on the screen, I will miss you so much on the screen and also off the screen because now you are no longer there for us. I won’t forget the sacrifices you made for us when life threw you a curve ball, because you tried so hard to make the best out of it, even when your inner self could not hold it any longer you still kept pushing untill your last breath.
Farewell Ada
I love you
I will miss our number one First Lady on the JohnsonFamily.
Without having ever met you, you impacted the lives of many, including myself. your contagious smiles and laughter when i watched you do your craft kept me happy for days. Unknowingly, you became a reason for me to smile, when there wasn’t any. you will continue to be that beautiful soul in heaven now, and i know you’ll do well. thank you.
You were a beckon of light, your presence on screen radiated so much happiness and brought smiles to our face’s, your funny jokes on tv would make even the angriest person roll out with laughter….. we miss you mama, keep resting in power ❤️
Hmmm I’m indeed speechless! What am I doing?! I do not know how to express this pain the entire Nation is feeling, what Empress is feeling, what the Johnson’s d family is feeling and Finally what myself Esther is feeling. You were an awesome screen diva. You’ll forever be missed. An entire family gone 💔💔💔.
Whoever has a hand in your death shall know no peace. AMEN
RIP THE PEOPLE’s person 💔💔💔
God alone knew what u went through and decided to give you eternal rest. Keep soaring with the angels our beautiful screen diva!! Cheers!
I will never imagine you will leave so soon,you were a strong woman always putting smile on our faces,when I heard the news I never believed it,I love you from the depth of my heart as a fan you were a role model to me…Rip ada
Emu na wa o I would usually just say may Their souls Rip for celebrities but for Ada Ameh it’s different. I feel like I know her😢 it hurts.
No one could feel your pain but I hope you are in a better place.
God rest your soul
Mama as I fondly say whenever I watch the johnsons.. all I ever wanted as fan was to meet you hug you tight and tell you how much I love you and enjoyed your acting.. you left me so soon.. I never dreamt of the day that I will watch Johnson’s and cry 😢… why did you leave us so soon.. i heard of the news of your death while I was in class I thought it was a fake news until your colleagues started posting it… I didn’t know when tears rolled down my eyes and I said akpoorrr as you always say in the johnsons.. mama please come back we miss you.. I miss you so much 😞… I’m just a fan but I felt this than ever.. have never written a tribute to any celebrity that died but yours hit me so hard.. your sweet smile, your everything, didn’t even know you weren’t an urhobo person I miss all your Warri pidgin mrs emuakpor johnson.. I always see you like a mother each time I watch you, i always wanted to meet you that has been my dream.. meeting you and Mr johnson(Charles inojie), i love you always mama ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Ada Ameh you were a role model to many, entertaining and accommodating, I’ve watched you in the screen in the series of THE JOHNSON and how you put an uncontrollable smile on my face 😀 I’m pained to hear the news of your demise but who are we to question God, I pray you find rest in the blossom of our creator. You will be missed 😢 💔 REST IN PEACE
Ma ever since I started watching the Johnson’s family show you have been making me laugh, I see you as a second mum, but hearing this sad news really pain me. Rest in peace ma 😭🥺
What a life you lived, beating the odds at every turn and being inspirational with your battles.
You will be greatly missed and I pray you find peace finally.
Rest in Power Ada Grace Ameh
After reading everything you’ve been through in the last few years. I want to commend you on your courage. You persisted in your fight. I adore you, and I often use one of your lines, “Eweleke,” when I am speechless and just say Emu Akpor.
No one deserved to go through what you did, Aunty Ada.
You were a fighter who persisted in your fight….
Life had not been kind to you. You had so much loss, but you were always able to make others happy.
Warrior, take care of yourself.
No more squabbling!
I hope that the after life is kind to you.
Ada, Hmmmn. How do I begin to write about you in condolence? Unlike this generation who knew you from The Johnson’s, I have known you for over two decades. I think since or before Domitilla. I only watch one sitcom consistently, and that is The Johnsons. I started watching it because of you and Spiff. I later fell in love with the others especially your “husband” Lucky Lolo. You were a joygiver Ada. I waited for you to recover from the depression, so you could be an inspiration for others but you never did. Rest well Ada. We love you but Jesus gave you a deserved rest.
Aunty Ada almost every household knew you, I thank God I met you because you are a pure definition of courage and hope.
I am trying to imagine what “the Johnson”will look like without you, viewership will be greatly affected.May heaven rest your soul and say me hello to my Dad when you meet him.
You represented every African mother. Your demise left a pain in my heart that I can’t explain.
You are irreplaceable.
Rest in Power Ada.
This was the least expected. I feel goosebumps anytime I realize that I’m not gonna be watching your recents on my screen. I’ve watched you while growing and all these years you always had me laughing out when ever I watched your performance on my screen. Emumu, I miss you Aunty. Rest in the bosom of the Lord and I know you will make the angels laugh up there also. Farewell mama Efe
Up till now I still can’t believe The news of her death even though I have never met her in person but she the role she played as a mother (emu) in the Johnson’s family made me love her not just me but my whole house hold even to the littlest ones.the news of her death really gave a big shock to my family especially my mum who was always watching the series with us.. I still watch her videos n tears drop down my eyes knowing that she would be forgotten soon…
Please the producers of the Johnson shouldn’t replace her cause she can’t be replaced but Annouce her sudden death instead of bringing another to replace her
I hope n pray the mark she left behind lives forever in heart
With heart felt pain I want to say you are greatly missed and forever in our heart, no one to give back hand in the Johnson’s series, no more eweleke, rest in greatness mama. Forever in our heart ma’am
The name Emu took over your real name in my entire household. Even when I had to announce to my mother that you are no more I simply just said Mummy Emu is dead. My mum who never met her cried like the day she lost her husband.
You remain irreplaceable in the “Johnsons” no one to shout “AKPOR” anymore. You made me love the malaria advert, infact everytime you appear on screen, my entire family is attracted to you. God knows best why he had to allow you go we cannot question him. Sleep well. I pray your soul indeed finds rest.
Please someone should tell Charles Inojie to please incorporate her death and burial in the Johnsons TV drama series when the current season is over. Let’s have a real feel that she is no more and that he can remarry to continue the series but I doubt if Emu’s shoes can be filled. Rest on Adah Ameh. You will be missed.
Rest in Perfect Peace the ever Beautiful Ada Ameh. You gave us joy when you needed it the most. We love you. God protect you❤️🥺
😭😭😭even till data I can’t stop crying over her death. I usually call her eweleke and mama B 😭😭😭 I was writing a script I wanted to produce and whey I reached a certain character she was the person that came into my mind😥😥I naver knew I will naver see her to act the character for me😭😭RIP MY EMU
I’m shocked and saddened by this devastating news. It is so hard to leave—until you leave
Life is a journey, not a destination
God knows when we shall meet again
We would miss you.
Rest in power 🥂
Rest in peace ma’am.
Good bye mummy .. we love you
May your soul rest in perfect peace Amen 🙏
Ada Amen (Emuakpor Johnson)
You made millions smile everyday, you were a true epitome of happy hour. I don’t have much to say but thank you for the smiles you created already, I pray the angels treat you well. Rest Easy in the blossom of Almighty……💔💔🕊
Dearest sweet aunty Ada… I have trouble accepting the fact that you’re gone, so I won’t. It’ll be like we went for a while without seeing each other. But I can’t understand why God would have wanted you close to him. Cause you truly were an angel on earth. In my own special way, I love you and miss you.
You have blessed our screens with your laughter and sense of humour, may your soul have eternal and we love you.
Ada johnson… amulolo…. the commanding officer… your departure left the johnson fans with a grate shock and aborable memories. May your soul be grated internal rest and may you sleep in God’s bussom. Tell we meet again RIP
Aunt Ada, you were a gem to our TV screens and you’ll be missed. You’re a memory that’ll never be erased from our hearts. Thank you for the laughter you brought to us. I wish things were different, I wish you are still here, but God knows best. I love you and wish you eternal rest with the angels 🕊.
I never met you in person but I was a fan that watched your movies and in all you never gave us a dull moment always laughter or smile, with tears and heavy heart I say rest in peace, may the God lord protect your soul. goodnight Ada ameh we love you but God loves you more.
I came hear the very day this link was pasted but I didn’t know what to say. I never met you in person but this hurts awfully like we had a connection.
You gave so much and I believe that you didn’t deserve this wicked and painful world. You have gone to rest in a blissful and peaceful place. We love you ma but not as much as your creator
With tears and heavy heart I write this tribute and words fail me because I never imagined not to see you on theJohnsons anymore, you are the very reason I stayed glued to my tv thank you for all the smiles and laughter you have brought to my face and it hurts so bad that my dream of meeting you physically was crush by death, I love you so much Emuakpor, I love you so much Ada. Keep resting in the Lord
Emu mu mu…you have left an indelible space that will be difficult to fill. My son (5yrs old) was shocked to hear that you are no more, A vacuum has been created. I and my family misses you dearly, we love you and cannot question God. Rest peacefully 😭😭😭😭
Rest Easy Mama. You’ll be fondly remembered for being a screen goddess and putting smiles on many people’s faces. My joy is that you’re in a better place void of all the pain you went through here. Love, from a Big fan of yours!.
– The Bella Olaoye
Who will play the emu role now, who will speak that warri langua so perfectly like you I wished I had met you In person, u put smile’s on my face each time I feel depressed and down by just watching the Johnson and see you scream akpo you’ll always remain in our hearts mama Ada ameh rest in peace 🕊️☮️
This is on of the hardest death I have ever handled. It felt like I was dreaming and I was waiting to wake up from it. The one person that I was always eager to watch in The Johnson’s. It’s been years watching you on screen and the fact I won’t be seeing you again is heartbreaking. It is well.
Rest well Ada Ameh
Emu, as commonly known in the family movie, “The Johnson’s family, personally I don’t know you but through the Johnson’s family, I could see that your a strong woman with dignity and virtue, I will miss you, “Emu, oh i will miss you. You fought, oh! You fought, but as fate may have it you have gone to rest, rest on Emu rest in the Bossom of the lord.
From a fan, and forever will be a loyal fan.
Im so speechless. Ada is a rare gem always smiling snd standing in the gap for others.
I dont know you in person but you graced our screens and gave us a reason to smile amidst unfriendly situations.
Your demise is a tude shock… we weren’t expecting this at alll….sobs…😭😭😭😭😭😭
This truly hurts differently as your bloodline is completely wiped off the surface of the earth.
We love you… keep resting in peace. May your angrls console Empress Njamah kuz shes hurting terribly.
Rest on Ada Ameh!!!!!!
I grew up loving her on the Johnsons and then went on to follow her online. This really hurts differently, might not be close to you but you brought your character close to us through your movies. Brought so much Joy and that Joy has knitted many hearts and families.
Very Joyful and beautiful,Live to die no more in heavenly places.
Rest in Perfect Peace Mama Ada AMEH, I don’t know you personally but I love you.
Aunty Ada, you lived! You’ve helped me overcome so many mood swings, anger and my lowest. Everyone speaks beautiful of you and everyone keeps using the word “kind”, I never met you but you’re one of the strongest women I know, brave and kind; so kind that you carried a lot of pain and battle but you still made us happy! You maybe gone but never forgotten, Rest we’ll strong angel💕
We love you. Never to be forgotten. Awake and just dawned on me that for real pufff.
Rest easy ma’am may God give the fortitude to bear the loss. 💜🔥
I have never felt the demise of someone I haven’t met/someone I know on screen as much as I feel yours.. your death saddens me. You were a lively and joyful woman. Thank you for bringing so much laughter to our screens. I’m yet to recover from this news, but God knows best.. Rest well nwayi oma..
She has a good heart always smiling and a positive vibe people or things 🥺🥺🥺🥺 Aunty Ada Rest In Peace
She had the heart that cared completely. She had the smile that brought so much pleasure to the screen, She had the love that brought joy beyond measure.
I’m still in shock over the news of her death, ma’am Iam your number 1 fan, may your soul rest with the Lord, Amen… Brave minds To The Ameh’s family.
Best regards
I just don’t know what to say, this is the first time I felt so hurt about the death of someone 😭😭😭😭.. It’s so shocking a woman that was full of life 😭😭 she makes me laugh most times when I watch the Johnson’s show.. she is multi talented.. I wish God can bring her back to life
Aunty Ada your had so much pain and your heart was still beautiful. I never met you but you made me laugh several times and I just loved you. Rest on mama❤️❤️