
Nigerian filmmaker, Rogers Ofime is in a celebratory mood as his critically acclaimed film, Olo ibiri prepares to start screening on streaming platform, Netflix. In...

Rogers Ofime is a Canada-based Nigerian filmmaker, movie director, and television producer, renowned for producing several compelling movies and TV soaps including Voiceless, ‘Tinsel’, and...

Rogers Ofime is a Canadian-based, Nigerian actor, film maker and television producer. He is best known for producing several films including Hotel Rush (2013), Prodigal...

VOICELESS, a new film featuring Rekiya Attah, will make its way into Nigerian cinemas on Friday, November 20. Centered around terrorism in Northern-Eastern Nigeria and...

Three major Nollywood studios, Native Media, Theatrone Media, and Whitestone Pictures, have jointly announced the release of their much-anticipated, insurgency-inspired romantic-thriller, Voiceless. The film is set...

With the theme of love, betrayal and terrorism, the memory of the stolen dreams of Chibok Girls is evoked in Rogers Ofime’s new movie, ‘Voiceless’...

Last Thursday, three major Nollywood studios, Native Media, Theatrone Media, and Whitestone Pictures, jointly announced the release of their much-anticipated, insurgency-inspired romantic-thriller, Voiceless.   This...

Rogers Ofime’s latest movie, ‘Voiceless’, a Hausa language feature film will open at cinemas on Friday, November 20. Directed by Robert Peters and starring Esther...

Ediale Kingsley after seeing Voiceless and enjoying a chit-chat with Producer Rogers Ofime and casts of the movie, agrees with veteran filmmakers and other media colleagues that this...

Producer Rogers Ofime’s ‘Voiceless’ explores the plight of male Boko Haram abductees and the difficulty of re-integrating them and female victims back into the society...

tv programmes, film production, content development & assessment, crew recruitment & training, production feasibility study, production support and management

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